Male 'Sun Griffin'

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    That’s what I mean, Griffiness. The friends I’ve found on this forum are priceless. Of course, there are a few people on here who manage to live without buying six Windstones a month… I’ll get there. I just need to practice.
    Star – I’m glad I got the emerald Spectral too! As soon as I pay for him I’ll have both Sitting Spectrals and two Risers – four of seven. One day I’ll have one of each…
    Wasn’t I just talking about practicing not buying Windstones?


      Yeah, you were, but you had already bought him, so it doesn’t count. 😆


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        That’s what I mean, Griffiness. The friends I’ve found on this forum are priceless. Of course, there are a few people on here who manage to live without buying six Windstones a month… I’ll get there. I just need to practice.
        Star – I’m glad I got the emerald Spectral too! As soon as I pay for him I’ll have both Sitting Spectrals and two Risers – four of seven. One day I’ll have one of each…
        Wasn’t I just talking about practicing not buying Windstones?

        A kindred spirit!!! I WANT ALL THE SPECTRALS TOO!!! Now if we can only get more colors on the sitting spectral, I’ll be poor and happy 😀


        You’re another Spectral lover? How come I never noticed? Hah, now there are at least four of us: you, me, drag0n, and someone else whose name currently slips my mind… I so love the Spectrals. Their eyes and big wings and alert look are the best.


          uh…that would be me 😆


            littleironhorse wrote:

            A kindred spirit!!! I WANT ALL THE SPECTRALS TOO!!! Now if we can only get more colors on the sitting spectral, I’ll be poor and happy 😀

            Dang! So I suppose you already have the white and ruby spectrals, hu? Lotta good my bribe did me!!

            GB… Practicing NOT buying windstones? Thats crazy talk. 😯


            I was afraid someone would promptly call me on that. 😳 Sorry, star. I’ll never forget again. If I say anything silly these next few days, you know it’s the tests’ fault. 😆


              I’m thinking lots of Algebra thoughts!!!! 😀


              skigod377 wrote:

              GB… Practicing NOT buying windstones? Thats crazy talk. 😯

              I know. Don’t remind me. My credit card bill does that well enough. 😆


                skigod377 wrote:

                littleironhorse wrote:

                A kindred spirit!!! I WANT ALL THE SPECTRALS TOO!!! Now if we can only get more colors on the sitting spectral, I’ll be poor and happy 😀

                Dang! So I suppose you already have the white and ruby spectrals, hu? Lotta good my bribe did me!!

                GB… Practicing NOT buying windstones? Thats crazy talk. 😯

                Actually, I only have the sitting spectral in peacock 🙁 , but I want them ALL!

                Your bribe was a fair one, but it’s just that if I let my flame go, I couldn’t ever get another one like her. *no emoticon for dawning horror and despair*


                  Too true. Well, if you DO decide to trade, let me know. I will add the ruby rising spectral to the mix, though I dont have the box for it. I did what you suggested, too, and posted in the other two forums. Thank you for those tips!




                    Quit the forum cuz you cant afford a LE peice? That seems totally unrelated.

                    There are lots of folks on here that cant afford a LE peice… some cant even afford a Windstone, period.

                    Okay I went away for a while because I needed to clear my head a little bit. I’ve been a bit emotional lately. Glad to see the edit you made from your original comment.

                    Yeah ski, I’m one of those who can’t afford a Windstone period. Since I joined the forum I’ve bought one PYO – that’s it. Before that the last Windstone I bought was in July/August 2004. That was my Black Male Unicorn that broke in shipping. At least the seller was kind enough to refund some of my money since I wanted to keep the piece.

                    I’m not one whose into torture and that’s what the forum has been for me lately – a torturous reminder of what I can never have. Rather than constantly stick knives in my heart and die a little more with each piece I fall in love with going to someone esle, I’d rather go away and not know. I’m tired of being envious.

                    Some of the folks on here are vultures and big time gloaters at their good fortune. I wish I had half the money some of you throw around like it’s nothing. But knowing me, I’d pay off bills before I would buy Windstones. Why can’t you ever leave anything for the little guys like me?

                    Oh and another reason I’ve thought about quitting the forum is I seem to be something of a threadkiller. I can’t even count the number of threads where I’ve said something and then they die. Even ones that were fairly popular before I chimed in. No one seems to value what I have to say I guess. No one seems to care about my PYO either. Almost no one has given me any feedback.


                    Awww, don’t feel that way. I can’t ever afford a LE piece either, and it kills me to get these and paint them, and send them away to never see them again! But I still love Windstones and the forum. I don’t base my enjoyment of them on the contents of my wallet.

                    Thanks for your kind words Nam. They help a little.


                      Please don’t go. You’re not the only one who can’t afford to buy a lot of Windstone and I know it’s hard to watch others get the extra cool limited ones, but there’s a lot more to the forum then just buying things. It’s about making friends with people all around the world who share the same interests that you do. We are one big family and you are definitely a part of that.

                      And you’re not a thread killer. That’s just a coincidence. I’ve been the last person to post in a thread many times.

                      Please stay.


                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Too true. Well, if you DO decide to trade, let me know. I will add the ruby rising spectral to the mix, though I dont have the box for it. I did what you suggested, too, and posted in the other two forums. Thank you for those tips!

                        Ski I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you, but if for some unexplicable and unimaginable reason I were to decide to sell, it would definitely be to you, I promise.


                          starbreeze wrote:

                          And you’re not a thread killer. That’s just a coincidence. I’ve been the last person to post in a thread many times.

                          Ahh but you chime in on so many more threads than I do that it makes sense you would be the last person many times. I don’t chime in that often and it happens every time.

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