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I think the tye dye (if you are referring to the kind like that neony green and teal one I saw in livestream) should be left in. That IS fantasy and you could trade that just as easy as anything. A metallicy/interferency but otherwise normal pinto wouldnt go over well in comparison.
70 is a decent size batch at one per person. You ALWAYS run the risk of missing a batch whether its 70 or 150. Its a risk you take. These should never EVER be a lottery system.
Are the fins tattered with any red streaks at all anywhere? That can be another sign of infection.
Goldfish can stand extremely cold temperatures. They are basically a cold water carp and prefer their water to be around 55-65 degrees. Below 50 can trigger hibernation.
They also produce a lot of waste and can get dirty very quickly. Especially your comet goldfish. I recommend having a real filter of some kind if you dont already have one. If its a bacterial infection it would be hard to treat without one.
If there is a gooky film on the fish it might have a bacterial infection of its slime coat(the natural layer of slime that protects a fish from disease). Sick fish are very lethargic and tend to sit on the bottom like you described. With a picture I could help better though.
Squee new pics. The breeder says they’ve nearly doubled in size since Tuesday.
Both parents have bi-eyes. But you can tell with this breed when the eyes open. I know the eyes are light colored at opening, but the ‘blue’ eyes are lighter even. There was a almost 3 week old bi-eye baby there when I was there last week(a boy black tricolor, so cute!) and it was apparent which eye was which. The blue eye was almost white, whereas the other eye was kinda grey-ish blue but definitely darker! The breeder was telling me, the ones with blue eyes thats she’s had tended to open their eyes a few days later than the all brown eyed babies.
I will post new pics as soon as she sends them to me. I’m most excited about when she will open her eyes. That’s the next big thing for me.
If the batches ARE NOT going to be split, then I do not support the one per idea. It should be two per person if we are taking the risk of getting a baby that’s too close to ‘normal’. I would pay more for a zebra baby or nettuce, but not a plain sabino or pinto, color regardless.
They would sell now!
I’m not opposed to paying more for a fox in the snow silver (the REALLY light silver is my favorite!). You could release small batches of them at a higher price in those particular paints?
Hopefully a blocking function would allow for better self policing. If someone just pushes your buttons, you can block them to avoid future button pushing rather than leaving the forum.
This is exactly why I want one and think we need one.
You’ve done nothing wrong that I’ve seen Branzyboo.
For me the stream was freezing and acting up most of the time so most of my outbursts were directed at what I saw on the screen with chessie and not what anyone else said. Ive never had any bad dealings with you(the couple times we’ve done business), so I dont understand anyone who says they have?
Id like to see foxes period. I dont have a preference for what theyre painted.
I’d also be interested to know if anyone has seen a peacock emperor in the ‘newer’ peacock?
Ooh, ooh, this thread gives me the best idea!
NO QUEST DRAGONS. :C I want something a bit more obtainable.