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You know I saw info for this online and it was a bummer I couldn’t go because I had almost a 3 hour layover in atlanta flying back from vacation….that griffin is awesome though!
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
September 10, 2009 at 12:01 am in reply to: movies that scared the crap out of you when you were a kid? #782952arachniphobia—-i still can’t watch the whole thing….been scared of spiders ever since. lol
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
Thanks everyone. Luckily I’m not all bruised up or anything, ice packs work wonders and I have had one on my face pretty much all day. It’s still pretty painful though, but the swelling has gone down a heap. And I don’t look like Marsha Brady or anything thank goodness. 😆
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
Yeah, I broke my nose today at work. We were trying to restrain this nasty dog when he decided to rear up and smashed me in the face with the top of his head. After sitting on the floor in severe pain and not to mention bleeding all over the place my husband finally showed up to take me to the “urgent care” place down the street. After sitting in the “urgent care” lobby for nearly an hour or so they finally took x-rays….the results…broken nose….ugh. Talk about the worse luck ever. But I could have told them it was broken with out the darn x-rays…the fact that I heard a very nasty cracking sound when it happened and not to mention the swelling and bleeding….lol….anyways that was my day today. 🙄
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
Last night I went to see disturbed in Baltimore for their music as a weapon tour and man, that was AMAZING!! I’ve been wanting to see them in concert for like ever, and when they came out on stage, I admit it, I teared up a bit 😀
I really wish I would have kept going on and on. I was very upset when the show was done. But I’m glad that I went to see them. If anyone here likes that kinda music too I HIGHLY recommend you go see them if you can. It’s sooo awesome!! I had sooo much fun! Also with them was Chimira, Lacuna Coil and Killswitch engaged!!! And, they also had a bunch of tattoo artist touring with them so there was a tattoo “strip” on the inside of the lower level with all of these little tattoo booths, and everyone was all watching these people get tattooed up. Apparently some of those artists are pretty famous but I’d never herd of any of them before. it was soooo cool.
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
I hope it clears up. just be careful though scabies are contagious to humans too!! I found that out by working with a vet for so long. I’m glad it’s something that can be cured though. allergies are such a pain to have to deal with when it involves pets. My parents’ golden retriever was allergic to some ingredient in his food, I can’t remember, I want to say it was potatoes but I’m not too sure, but man did they ever have a hard time going through finding food for him that wouldn’t make his skin break out. 🙄
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
It would be kinda hard to take off of work for a while to see if that helps, we just lost a few people and now we are under staffed. But work doesn’t really bother me that much. I have more fun there then I do sitting at home. I like being there. It may just be the long days. 10 hr shifts and so on, but they go by pretty quick when we’re busy.
I was thinking about taking some time off to chill, but kinda can’t now. I’m not sure it’s anxiety though. I don’t think I worry too much. I don’t know. It’s complicated.
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
I’m so sorry for your loss. He will be missed. **hugs** 😥 😥
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
I’ve spoken to several docs about this issue, they all just kept giving me sleep meds to take, even my shrink did the same darn thing. When I got outta bed this morning I looked like I just got into a serious fight with someone cuz of the dark circles under my eyes…almost like a zombie. lol.
Well I certainly want to get to the bottom of all this. I’m tired of being tired all the time. This whole 2-3hour sleep business is getting outta hand. 😡
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
Romeodanny wrote:I haven’t been able to sleep recently. Right now I’m emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted. I think I’ve had at most 2-3 hours of sleep since Saturday. The exhaustion is so bad that I started to cry at work today more than once. But, that’s for a good reason. I also made some really dumb mistakes and then had to backtrack to find where then fix them. It never fails when you want to get out of work early, everything goes wrong.
I find I only have trouble sleeping in really stressful times.
I feel you on all of this.
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
Ugh, I can’t sleep when I’m sick. The only way I sleep when I’m sick is by going to the store and buying like 5 bottles of nyquil and 20 boxes of tissues to sleep with.
