Windstone editions blog!!

Look at this! Our own Windstone Editions blog page! This is a blog in which we will be talking about several topics: Pendragon, John and I and will be talking about our epic move from southern California to Corvallis, Oregon, and our simultaneous push to expand our presence into the online world. I’ll probably get … Read more


When I sit down and sketch a wing out of my head, I think I’ve got a handle on how wing feathers work and which go on top of which, in which direction, but when I study the real thing, I find it ain’t necessarily so! Wings have a huge variety of feather patterns between … Read more

Amethyst curlie color

This is the way I painted a first batch ( about sixty) curlies. Unfortunately, I see that this picture I took doesn’t show the intense violet part very well, but I painted these in a compromise color between the two curlies pictured in the blog entry titled “Amethyst Dragons”. The top coil of the curlie … Read more

Restocking and gypsum

We are just now starting to work on production painting again! Restocking our depleted piles of inventory is a milestone in our settling-in process. The problem is … I don’t know how to do the production painting very well, so teaching someone else is an issue! It has been about twenty years since I have … Read more

Is it live, or is it Melodys?

I have described Melody Peña, the artistic creator of all things Windstone, as a naturalist to the imaginary world. But she does amazingly well in the real world too. Proof of this came to me in the rotund form of a guinea pig. I took my 11-year-old daughter, Tam, on a cross-town pilgrimage to Windstone … Read more

Windstone is…

Pendragon writes… Blogging about fantasy figurines is an unusual business. I suppose that shouldn’t come as a surprise. In journalism school, they didn’t offer tips for covering the dragon-griffin-gargoyle beat. The biggest surprise about this fantasy endeavor is how un-fanciful Melody Peña and John Alberti are. Melody is as much a naturalist as she is … Read more

The joy of BS

Certainly you all know that the biggest asset of a fantasy artist is the ability to successfully BS your way around impossible anatomy. I have drawn a very inaccurate anatomical illustration here, of the hopelessly illogical anatomy of my winged lion. See how logical it looks? Right. That is the power of BS at work. … Read more

Water kitties

I’ve got zillions of sketches, both drawings and 3d mock-ups of ideas I would like to do as Windstone pieces in the future. I haven’t been showing many of these ideas because I am so behind in sculpting, it seems crazy to think about new sculpture that when I have over a dozen half-finished sculptures … Read more

Furbird sculpture and ™s

These are “furbirds”. Furbirds are winged meerkats from Reptangle(tm), my forever unpublished comic, so that puts them in the same category as the Lion Kirin and the Poads(tm), meaning that they have more meaning in the context of the story. The drawing is one of the characters from Reptangle ™. The photo image is a … Read more

The meaning of art.

I’m sitting here burning my lips on some really hot coffee, and I’m confident that you want to know this. I’m thinking about the internet’s social network sites, and art, and realizing that they serve the same function for me. They both address the same question I crave to have answered. This is the reason … Read more

The colors of Nature

Since I am often too skilled in creating confusion, I will try to abate it early on- this blog entry is written by Windstone artist Jennifer Miller. I, like nearly every other artist upon this earth, am inspired heavily by the natural world. There are more crazy things in nature than our imaginations can come … Read more

Do griffins have nipples?

Ouch. More fun with fantasy animals. In addition to coming up with convincing BS anatomy for them, you also get to invent their whole natural history! I did this drawing of a hatchling griffin about thirty years ago, and started working on the problems about how they have babies. I took the easy way out … Read more