Dragon Cave Egg Exchange 2

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      Hey guys I got the eggs bi wanted from the ap! Yay XD thanks for all your help I can try and breedbthem before event is over if any of you guys need some. Although I do like those circle dragons too maybe if ya want to trade 🙂


        YAY! I got two pretty decent hollies off the AP!


          Does it take longer for the holiday dragons to hatch? This is my first holiday and I don’t want to go crazy and be egg locked when this year’s dragons come out.


          Got my Holly! Whoo! And it’s a Santa line!

          and…NO LIMITS on christmas dragons O.o


            My snowfort isn’t saving. I have upgraded it twice and it keeps reverting. And I lose all my snow. :S Anybody else have this problem?


              Mine is saving, but I barely started and already got attacked! LOL!

              Was it one of you guys or a random attack?


              I’ve just been random attacking, but feel free to attack me =3 I need to try and hit max level before I leave for vacation tomorrow


                Littleironhorse, it was me who attacked you earlier. I remembered that you and Sirithiliel play so I was hoping you had forts started. Feel free to attack me back. I know i won’t make the goal but it should be fun.


                  I’ll start attacking you guys feel free to do the same if ya like. I snagged a holly as well XD wheee I lurve Christmas


                  I need to try and hit max level before friday evening XD I’ll be out of town from then until Christmas and won’t have any more time to try and level my fort haha


                    Does anyone know how many levels there are?

                    BTW, I have 2 CB Wrapping Wings if anyone has a special request for a particular mate, I’ll be happy to oblige…


                    25 is the highest level, from what I’ve seen posted in a lot of places. I’m lvl 19 right now =)


                      Way to go! You’re certainly going to make it!

                      I’m only at 9 right now…


                        Does it take longer for the holiday dragons to hatch? This is my first holiday and I don’t want to go crazy and be egg locked when this year’s dragons come out.

                        No, it’s the same time as other dragons. Worse comes to worse, you can always abandon some eggs if you find out you have too many on the 25th…


                        Woot! 24 now! Soon I can start making my fort awesome since I won’t have to worry about using snow to level up =3

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