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  • in reply to: Gypsym Stone and Glue? #509321

      Well, I’ve gathered from reading some of your replies that you understand the chemistry behind your beautiful statues, so I thought you might know the answer to this question: what kind of glue bonds best with Gypsm stone? I’m sure everyone’s sick of hearing about my Emperor dragon delimmas, BUT, I’m still trying to fix the poor guy, and nothing Ive tried has worked. I tried super glue, but it expands ever so slightly, and its not strong enough, even with a day to cure. A friend suggested “Lock-tite extreme:repair” glue, because it doesn’t expand. It works great for smaller things, but not an Emp.’s tail. Also not strong enough. I’m worried about other things (like Gorilla Glue) expanding or yellowing, or drying so fast that I can’t get the pieces together correctly before the glue sets.

      I was thinking maybe something industrial strength from a hardware store, but I dont know. Any suggestions?

      in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509109


        my worst was when there was a store around me that sold windstones. My mother had put the peacock cat wizard on layaway( for the store wanted 300+ for it) and then when she had around 60$ left to pay on the store closed.. she didn’t get her money back or the windstone.

        Oh no! That’s terrible! 🙁 🙁
        I would have tried to hunt them down or something.

        My best was a young unicorn for $14, and a mother, 2 males and hatching old green dragon for $105 after shipping. They only had minor issues. And of course $89 for my Ruby Old Warrior, half off. $110 for both my Emerald young and fledgling, together. $117 for my JADE scratcher, mint with no tag. $30 for a baby peg from a store after it was retired, $63 for a baby peacock oriental from a store (he’s still on lay-away hehe) I’ve gotten good deals on almost ALL my Windstones, but those were the best.

        Worst(for me) was $200 for my Flion, $50 for my VERY damaged young green dragon (but I really wanted the guy, even though hes damaged) and $275 for my Rainbow Emperor, mint from a store, which got broken in transit(he was really cheap at $240+shipping too 😥 )

        in reply to: Name of new color #508810

          Or simply, “Hybred”. (I know its “hybrid”, that’s intentional)
          Maybe Emerald Sky? Jealous Peacock? “Low-Frequency Rainbow”? Earthen Sky? Rhinestone?

          in reply to: Name of new color #508808

            SPark wrote:

            But acid green is already the name of a shade of green that is really neon and attacks the eyes….

            …yes, just like this dragon will attack you to take him home with you! *is really stretching now*

            in reply to: Name of new color #508806

              My mom suggested Russian Sage. It comes in blue, green and purple! I’m not fond of “sage” as a name for this particular dragon, because when I hear sage, I think of a soft, dusty, dull color, not the bright beautiful color that the “Em pea” is. It reminds me of the sky(I don’t know why!), and funky outter space colors. Call it “Stellar” or “Green Cloud” or hehe, better yet-“Acid Rain” 😈

              in reply to: Windstone for sale #508919

                dark_zorse wrote:

                EDIT#2 – I just re-read the thread. You are in Canada, right? I have no idea how the conversions work, or how to send stuff there. Only thing I have is american dollars (I hope that works!) I suppose we’ll work this out eventually, no?

                You can go to http://www.xe.com/ucc/ and they have a currency converter there 🙂 Also, if you pay with paypal, I’m pretty sure you can send her Canadian dollars. I’m not sure if PP will charge you/her for the conversion; I’ve paid people in the UK with sterling before and as a buyer, I didn’t have any problems.

                in reply to: Name of new color #508795

                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  Quill wrote:

                  I think she meant “arial”, but doesn’t “ariel” mean water?

                  I immediately thought of the Little Mermaid when I read that

                  Haha! Me too!
                  I had a hippocampi (half horse half mermaid for thos who dont know) charachter, years ago, I loved her, and named her Kanoa-Kai. Free one of the-waves. Maybe call the new color Kai? Meh, so far I like Ariel 🙂 Might run into some © issues though :
                  *continues to think*

                  in reply to: well I had to do it #508970

                    Oh no! Ruffian, that sounds terrible 🙁 But it looks like you had no other choice. Maybe you could have polietly warned her about filing a dispute, but really, she ‘had it coming’

                    in reply to: Question about Rainbow Retirement #508726

                      Melody wrote:

                      SilverArrow wrote:

                      Since the Rainbow color is being retired have you decided if you will or won’t release a rainbow lap dragon?

                      If not, I might have to report you to the CCFLDR (Concerned Citizens For Lap Dragon Rights). 😆 We may paint a piece in a retired color that we never offered in that color before, as a limited production piece.
                      We will do the Warrior, Scratching and Laps in rainbow someday, probably.

                      😯 *begins to salivate* Rainbow…Warrior…..
                      Please don’t put them on ebay! Direct sales, yes yes! $300 yes yes! *swings watch infront of Melody’s eyes* you are getting sleeeppyyy….you will lisssteennn to Wollfennnnnnn ….
                      tee heee

                      in reply to: Congratulations Wolfmachine!!! #508774

                        I’ve also found out tonight, that the right blend of Copper and Gold metallic acrylic paints(got mine at Wally world, $0.87 each) repair blemishes in the Emp.’s horns if anyone has an Emp with a cracked, chipped or rubbed horn

                        in reply to: Congratulations Wolfmachine!!! #508766

                          I’m not worried about the “non-mint-ness” of the green Emp. It just sounds like minor paint rubs or tiny knicks or dings that can be painted over. I will cry if his TAIL breaks off at the feet like my other TWO. ugh. Seller gets a lecture in packing tonight 😈

                          He is so beautiful in the green…Equus I hope he stays that way

                          in reply to: Congratulations Wolfmachine!!! #508740

                            OMG 😯 haha I was just about to come here and make a post. I can’t belive I got him for ‘retail’! $305 for DM with no ebay access….WOW. I’m just sure glad no one challanged me, I couldn’t have afforded $460 that I bid lol

                            I hope he reaches me intact too! I’m going to have him insured for what that other green Emp is selling for so I can replace him if he breaks 😉

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