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  • in reply to: What is this blackfire kirin…. #692845

    Nope….it just ain’t working…. 😆 I’m afraid we’ve just found the only Windstone I’ve ever seen that I honestly and actually don’t like. Blast….there goes a perfect record. 😉 Oh well, now that we’ve gotten THAT out of the way, on to bigger and better things that I will like! 😀

    in reply to: Wonderful. Just wonderful. #694275

    I have to agree with Kyrin, and add this:
    Did you keep any receipts from your vet visits, your food purchases, anything that you bought for the dogs? Under “normal” circumstances, the humane soc. people look for signs of neglect, to see if there is no food, if the dog lives outside, does it have shelter, water, etc. Even though you might not have papers on your one dog, you should be able to provide records showing regular food purchases, and vet visits. You can use credit card statements as well. You can also ask your vet for copies of the office visit records, and to state the condition of the dog when it was brought in. If the dog is rescue, and in rough shape, it should be noted in the vet’s records that you just adopted the dog.
    If you at least provide some of these things, and point out the conditions of the rest of your furbabies, I think it’ll be a lot harder for someone to seriously claim that you are abusing your pets.

    What reason does this wingnut give for wanting the dog back after all this time? Does this person have a history of mental troubles?
    I still think if you can show proof of your ongoing care, along with a statement from your vet, you should be okay. GOOD LUCK!!! We’re pulling for ya from NJ!

    in reply to: While DM is gone… #693492

    I think if the ink fades away that means the name you picked is already taken…..

    in reply to: BGE can kiss my butt! #693741

    The cost of gas/fuel has a ripple effect that goes bone deep. The grain we feed the horses has gone up, as well as hay prices–in the last year hay has gone from $4 a bale to $5.50. And I’ve been going to the same farmer for over 10 years. He was only passing on the increase because he doesn’t really make much money selling the hay, and now with the price of diesel, and the fact that the hay is coming to NJ from upstate NY or central or western PA doesn’t help. Farmers that were growing grain for feed/food have gone over to growing for biofuels. While I agree in principle about the biofuel, I don’t agree on the idea of starving things in the process. I heard on the radio that some of the bulk stores are limiting people’s purchase of rice to like 1 20 lb bag–something I’ve never heard before.
    As for the politicians giving a red rat’s A$$, my theory on politicians is they are like diapers: Both should be changed often, and usually for the same reason…..

    in reply to: Advice? #693678

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    dragonmedley wrote:

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    It’s funny though, because you know the saying “actions speak louder than words”? Well, Kc always kisses her, and will smile at her, and talk to her while holding her, but then he would say these horrible things.

    You know what? This sounds like one of these cases where a guy just can’t admit he’s head-over-heels happy about being a daddy, especially since he wasn’t too gong-ho about having children. He might be all melting inside at the sight of his baby, but doesn’t want to appear sissy and wants to look tough… if this is the case, then he’s probably ajusting and what you’re doing is perfect.


    I hope you’re right!

    It’s funny someone should bring up the actions speak louder idea. Long ago, and in a galaxy far, far away… Before I married my husband, I dated a guy who was this big rough, tough, macho man’s man type….on the outside. Inside, he was a total mush, although you had to know him to see it. He had this dog that at every step he’d claim he couldn’t stand her, was gonna send her to the pound….and all the while he’s saying this, he’d be feeding her goodies, like bacon, eggs, you name it. So, maybe it IS the same way with KC. And he just didn’t know how much his joking comments were being taken seriously. One hopes, anyway! and yeah, I know a dog and a child aren’t quite the same thing….

    in reply to: A sneak peek! #693859

    Didn’t anyone ever tell you it isn’t nice to tease your forum-mates? 😆

    Never having been the patient type to begin with, I too, can’t wait to see how he turns out. Although I’m more partial to the blues/greens, I’m sure this guy is going to be absolutely stunning! 8)

    in reply to: What's with the…..? #693139

    Well, it would appear that persistance DOES pay off. 😆
    I did manage to get that done after all, although it’s not exactly the photo I had in mind when I originally posted. But it’ll work for now.
    Thanks again, peg!

    in reply to: What's with the…..? #693137

    The picture is 80×60 pixels. When I go to upload it, after hitting submit, I get can not upload, and something about debug, which isn’t a link. It’s from image shack’s site….

    in reply to: Sale. New list on page 6. Last call.. Anyone else? #693613

    tc_cat333 wrote:

    Just the lighting. His eyes are blue.

