
Size comparison of the pebble foxes

Here’s a pic so you can compare the sizees of the pebble foxes ( and wolf), but my cell phone camera distorts proportions a little. The Fennec and Arctic fox are very nearly the same size, though they are proportioned differently.

August 2014 raffle

I haven’t had a chance to find and photo this months raffle prize , but I think it will one of the Spectral dragons on the raffle cart. Not sure of the color yet, I need to look the candidates over, and see if they need fixing or touching up or whatnot So If you … Read more

fennec fox grab bag edition.

These are the misfits, and test paints that didn’t fit in the other color categories of foxes. Many of these are very close in color to the sand fox or tan fennec, but have different facial markings or black tails, or what not. This catch-all batch is unsigned. *edit*I changed my mind . Now they … Read more

July 2014 raffle prize

Here’s a crappy cell phone pic of “Joule”. He’s the prize for the July 2014 Windstone raffle! He is airbrushed with metallic green, blue, gold, fushia copper and violet. His glass eyes are metallic teal, and he has two aqua jewels in his forehead. If you would like a chance to win Joule, and you … Read more

"Aurora" the June 2014 raffle prize

This is the prize for June raffle! (Ok I’ll call her Aurora!) This Mother dragon is a rainbow colored test-paint. If you compare her to our production rainbows, you’ll see that she is painted differently, and with different colors. She has much more orange and gold on her sides. She has teal blue eyes and … Read more

TV tropes

Hey! I just discovered that “The Veligent” got a TV tropes page!! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/TheVeligent I don’t know much about that site, but I think it is a open -editing thing like wikipedia. I need to explore it a bit.

grab bag curlies

Class pic of the Grab bag curlies. These are all test paints that have accumulated. Since there were so many,we decided to just sell them all at once as a grab bag edition, instead of ebaying each one. These have genuine mineral ( and opalite glass) globes instead of the dichroic globes regular curlies have. … Read more