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  • in reply to: PYO Red Gold Dragon #568421

      i too think it is very close to black gold. especially with the (dark) blue eye/purple stone combo(at least it looks like purple from the pics on my computer), in addition to the chosen paint colors. i believe it was mentioned at one point before that for pieces that look close to windstone production colors that you maybe run it by john, etc. before it goes to ebay and the big wide open world… that way way its saves everyone alot of hoop dee doo.

      in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540791

        mmmmmmmm the british accent on guys is hot! mmwarrrr! lol! oooooooh and the aussie accent on the ladies!!!! so darn cute! i love it! LOVE IT! my boyfriend and i had an aussie lady friend in a chat room back in the day and we always had her talk on the mike because she was so cool to listen to! she found his accent amusing as well- rhode islandah- ( gahlic, cah, buttah, idea-r, amanda-r..yuk!) so it was a mutual thing. she thought he sounded like some mafia tough guy sweet talker! hoo boy! 🙄

        in reply to: Core "Problems"- Can we help? #567690

          Melody wrote:

          SPark wrote:


          I’d been visualizing a flexible rubber mold for a shape inside, just like the molds on the outside. Maybe one that you poured water into to give it support and shape, and then when it’s hardened you dump the water out and pull the mold off from the inside.

          That was the theory behind the wax filled one. Water wouldn’t work because it is lighter than the liquid gypsum, and would just be pushed up out of the inner mold. Wax would be rigid, then get melted somehow, and poured out after the piece sets.
          What else could fill an inner mold and be poured out… Ball bearings? Sand? those are too heavy…hmmm

          melody, i have tried something similar and it worked really well….you remember my anthro leafy deer from my ebay profile? he’s hollow! now,he is the original so i haven’t tried it casting wise, but it still may work for you..anyway, when i started sculpting him i knew i need an armature but i wanted it movable so i didn’t get locked into a particular shape…so, i used old, scrap, shredded oil based clay in a plastic bag with the basic shape of the piece and sculpted over it with a synthetic water based/air drying clay. sounds rough but boy did it work great! the oil based clay in the bag was firm enough to hold the specific form i wanted, but since it was shredded, it had juuuuuuuust enough give to where i could squeeze the whole piece carefully to change something slightly if i needed to as i worked on it. once the piece was done and totally dry, i flipped the piece over, where the bottom was open and i removed the shredded clay from the bag and there u go, a hollow piece. the oil based clay was easy to remove as it was shredded so it came out in wads and bits, so no scraping or melting was needed.
          of course you will have a different situation casting, as you will be starting from upside down, so the clay could work, or like u said, sand, but then the shape won’t be too controllable. whatever you enclosed it in, mold release would help it come out easy, but i think the biggest issue would be that whatever filler you use will be heavy and i would think the mold/mold jacket would have to be sturdy enough to support its weight. you know, with cross bars or something attached to the bag/insert, resting on the opening of the mold. something like that. could you sculpt a foam insert and put that in a bag or cover it in silicone for easy removal? in college we sculpted expanding foam.. you spray it in a box, wait til its set, peel the box off and carve away. you could do that with a block of hard foam too, but that is harder to find. the foam would be much lighter in regards to the mold supporting it, but it would have to be locked in place so it didn’t float, aaaaand it would be rigid, so it would have to pull out easily… but that is ideal as you don’t want to spend all day finagling/scooping the inserts out of the castings!
          anyhoo, those are my ideas, some of which worked for me and may help you, or at least get some creative juices flowing! 😀

          in reply to: Fuzzy revealed! Don't click if you don't want to see! #567721

            haaaaaa ha!! spark, the dragon looks like davey crockett! lol! hee hee i got a purple fuzzy, i was quite tickled! they’re so cute! i’ll have to get a pic of him!! squee!

            in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540786

              emerald212 wrote:

              Griffiness wrote:

              tfsculptures wrote:

              Griffiness wrote:

              OMG i just noticed that i spelt reserved wrong lol! 🙄

              ah ha ha ha haaaaa! you spelled “spelled” wrong too! spelled as opposed to spelt! lol! silly! nice pieces griffiness, that empea is snazzy! of course the ruby is awesome too- love those rubies!

              lol, i didn’t notice that thanks tf! 🙄 I havent got a clue what you are talking about but never mind 😕
              I’ll try not to spell anything wrong again or i’ll have you on my tail lol! Those colours on wolflodges collection look so bright and yummie!

              Gimmie 😯

              Thank you for posting the pictures, i love to see them all together 😀

              I think it’s the British spelling as opposed to the American spelling. We don’t spell color with a “u” either, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

              awwwwww i’m sorry griffiness! you’re sweeeeeet i wouldn’t pick on you meanly!!!! i was just teasing as it looked funny in that particular context!!!! i’m sorry! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! i’m sorry!!!!!
              yes, i wouldn’t be surprised if that was the euro version of it…i am well aware of the words like check and color, etc. and their different spellings, very interesting. in general i mis-spell stuff on here all the time myself- i am a little dyslexic and have tendonitis so i always surprise myself with some of the stuff i type up!! lol! 😯 you don’t want to see my unedited posts! they are train wrecks, lol! hence i find it funny if someone else biffs up because i think to myself: hey thats me all the way! lol!
              ohhhhhhhhhh my dad is the cake taker as he repeatedly mis-spells his name in his emails to me! now that is funny, and just plain weird, though i know its just him speed typing messily.

              in reply to: That's a really big dragon… #566438

                phew! i am glad i’m not the only one with a peepy male dog! thank youuuuuuuu! one of mine is so naughty, he has a real complusion with it, no matter how much i take him out….ugh! i’m stumped lately as to what to do! i do have a belly band for him, but he freaks out wearing it, or pees it and gets all messy! hes a dork to say the least!

                in reply to: New User – Rummage Sale (Over) #562207

                  yes, i got mine too! i got my coiled dragon a few days ago, nice packing job, very safe! he is hanging out with his other peacock friends now!!

                  in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540759

                    Griffiness wrote:

                    OMG i just noticed that i spelt reserved wrong lol! 🙄

                    ah ha ha ha haaaaa! you spelled “spelled” wrong too! spelled as opposed to spelt! lol! silly! nice pieces griffiness, that empea is snazzy! of course the ruby is awesome too- love those rubies!

                    in reply to: Moon Griffin #558430

                      shes absolutely stunning! what a prize! the OW is fabulous too! drooooooooool! hey, how come he has knuckle scales of different colors on his paws? lol! one hand is purple the other is green! hmmm. i wonder if anyone elses is like that!

                      in reply to: custom pyo pics-lots o purple! #565758

                        thanks folks! glad you like!! that griffin was a bugger to do with that feather edging!! i was sad to let that one go, after i had a few days to get over being “mad” at it, lol!! the dragons’ coloring wasn’t exactly my first choice, but it was requested and i did my own thing with it. it has a lot more life in person. i did it as.. i’m painting this with the commissioners’ ideas/ideals in mind, and they had the option to buy it if they liked it when i was done, or if not i’d sell it. it was a low key, no strings attached kind of thing. i’m still waiting on their word if they really want it, so he may be up for grabs if that doesn’t pan out in a reasonable amount of time. man, those griffins take sooooooo much longer to do than a dragon! they seem so big after painting dragons and kirins! i can’t imagine what an opus of a project the keeper dragon will be! 😯 very exciting! i can’t for one!all that detail…..droooooooooool!

                        in reply to: MINE MINE MINE! #6 BABY!!! #565640

                          woo hooooooooooooo! congrats whippet! how exciting! i was just thinking, gosh i wonder if she updated her image siggie, and sure enough, there it is!! lol!!!!! waste no time and rightly so! i am so happy for you! i can’t wait to see pics either! 😀

                          in reply to: custom pyo pics-lots o purple! #565745

                            here are a couple of pyo custom jobs i finished recently for people. the griffin was made to match my violet silver dragon from a bit ago, though they sent me a griff with blue eyes instead of yellow! i had to reverse the feather pattern/color as having them predominantly silver looked surprisingly silly- he looked like an airplane! lol!

                            i did a custom dragon in requested blue and purple tones for a winner of a previous auction. its not sold yet, as shes still thinking about it/crunching money numbers, but it was done with her in mind. it has a lavender belly with violet/purple scales, and royal blue spine scales/accent scales. he’s more colorful/less monotone in person, but we all know how hard purple is to photograph.
                            so jeepers, on that note i guess i am open to commissions, since people squeezed these two out of me, lol! i’ll have to post some rates soon in the sticky section!

                            in reply to: More pet food recalls, what do we do? #564526

                              Arlla wrote:

                              Hmm…I feed my dog a mix of Canidae and Solid Gold…are these on any recall lists??? They weren’t on the first list I saw weeks ago, but I havn’t seen an updated list…. 🙁

                              arlla, i just went out the other day and got canidae. i checked out a bunch of different companies for pet food and i really liked their philosophy/homegrown ingredients, etc. also it was very similar to nutro ultra which i’ve been feeding my troop. the recall won’t apply to canidae at any point, as all of their ingredients are from the US. phew!! peace of mind there. 🙂 timber wolf looked good too, but canidae was easier to get, and its what my chins’ mom fed her before she came to me. its actually the recommended food of the chin club of america, lol. its nice that they have no processed forms of rice, so there is less filler. looking into organix it was a little deceptive, as only some of the ingredients were organic., i was really surprised. hmm. i’ll stick with the canidae, timber wolf etc.

                              in reply to: Bumper Sticker Ideas (was griffins on stuff) #561690

                                omg ski those are AWESOME!!! lol! love the second and the last too, plus kids should be eaten! well, of course im broke for windstones too! ain’t that the truth! man, they’re all good! yay!

                                in reply to: Dream Poses #564376

                                  wow, great ideas folks! im hoppin on the squeak committee for flap kittens and the sleeping, snuggled up fledge! squeee! how cute, and nice small sizes for easy purchasing by crazy collectors and new buyers in shops! 😀 how cute flap kitten, looks just like the griff chick, but a kitten instead!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 783 total)