But the whole waking up every 2-3 hours is pretty much where I’m at. Then you gotta add in the fact that after waking up each time throw in another hour or so to fall back to sleep 🙄
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
Well, I’ve already talked to my doc about all of this. He has rxed me so many sleeping meds to try it’s insane. None of them have really worked, and yes I’ve tried each one for well over a month so that they would take better effect or whatever but still no go.
I kind of feel better knowing that I’m not suffering alone on here!
But even people at work can tell when I’m not sleeping again. They say it’s almost like clockwork with me. I don’t like that at all. I’ve even tried playing tetris to help me shut down at the end of the day, it worked really well when I was a bit younger…not anymore. Last time I did that I was up until 6:00am without even feeling tired or even noticing what time it was. lol.
ADHD, I don’t think that could be a cause. I’m a pretty focused person, at least I think. A friend of mine has it and even she doubts that I do.
I try to catch up with my sleep on my days off work, but lately I’ve been getting called in and a million different phone calls that wake me up. Although there was that one day where I went to bed and didn’t wake up until 5pm lol. That felt wonderful.
Insomnia. Funny that the doc never mentioned that to me. I mean in the sense of what’s going on with this madness.
I’m a very light sleeper when I do sleep which is why I wear ear plugs to bed. So being able to listen to something to put me to sleep even relaxing music or something similar wouldn’t work. Heck I don’t even bother with an alarm clock anymore to wake me up for work, I’m always awake before the darn thing would even go off so I just don’t use it anymore.
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
Well, it’s not my thyroid or heart cuz I just had a bunch of blood work done a month ago (I hate getting blood taken, yuk) and they said everything was fine except cholesterol but I could have told them that without even having blood taken lol. As for exercise, I don’t get enough but I’m on my feet at work all day for 10 hours straight, no time to rest there except an hour lunch break so by the time I get home, I’m beat. So I go to bed exhausted and fall asleep pretty quick most of the time, it’s just waking up 2 hours later that is killing me. I don’t eat or drink anything past like 7 or so cuz I’ll be up all night if I do. It’s not menopause cuz I’m only 24…if it is then wow.
I know I’m a bit stressed but that’s life for me. In fact I’m not sure there was ever a time where I wasn’t stressed to be honest. I have tried to read, and watch movies to help switch my brain off, but by the third movie in a row for one night I’ve figured that that doesn’t work for me either. There have been periods of time where I don’t eat anything for like 4 to 5 days straight and still no sleep so I don’t think it’s what I eat. I’ve tried sleep meds but I’m sure I built up a tolerance for the ones that really worked cuz they stopped working all together. I have a fan in my room to keep the air flowing, I can’t open the window because 1. my apartment is right on the road and 2. not the best neighborhood in the world. I even wear ear plugs to help drown out the noise, so I doubt that it’s the noises.
This whole thing comes and goes, but I’m tired of having to deal with it so often. Each time it comes back, the time it takes to go away gets longer and longer.
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
Here it is 4:50am and I’m wide awake for some strange reason. When I do go to bed I’m exhausted but then I only sleep for a few hours, like three at the most. This has been going on for about a week or so give or take a few days. But I’m still soooo tired. I try to go back to sleep but if feels like my body is resisting it. Then it’s like one minute I’m freezing and can’t seem to get enough covers and then two minutes later, I’m over heated and need to get rid of them all. Then the same process happens over and over again and I just can’t seem to get comfy. And it’s not like I’m sick or anything like that and it’s not like I’m not tired when I do go to bed. Does anyone else ever had similar issues??? All in all just curious. And very tired.
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties
no, the guy that runs the website labeled it as “in stock” but he had to order it directly from the manufacturer, so after a few weeks of not receiving it I finally got in touch with him and he told me that it was considered a “special order” because its “limited” blah blah blah. so long story short after waiting for over a month to get it after I was charged for it after the second day of placing the order, I filed a complaint with paypal and got it in quite a hurry. Needless to say I won’t be ordering from that site anymore. lol
My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties