
Male 'Sun Griffin'

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      I PM’d you.


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        And you’re not a thread killer. That’s just a coincidence. I’ve been the last person to post in a thread many times.

        Ahh but you chime in on so many more threads than I do that it makes sense you would be the last person many times. I don’t chime in that often and it happens every time.

        Oh, and I thought I was the thread killer!! lol Don’t feel badly, it happens to everyone, I think.


          Isn’t that the truth. πŸ˜‰


          pegasi1978 wrote:

          Some of the folks on here are vultures and big time gloaters at their good fortune. I wish I had half the money some of you throw around like it’s nothing. But knowing me, I’d pay off bills before I would buy Windstones. Why can’t you ever leave anything for the little guys like me?

          Not a very nice statement that. Not sure how old you are…but this is not like a “my little pony” collecting forum..many of us here are older and have jobs with good/great incomes. We don’t throw it around like its nothing…we spend our hard earned cash on things that make us happy. Not for a second do I think that most people on here are rich-bitches with daddies trust fund. (although…hey good for them!) We for the most part probably work very hard for our cash. I personally work side jobs that involve art and costume making…and all that money goes to windstones. I found a way for me to afford something I really wanted….and I go for it.

          Vultures? Why…because we see a good deal and jump at it? Wouldn’t you?
          Gloaters? No…I really don’t think so. We are just excited by our new babies. And if most people on here are like me…no one in my real life understands why I am excited to have just spent 300 bucks on a “dust collector” and sometimes you guys are the only ones who get how excited I am! So I don’t think I am gloating..I am shareing my excitement. And I love seeing brag posts from others…it adds to my excitement.

          Just because you can’t afford these wonderful windstones now…does not mean you won’t be able to afford them later. Don’t be so down on yourself. Set aside 5 bucks every week…in a year or less you will be able to afford something amazing!
          Come up with a side job/hobby that sells/or whatnot and make a little “windstone” money to play with.
          Or enjoy the pictures and try not to feel so green with envy.

          Green is not your color! πŸ™‚


            Nam, Nam, Nam…..

            Killing me here. I’m going to have to start teaching *both* weekend days in addition to my military duties just to be able to bid on that one! He looks absolutely GORGEOUS! I hope you get a nice bonus for him!

            *gryns* If someone else gets him, though, they get him, but I plan to give ’em a run for their money! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚

            Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


              Whippetluv wrote:


              ..many of us here are older and have jobs with good/great incomes. We don’t throw it around like its nothing…we spend our hard earned cash on things that make us happy… We for the most part probably work very hard for our cash. I personally work side jobs …and all that money goes to windstones. I found a way for me to afford something I really wanted….and I go for it.

              I work overtime two or three weekends a month to afford my Windstone habit. My wages support us and OT is for Windstones. I can’t afford Nam’s pieces either. Much as I would like to.


                What in the world is going on in this thread??? 😯 It went from admiration of Nam’s great artwork to….

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                  Keplilly wrote:

                  What in the world is going on in this thread??? 😯 It went from admiration of Nam’s great artwork to….

                  *chuckles* Doesn’t EVERY thread on here wander off-topic? I thought it was a rule. πŸ™‚

                  Windstone collector in remission. πŸ˜‰


                    Tyrrlin wrote:

                    Keplilly wrote:

                    What in the world is going on in this thread??? 😯 It went from admiration of Nam’s great artwork to….

                    *chuckles* Doesn’t EVERY thread on here wander off-topic? I thought it was a rule. πŸ™‚

                    Too true. πŸ˜†

                    While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                      Now all we need are Nirvana’s insect pics. πŸ˜†


                      whippetluv wrote:

                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      Some of the folks on here are vultures and big time gloaters at their good fortune. I wish I had half the money some of you throw around like it’s nothing. But knowing me, I’d pay off bills before I would buy Windstones. Why can’t you ever leave anything for the little guys like me?

                      Not a very nice statement that. Not sure how old you are…but this is not like a “my little pony” collecting forum..many of us here are older and have jobs with good/great incomes. We don’t throw it around like its nothing…we spend our hard earned cash on things that make us happy. Not for a second do I think that most people on here are rich-bitches with daddies trust fund. (although…hey good for them!) We for the most part probably work very hard for our cash. I personally work side jobs that involve art and costume making…and all that money goes to windstones. I found a way for me to afford something I really wanted….and I go for it.

