
Hi From BTwedding

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  • #541847

      Welcome to the forum!!! πŸ˜€


        welcome and good day πŸ™‚ one day maybe i can afford your emerald dragons i am drooling over. the group here truly appreciates you . .. *yawn* heading for bed now have a nice day


          Dragon keeper
          oh! by the way … no chance you would do time payments ? *puppy dog eyes*
          πŸ™‚ Now bed love you all


            Welcome! Where do you find all of your pieces? I’m just curious because you often seem to find really rare retired pieces. If this is a trade secret forgive me for asking. πŸ˜‰ I know a few other members have had amazing luck at yard/tag sales and have scored mint retired pieces very, very inexpensively. How fun!

            As for posting images, when you have a picture you wish to share, you will either need to host it on a free image sharing site or if you have your own host you can upload it there. If you don’t have your own host, imageshack http://imageshack.us/ is a good one, I’d avoid Photobucket because they can sell prints of your photos. Just upload the image, copy the url (web address) to the image, and post it here using the [IMG] buttons you see when you are writing a post. πŸ™‚
            If you need help we would be glad to assist!

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


            Welcome! I love the jade scratcher I got from you. Really great packing job – as one of the people who has gotten a smashed Windstone from another seller I appreciate great packing.


              Welcome indeed! You’ll know me, I don’t change from ebay to here to just about anywhere else. πŸ™‚ Have fun, but watch out for this group of vultures 😈 Myself included! ROFLMAO


                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                Welcome indeed! You’ll know me, I don’t change from ebay to here to just about anywhere else. πŸ™‚ Have fun, but watch out for this group of vultures 😈 Myself included! ROFLMAO

                Vultures? I dont know if thats an apt discription… *Sits and watches silently with beady red eyes*


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                  Welcome indeed! You’ll know me, I don’t change from ebay to here to just about anywhere else. πŸ™‚ Have fun, but watch out for this group of vultures 😈 Myself included! ROFLMAO

                  Vultures? I dont know if thats an apt discription… *Sits and watches silently with beady red eyes*

                  πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


                    πŸ™„ πŸ™„ Like I said……


                      I got my young peacock oriental today, he’s so flippin’ cute!

                      Thanks, and welcome to the forum.


                      Welcome to the Forums!!! I’m glad to see you guys finally join! I love my Young Brown Dragon I got…Darn taxes, I wish they would hurry up…*Thinks whistfully of that Green Emporer you have* πŸ™


                        Hi! Welcome! And my name doesn’t change except for the numbers… And when I’m not here, I’m perched on the porch waiting for a very special delivery… lol…


                          Hi and Welcome!
                          I just bought a dragon from you and am eagerly awaiting her arrival.

                          Whistful wrote:


                          oh! by the way … no chance you would do time payments ? *puppy dog eyes*

                          Any chance of layaway? Or something similar?


                          Welcome to the forums, we are very happy to have you here!! And layaway/payments plans are golden πŸ˜€


                          Ha! I have also bought several things from you. They are always quickly shipped and well packed. It is totally worth the slight increase in price you pay above regualar ebay. I will come back again and again.

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