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  • in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #901527

    Scaly beauties! I’m so glad to see a few more pictures of these unis 🙂

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: Supai #901351

    Stephanie, my heart goes out to you and your husband for Supai’s passing. You’re absolutely right to not feel guilty about any decisions you made, it was all for the best and I hope that helps make things a little easier for you.

    I sympathize; my first cat was put to sleep a little more than a year ago after her kidneys started to fail. She was my baby, my very best friend when I was a teenager, but she loved my mom more and so stayed at home when I went off to school. Now that she’s gone, I do sometimes slip and desperately wish things had been different somehow – I could have done something at some point that might have prevented her illness. The sad truth is that so many loved ones – animal and human – come to such an end. One of my kitty’s many gifts to me will be to help me remember to appreciate every day and all of my loved ones in the moment.

    It took me a long time to get over Marmalade being put to sleep. Although I was away from home and was spared realizing her constant absence, I have all of my photos of her as part of the pictures that show as my screensaver. It hit me like a ton of bricks to see her recycled back to me at random when I least expected it, combined with all sorts of other places I’ll never return to, and people I’ll never see again. But as time went by those pictures made me smile. The memories all turn happy – even though some seem like they never will. Your care and love all the way up to the end was part of a lifetime of love for a very lucky pup. As smart as he was, I’m sure that’s why he was at peace in the end. And lucky you – nothing will ever take away the six years of happiness you shared.

    All the best to you and your husband. Sorry for my own little novel here too, heh! Losing a pet – any loved one – to illness is an unfortunate common thread among many. We’re here to listen if you ever want to talk further.

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: Early "Original" Color Schemes #901146

    Hello and welcome Jimsrdy! I though the ruby coloration was much much more recent, it wasn’t out that long before Windstone retired it, but I believe pieces were produced in ‘ruby’ before they were produced in ‘red fire’

    I’ve got to admit you have me curious! I started drooling over Windstones a few years later than the mid-80’s, but as far as I know the green and brown dragons were the very very first to be made, with the metallic peacock coming soon after. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve never seen a red dragon from as far back as some of the green and brown ones that didn’t have felt pads on their bottoms.

    Then again, Melody and John have mentioned before that certain test pieces and colorations never put into full production were sent to some stores, so maybe there were red ones back then too.

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: Jun — September 2013 eBay Auction Picture Thread #901098

    The Volcanic Emperor #1 is my first test piece and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I am a geologist and Brandi captured something that is magnificent and raw perfectly into one piece.

    Congratulations on your first test piece! I’m glad it went to someone who can relate it to its geologic origins. Are you employed as a geologist? I got my BS in Geology years ago but have never used it – what a waste! Fascinating field!

    Yay, more geologists on the list! I have a BS in geology too, and chased it with vertebrate paleontology for grad school. I have a bad (aka good!) habit of looking at buildings and seeing them for the rocks they’re built/decorated with rather than the overall structure. Same thing goes for statues, countertops, etc. etc. 🙂 I’m a fan of pretty much all of the various mineral and geo-based designs Windstone and PYO painters have produced over the years!

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: Hello….newbi windstone collector here…. #900812

    Welcome Moonshine! Prepare to catch the Windstone ‘bug’ hard, haha! I’m a fellow hockey fan myself (go Ducks! Someone’s gotta cheer for them too :D). I started out as a fan of the dragon sculpts, but I love the unis too, especially the ki-rins and Melody’s gorgeous grab bag pieces.

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900726

    Milkstashe is awesome, silly name but he wears his paint so handsomely! 😀

    Pam named him during one of the Livestreams and she was adament! “This one is Milkstache!” With his white upper lip, I think its kinda cute… 😀

    Definitely silly in a good way – not all of the unis can or should have super serious majestic names. Some of them from this batch, like Giblet, Meatball, and Milkstache, just make me smile 🙂 (maybe because they all have to do with food… mmmm….)

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900719

    Milkstashe is awesome, silly name but he wears his paint so handsomely! 😀

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900574

    Lovely pronghorn Matryoshka! I was hoping to find him in my mailbox since I have a baby uni that could be his twin 🙂 But I’m glad he’s got a good home too – it’s nice to see people get grab bags they love right out of the box, and don’t have to trade. Thanks for the pictures!

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900478

    Hooray for oryx! (… oryxes? Oryxees? Oryxi?!) 🙂 He’s a handsome fella Branzyboo!

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: Windstones, airplanes, and TSA #900418

    Phew, it’s good news to hear Windstones seem to be OK carry-ons, and fragile large items in general. Several years ago I was returning from a trip with a (shameful) amount of rocks and minerals. I had the most fragile and favorite ones in my carry on, just a few, but was told by the security folks that I had to pack them in my checked bag instead. Apparently rocks larger than the size of a closed fist present the danger of being used to bludgeon someone!

    I cannot think that even the darkest soul would want to hit someone with a Windstone piece, though! 🙂

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900301

    Fact Fox, I think she’s a Savannah cat. Very pretty! Congrats!

    I’m really enjoying all of these unis! 😀

    Or a serval cat, maybe? Either way, lovely!

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900063

    Wow, Rio has such bold colors, love the green eyes! I’m reminded of carousel horses by several of the beauties in this batch too. The ‘pelt’ ones, in particular – almost all of the famous classic carousel horse carvers produced horses with saddles padded by, or consisting completely of, an animal pelt. Some have the head of the critter visible, sometimes the pelt looks like a giant bear paw with claws still attached. That’s what I think of with these pelted unis!

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900000

    Pics of my girl Sonnet! She has light lavender eyes and light purple jewels. I love the shading of the pearl into the pink – it has a softness to it that really makes the mane and ends of the tendrils pop 🙂 I wish I were a bigger fan of pink though, heh! She’ll be up for trade…
     photo 470480x640_zps828ad524.jpg
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    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #899993

    Wow, some gorgeous unis so far! Starbreeze yours looks amazing, hehee! Lovely Sonnet showed up on my doorstep today – I’ll have pictures up as soon as the clouds clear and I get some decent light for her. She is black with beautiful pink and lavender fish scales and wispy tendrils. Yay, thank you Melody and everyone involved with the hard work of getting these herded out 🙂

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

    in reply to: Fire Damage/Smoker Home White Emp or something else? #899063

    I have a white mother with a lot of gold coloring, she has had at least one owner before me but has no smoke smell or evidence of sticky tar residue on her.

    It’s already been mentioned but there are other instances of varying levels of iridescent paint being applied to the dragons. For some reason it seems to be most pronounced on the emperors? In any case I think the big fella looks lovely!

    Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

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