                      Vultures? Why…because we see a good deal and jump at it? Wouldn’t you?
                      Gloaters? No…I really don’t think so. We are just excited by our new babies. And if most people on here are like me…no one in my real life understands why I am excited to have just spent 300 bucks on a “dust collector” and sometimes you guys are the only ones who get how excited I am! So I don’t think I am gloating..I am shareing my excitement. And I love seeing brag posts from others…it adds to my excitement.

                      Just because you can’t afford these wonderful windstones now…does not mean you won’t be able to afford them later. Don’t be so down on yourself. Set aside 5 bucks every week…in a year or less you will be able to afford something amazing!
                      Come up with a side job/hobby that sells/or whatnot and make a little “windstone” money to play with.
                      Or enjoy the pictures and try not to feel so green with envy.

                      Green is not your color! πŸ™‚
                      I think the more the merrier. I don’t see people as vultures or gloaters here. I don’t have money to spend on Windstones all the time, but when I do I like to share the excitement. I would also try not to take it so personal, pegasi. I have posted many times and I have been the last person. It just happens that way. There have been sometimes where I had to ask again for something I want. Don’t give up. Also try to remember that when people are busy, but trying to catch up on posts then they might overlook some things. I do agree with what Whippet says also. There should be some way of affording Windstones. Maybe there is something you have that someone would want to trade for. All you have to do is ask.

                      Ok, now for Nirvana’s pictures. πŸ˜†


                      Like I’ve said elsewhere – OMG MMMMMMMMMMM!! *dies again*


                        Well I also would like to insert that Melody herself told me that we should gloat away. It sounded like she LOVES hearing about how happy we are to get her work. I stopped posting for a week because I was made to feel guilty becasue I was happy to win my White SK, but Melody said she was happy that I was that excited to get her. I think it also might help her realise how much the true collector’s out there LOVE her work. I have worked very hard to get the items I have in my house now. When I won the SK it was midnight CA time and I could not yell and scream or jump up and down so I posted here and then took a bit of a tongue lashing. Some of us have gotten very lucky to get our babies and some of us have the rare ones because we have been collecting so long. Everyone here should be happy for everyone else. I’m going to have to find a 2nd job here soon and that will be just to pay the bills not for Windstones. Last year I had a GREAT overtime year and got some very rare Windstones this year I can’t but I’m still excited for those that do and it’s GREAT to hear about them in my opinion.
                        Don’t ever feel bad about being the last posted in a topic sometimes it just has to end


                          Im with you Whippet.

                          I have worked the same job for 13 years to get to the point where I can spend money on frivolities. For you to talk like we are the bad guys, Pegasi, is just wrong. Vultures? Why cant I save something for the little guy? Gimme a break.(For those who were curious, my edit was to add the second part of my comment) I will not be made to feel bad because I can buy more than you, and the Windstone forum is to talk about Windstones. What else do you expect the conversations here to revolve around? And FYI… look at the poster for the last comment on most every thread. Its not you.


                            Collecting is supposed to be fun, yet due to actions of some forum members it hasn’t been fun.

                            Vultures, yes some of the members are vultures. I know several members have mentioned intentionally driving up prices on pieces they don’t want/already have just so a seller would make more money. I say let it go up naturally. Sure the seller may not make as much, but then it will be a better deal for the little buyer.

                            Gloaters, yes some of the members are gloaters as well. I don’t mind brag threads, if I want I can ignore them. But, when a member crows their good fortune in almost every thread across the board it gets harder to stomach with each one. Make a brag thread and then keep it in the brag thread.

                            I was the high bidder for whipput’s repainted pegasus the whole week. When there was no real competition I let myself get attached too early. See I have a grey pegasus mare who is a totem of mine and seeing the one you painted was like seeing her come to life. If I can’t afford a repaint than how can I ever expect to afford a LP or LE.

                            I’ve tried making some Windstone money by selling some things on eBay and Amazon.com, but most of what I have people don’t seem to be wanting right now. I’ve already lost money on listing several items with eBay that haven’t sold. At least on Amazon, you don’t get charged if your item doesn’t sell. Even then I’m only making pennies because I have to pay for the materials for shipping.

                            I live in a military town that has had one brigade leave already and another two are leaving in the next few months. There are no jobs available, at least not that I’m willing to work. And I can’t afford the price of gas or day care for my two-year-old to commute anywhere else. When the other two brigades leave my husband will be going with them. For some reason I’ve been taking this deployment harder than the last one and it’s made me more emotional. Could be because this one is looking to be closer to 18 months rather than 12.

                            And with this post I will bow out aside from very rare responses.

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