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  • in reply to: old curl re-release in new colors? #553253

      soooooooooo, considering the mass hysteria for the curls ( both old and new) that has been sustaining itself for quite a while and every place i call hasn’t had a curl for ages, are you considering bringing back the mama and papa curls in one or both of the new colors? if so i’ll stop the search for the oldies and patiently wait. regardless of my *needs*, they’ve been so popular on ebay, and they are an affordable size for buyers in shops to easily start their collection with or add to it…so what do ya think? although, what color egg would the mother have if she was painted in gold? a black egg? silver? hmmm. they’d look great in both colors!! (oh and violet flame too! ) squeeeeeeeee! thank you!

      in reply to: Violet Flame questions #552818

        dare i say it……. how about a little curl in…….violet flame?! squeeeeeeeeeeeee!how exciting!! just to hold us over til the color is officially released eventually and we all get our rubies… hee hee. if you feeling extra crazy one day, i’ll take a griffin chick in violet flame too. woo hoo! i loooooooove that color! how coooooooool would that be, with them glowin’ red eyes on a little chickie? hee hee! squeeeeee!

        in reply to: breyer horse info/advice #553244

          hee hee ok, looking more into it now i see two of the horses i like are the same flippin’ horse-just one is black and one white! ha ha! well at least i’m consistent, right!? sigh, time to put the bag back on my head! lol, well the two would be cool together facing each other i guess! i’d like that!

          in reply to: breyer horse info/advice #553242

            hey i know there are plenty of horsey folk on here so i figured i’d ask a couple of questions. i would love to get a couple of breyer horses just to enjoy and i was wondering where is a good place either ebay or internet to get good prices on them? as an example of my taste, i was liking some of the “horses of the world”, like the andalusian, templado and the little flicka horse. i like action, good detail and rendering realism , so any other pieces i should check out that could knock my socks off? any advice on where has good deals and what IS a good deal? i saw the andalusian for 25 and not sell and the templado is at 40 , plus i saw him in a store for that. flicka was 32 and ends in 2 hours. is this a good price? please let me know your thoughts as i don’t want to miss anything juicy, as i don’t know enough about this field of collectibles. thanks horsey folk! 😀

            in reply to: Violet Flame questions #552803

              gryphondreamer wrote:

              Melody wrote:

              Personally, I would love to retire “ruby” and replace it with flame or violet flame.

              so, besides a few outcries from the forum, what is stopping you?

              shes waiting til i get my ruby fledge and warrior, silly! not to mention they have alot going on as it is with new griffin color and chickys, and getting the rest of the emp.peas out…not to start planning paint patterns for violet flames. i imagine when all the griff and emp.pea stuff levels off, then we’ll see the ruby go…

              in reply to: Rainbow Dragons-Got some? #553183

                andrews has nothing, i called there last week. no dragons whatsoever in hoo. i told them they should update the site and they said they would when they got all the new stuff in.

                in reply to: i am a pack rat #552893

                  ya know what? i thought sardines were horrific til my mom forced me to try one.. and it tasted like slightly smokey tuna, yum!! apparently she say you MUST have a certain brand only, which is “king oscar” brand sardines in olive oil. thats the key, that brand in olive oil, and soo good and NOT icky fishy! see, melody likes em, if she likes em they must be good! dare i flatter myself on that note saying great minds think alike?! lol!! i like em straight out of the can, but my mom likes em on toast with mayo and pepper.i don’t eat the tail fins yet though, that too much.

                  in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540442

                    ohhhhhhhhhhhh thanks drag0n squeeeeeeeeee!gosh he looks so… BLUE! jeepers!i know purple doesn’t photograph well though, i ‘ll have to trust you guys its there ….somewhere. lol. now i want to see emp.pea lap and the gold scratcher so i can get the ones that wear each the best!!he is very pretty drag0n, thank you so much! gosh you have alot of critters, i never knew! just what and how many do you have?!

                    in reply to: Violet Flame questions #552797

                      that sounds like a plan, but wait til i get my last two rubies!!!!!! i need a fledge and an ow!!!!!!! help!!!! especially the ow!! i love that violet flame though, i’d get every piece in it!

                      in reply to: new mark down category in the store #553137

                        they had two emerald OWs for just under 200 each with super minor paw n claw damage! ack! slammin deal! well, i like him in ruby better anyway.. i’m savin my pennies!

                        in reply to: new mark down category in the store #553135

                          oh yes, this will be exciting to see what pops up, thank you, i just need spare moolah on hand now to be ready!

                          in reply to: White Pawed Wolf Question #553119

                            she sculpted it to be either, though she did state it was a little short nosed to be a wolf. she left it open to be either or, so people had more options. you decide by how you paint it! some people have painted them as foxes too, though the piece is clearly not a fox, but just for fun.

                            in reply to: new mark down category in the store #553129

                              phew! i was worried i was going to get crucified! lol! i feel better now i’m not to only one that feels that way! aww poo, the warriors are gone already. i’m waiting on peeps to pay me, otherwise i would have…
                              on the color of the oriental nose… it is dark is almost black but with a blue quality on the dark oriental (and rather matte) and brushed on moderately on the bright one. not say “ivory black” like straight out of a tube though, but a duller “prussian” blue black.the touch up looks like an ivory black from the tube, but thats casually looking on my dark monitor.
                              also, at least on the kinglet i have here his nose is dusty purple, just like on the other hatching royalty and fledgling, not gold.makes sense that they would all match.. though the emerald kinglet has gold/yellow on his nose..
                              thats my two cents again.[/img]

                              in reply to: White Pawed Wolf Question #553117

                                btw ,its not my husky, i just found the pic on the internet. i would never have one, esp with paps, a husky would most likely eat them. i think the biggest thing to think about is what ARE you painting exactly ?…a wolf or a husky? that would really effect the whole nail toe thingamongst alot of other stuff!!! i saw no pic anywhere on the internet of a wolf with anything other than dark nails n pads. they have some different facial makings too from some of those that manifest with huskies. do your homework and check out some husky sites for reference to husky face markings. there is alot of variety in the the nose bar, eye ring/mask and blaze areas. i have never seen a true wolf with pure true white feet, though they do usually gradate to a cream /pale beige tone, but not true ice white. arctic wolves are a different story though. ah well off to do something on the list today.hope that helps.

                                in reply to: new mark down category in the store #553123

                                  ooh sweeeet! personally, i highly recommend NOT FIXING the repairs unless it was a part about to fall off, as at least we folks on the forum are artistically inclined to a greater or lesser extent and could fix them ourselves. you could offer to fix them after purchase for someone who is not artistically inclined. for example, the peacock kinglet and young oriental noses look rough (in my tiny drop in the windstone world bucket of opinions) for gosh sakes no offense as i am a TOUGH critic. it might end up being more work for someone who wants to make it as perfect as possible to fix a less than flawless repair if you know what i mean… thats awesome though that you are offering those- thats a great deal and it gets you some money back! i’d love the ow if i had money! lol! looks like you have a DARK young oriental too! holy cow! those we weren’t even sure those existed!! wow! thats incredible!!!! congrats on that find!!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 541 through 555 (of 783 total)