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  • in reply to: GB Garden Poads Show Off Thread – 10/24 #1688079

      Here is my pretty! The longer i have him, the more I’m getting attached. But….sigh, I haven’t gotten to the point of love love. Maybe might could trade for? I never know what sings to me!

      in reply to: Poads #1687622

        I would love to see pix too! Blue/silver winter is my favorite!
        Also the email address for Susie is a bit off. Found that out when I sent her an email using that link.

        Thank you!

        in reply to: Poads #1687618

          I would love to see pix too! Blue/silver winter is my favorite!
          Also the email address for Susie is a bit off. Found that out when I sent her an email using that link.


            He is gorgeous!

            Thank you! Wish someone would trade me a grab bag unicorn or something for him!


              Hope the pix work this time!

              in reply to: 2020 Hippogriff Colt Showoff Thread #1626513

                Gorgeous, TruckersWife. Love the bi-eyes and beautiful quagga.

                THANK YOU! The palomino bi eye is up for trade!

                in reply to: 2020 Hippogriff Colt Showoff Thread #1626505

                  First grab bag in too many years.

                  This one is mine, and up for trade…

                  This one is Truckers for his bday, September 1rst. He knows he got one even though he hasn’t seen it yet, but I was told I better not trade it, lol!

                  in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #1542984

                    Awwww! I’m so Happy for you, L! For you and Trucker! So glad that you found each other and that Life is treating you both good. I always think of you guys when I see my little brown sitting Baby Ki-rin without his horn or my Baby white necklace-less Peg with the tiny chip on her wing – love them both even with the imperfections. Don’t be a stranger!


                    Thank you! And I’m so glad my little no horn baby Kirin and necklaceless Peg are both in an amazing home! I do think of them every so often, LOL! But now I have real Kirins (my Nigerian Dwarf Goats) and real Pegasusus (mini horses!) to deal with.

                    Here is Amelia and Sterling. Pic is kinda enhanced! They do have gorgeous blue eyes though as does Chloe and Leroy. My other three goats (Clementine, Merilla, and Lance) have brown eyes. And here I thought I was chicken nuts, and now I’m going crazy for goats! First attempt at making cheese today with my fresh goat milk! I love my life! Thank you!!!

                    Amelia and Sterling

                    in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #1542983

                      That’s wonderful! I’m so glad you’re so happy.


                      Thank you! Never knew I could be this happy!

                      in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #1542935

                        Haven’t posted anything in a long while, but I do lurk every so often. Haven’t gotten a new Windstone in ages. Ah but life is awesome!

                        Instead of new pretties, we are embracing the country life! Hay, bags of different feeds, buckets, oh so many things always needed. Who has time for pretties?!

                        We haven’t bought eggs in ages!  Pic is just a sample of our fresh chicken eggs from all different kinds of chickens and a duck egg! Ash grey egg is the duck, the tiny egg is from a tiny d’uccle hen. Lately they have cut back on laying, but we still get 3 to 5 eggs a day. I think our best was 13 eggs!

                        Also in pic is one of my earliest attempts at milking our new goats. We now have mason jars to put the fresh milk in and I got a cute little metal bucket which is easier to clean and carry. I love this life!

                        Critters! We have so many real live critters and I am so happy. Hatched out chicks in our incubator earlier this year and kept them all. Got milk goats just recently and I’m learning how to milk! Traded one of my mini mares for a young mini filly and got chickens and guinea fowl thrown in to the trade! Lionhead bunnies were my Easter and Anniversary gift from hubby. Ducks were an impulse buy but now one is laying eggs almost every day. And I have a litter of morkiepoo puppies almost ready to go. I’m so blessed!

                        Never thought in a million years that all my dreams would come true. Thank you Trucker.

                        eggs and fresh goat milk

                        in reply to: Sorry about the spam #1535890

                          Who would I contact for spam pm’s? Thank you!

                          Got a spam pm too.


                          keran gerniSent 2 hours, 16 minutes agoStar
                          I decide to contact you in good faith hoping that we would be friends
                          because i have a lot to discuss with you, let me introduce myself in brief,
                          my names are miss Karen Gerni i am working with United States Army, please contact me trough my private email ( well i wait your reply for more
                          information, thanks


                          in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 2) #1520144

                            Awesome post Ela_Hara! I almost convinced myself to put one of these sweet baby kirins on my credit card and pay it off later, but reality hit and no matter how much I want one, I don’t need one. Especially since I just added more stuff for my new goats and minis on my credit card and soon my minis will be home and I know I missed a lot of stuff I need for them too. Sooo…pretties are pretty to look at and these windstones are amazing works of art but for now, and maybe for a long time, I will be just admiring them from afar.

                            By the way, love your last five words…I really really want it….funny thing is, I want a grab bag baby kirin but I really really do NOT really really want it! Thank you again for helping me put these into perspective!

                            Hee Hee Hee! Yes – it can be a B***h when *Reality* slaps you in the face to pay attention can’t it? 😉
                            BTW, Those baby goats are the Cutest little things! Congrats on them and your mini-horses! 😀

                            Reality has fists of iron and I’m black and blue here! It’s not fair! *Stomping my foot!* I want a grab bag baby kirin I do I do and OUCH…stop hitting me reality!!!

                            And yeah my baby goats are the cutest little things, thank you! So now when I feel like pouting cuz I can’t get any windstones, I just go outside and give a goat a hug! Hahaha! And soon I can hug my minis!

                            in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 2) #1520094

                              Awesome post Ela_Hara! I almost convinced myself to put one of these sweet baby kirins on my credit card and pay it off later, but reality hit and no matter how much I want one, I don’t need one. Especially since I just added more stuff for my new goats and minis on my credit card and soon my minis will be home and I know I missed a lot of stuff I need for them too. Sooo…pretties are pretty to look at and these windstones are amazing works of art but for now, and maybe for a long time, I will be just admiring them from afar.

                              By the way, love your last five words…I really really want it….funny thing is, I want a grab bag baby kirin but I really really do NOT really really want it! Thank you again for helping me put these into perspective!

                              My comments about prices for what it is worth…
                              With Grab Bags, and with everything I chose to purchase, I believe people need to access their want/need/desires with what is practical for their wallets…. e.g.= just because I want a Lamborghini car and I want it to be affordable to ME doesn’t mean that I can determine the price of it, or frankly even suggest that I can tell the car manufacturer what to price their products at. I need to look at my situation and determine if I want to spend the amount the seller is asking for their item… if the cost is unrealistic for me, I just don’t purchase it. Doesn’t mean I can’t admire it from afar though. I can also opt to save, save, save to be able to purchase one in the future if I really really want it.

                              in reply to: Christmas Wishes Fulfilled? #1519868

                                Wow I didn’t even know those books existed! Congrats!

                                I realize I’m getting to this late, but I received something I’d been wanting for a long time: the version of The Neverending Story book that looks like the one from the movie! (It’s one of my favorite movies and books!)

                                Neverending Story book

                                I was THRILLED.

                                in reply to: Christmas Wishes Fulfilled? #1516753

                                  Dove is gorgeous! And while I didn’t get a wish in physical form, I am getting away from an abusive situation and my mom is one year in remission. This year, that’s all the present I need.

                                  Congrats Bodine on your pretty gb pony!

                                  Thank you Celestial Rainstorm! I’m smitten by my new mini horse! Awesome you are getting away from an abusive situation. 2017, the year to start new! And yay for your mom for one year in remission! Presents galore even though they aren’t in physical form! Sometimes the best presents aren’t the ones you can actually hold.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)