    I get the same thing with the 2 blue eyed Bobtails; nothing works to keep the “red eye” away. Any kind of flash and they both have “devil’s eyes”. And on the male, I can believe that, since he can be a royal pain in the butt. 😆

    in reply to: What's with the…..? #693135

    Thanks, peg. I have a small picture of one of my cats that I resized, but couldn’t figure out what to do with it to get it up there. I had uploaded it to one of the photo sites, but still couldn’t make heads’ or tails of it. I’m usually pretty good with the computer, but once in a while I have to have a challenged day. This would be one of those. 😕

    in reply to: I feel stupid…suggestions? #693283

    Leigha wrote:

    well, if your theory is correct, then I must have done something bad to have lost the money in the first place O.O *tries to look innocent*

    I sorta kinda believe in karma sometimes lol

    I do hope this man gets what he deserves -.- at the very least, he’ll get what’s coming to him in the afterlife.

    And if I come across unexpected money I’ll for sure let you know which windstone I decided to buy with it 😀 lol

    Not so! You acted in good faith, believing he would do the same. Since he didn’t return the act in kind, that opens the door for him. Now, had you done something like steal the money that you sent to him, then yes, I’d agree with you. 😉 Here’s to thinking you’ll get the money back, and be able to get that new windstone. 😀

    in reply to: BGE can kiss my butt! #693728

    I don’t suppose you’d feel any better to know that here in NJ things aren’t much better? 😛
    Our electric bill here is always high–*usually* $300 or better, depending on the season. We don’t have the option of natural gas yet, so we have oil heat, (and that is a rant for another time, believe me. 😡 ) and the rest of the house is electric. Stove, dryer, hot water heater, 2 refrigerators and a chest freezer. We had 6 fish tanks, but as the residents died off, we haven’t replaced them, and shut the tanks down 1 by 1.
    My husband and I both work full time jobs; mine requires me to travel off and on within our region. My vehicle before this job was an F-350 crew cab dually diesel truck. (OUCH!) When I started this job a year ago, I had no other choice but to pick up another car that was more fuel efficient. And I’m thoroughly glad I did what with the cost of fuel now. Our heating oil prices went from $2.69 up to $4.89 a gallon. So, you can add a few more folk to your kiss my butt rant. 👿

    in reply to: Sale. New list on page 6. Last call.. Anyone else? #693602

    😯 Holy Cow! I didn’t realize the hatching royalty were that big! You sure put things into perspective for me; thanks!
    And those OW’s stunning. Heck, the whole COLLECTION is stunning! *wiping the drool from my keyboard*

    in reply to: What's with the…..? #693133

    Thanks to all who responded with patience to my earlier posts! As you can see, I was successful after all. 😉
    Now my next question is: How do I get ALL of my eggs to fit in my signature line? It only let me put 2 of the 3 of them in. Do I have to drop the saying I’ve been displaying? I know…I have more questions than Hallmark has cards….and I’m probably a PITA, too…*sigh* How’d y’all get so many eggs and dragons to show up? And in for a penny; in for a pound. One last question: Avatars–how do you get one and post it? I’ll hush up now… 🙂

    in reply to: I feel stupid…suggestions? #693281

    I’m sure y’all have heard the phrase “What goes around, comes around”? And the power of positive thinking? Well, between all of us here thinking not so great thoughts at ol’ Bob here should be enough to give him a fairly lengthy stretch of bad luck.
    I’ve seen this happen enough in real life that I really wouldn’t want to be this guy for the next few weeks. 😈 And I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear that somewhere down the line in the near future, that Leigha gets some money from an unexpected source. If this happens, be sure to let us know, okay?

Viewing 15 posts - 661 through 675 (of 731 total)