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  • in reply to: 12/5/14 Bat Eared Fox Photo Thread!! #922794

      What kind of creature is the fox at the back of the store photo painted like? Sorry for the grammar. I didn’t want to ask “What creature is that fox in the back?” and have someone answer “He’s a fox!” 😉

      The fox in question is light tan with black markings.

      A CUTE ONE! 😀 Sorry, I couldn’t resist!

      in reply to: Ebay set Global Shipping when I originally specified it OFF #922418

        Well, if I learned anything from this.. it’s people *hate* GSP, I had no idea they were so horrible on buyers… and to think, one of the items I am dealing with is a $12 shirt shipped to Norway o.o I can only imagine what that person is *really* paying for that shirt…

        I think there is a place where you can see what the buyer ACTUALLY got charged, I think it’s hiding somewhere on the order details page. A long time ago I sold a $12 wallet via global shipping. $12 wallet + $3 shipping to Kentucky hub + ebay charged $36 (!) for the “global shipping”. $36!!!!

        I started selling on ebay about three years ago. Do you have any little things laying around the house that you could list for $1? When I started selling, I grabbed a handful of Garbage Pail Kids cards from my junk drawer and listed 50 of them for a buck each. After ebay took their cut, and paypal took theirs plus that 30 cent transaction fee, I didn’t make any money at all, but it jump started my reputation as a seller. Do you think a few quick sales like that would help boost your sales number quickly?

        Hmm.. I have some old Magic the gathering cards I could probably do that with… didn’t think to use the worthless ones in $1 bulk sets as a sales booster to fill in the numbers.
        Thanks for the idea!

        I’ll also see if I can find where the buyers total cost is… darn website can be impossible to find things, I usually just Google what I’m looking for on their page and let it find the darn thing! Lol

        That’s exactly what I did! My Garbage Pail Kids weren’t worth anything, so I just used them to get my seller reputation started. Make sure you list them so they’ll at least completely cover the fees and a postage stamp and you should be good to go! 🙂

        in reply to: Ebay set Global Shipping when I originally specified it OFF #922404

          Well, if I learned anything from this.. it’s people *hate* GSP, I had no idea they were so horrible on buyers… and to think, one of the items I am dealing with is a $12 shirt shipped to Norway o.o I can only imagine what that person is *really* paying for that shirt…

          I think there is a place where you can see what the buyer ACTUALLY got charged, I think it’s hiding somewhere on the order details page. A long time ago I sold a $12 wallet via global shipping. $12 wallet + $3 shipping to Kentucky hub + ebay charged $36 (!) for the “global shipping”. $36!!!!

          I started selling on ebay about three years ago. Do you have any little things laying around the house that you could list for $1? When I started selling, I grabbed a handful of Garbage Pail Kids cards from my junk drawer and listed 50 of them for a buck each. After ebay took their cut, and paypal took theirs plus that 30 cent transaction fee, I didn’t make any money at all, but it jump started my reputation as a seller. Do you think a few quick sales like that would help boost your sales number quickly?

          in reply to: Quest 17 – CLOSED #921204

            I haven’t gotten a confirmation! I hope you received mine!!


              Those “gunmetal” eyes are actually very very dark on a black unicorn.
               photo 100_5030_zps12a20e49.jpg


                Hades eyes!! There just aren’t enough critters with Hades eyes!!

                in reply to: Next Grab Bag? #920390

                  My dream is for Halloween/Zombie themed unicorns!

                  in reply to: I'm on a Ninja Turtle Kick #920160

                    …oh man… I hate to say this… I love Seth Greene, and I was sort of excited at the news of him being the new voice of Leo… but … OMG… after seeing it lastnight… I hate him voicing Leo SO MUCH >_<

                    I'm gonna TRY and give it a chance, but … I just keep thinking of Chris Griffin from Family Guy every time Leo speaks *head desk* I hate it so much!

                    ME TOO!! It just doesn’t fit! I didn’t mind Jason Biggs, but I really liked that guy they had to replace him for the past few episodes that sort of sounded like Biggs. I really like Seth Green, but it’s just NOT the Leo that we’ve grown to love. I thought it felt like a completely new character. It’s going to take me a while to adjust.
                    I LOVED the homage to “Friday the 13th”!! I don’t know how much you like those kind of movies, but that episode was basically the Turtles in Friday the 13th part 2 mixed with the original turtles movie! LOVED IT! If it wasn’t for Leo’s voice bugging me, it might have been my favorite episode by far!
                    Looks like next week they’ll be going back to the city. I really wish they would continue on with Karai some more. I was really liking where that story was going.
                    Sorry, I had to geek out for a minute!
                    P.S. We were at Toys R’ Us today and ended up buying a 4 foot tall Mikey action figure. Everytime I walk past the living room I jump, it looks like someone standing in there! It was damn near impossible to fit that thing in the back seat of a Cavalier! We were going to try to hide it for our boys for Christmas, but how do you hide something as big as I am!

                    in reply to: RIP Mother #920123

                      Aww, I’m so sorry to hear that, Bodine.

                      in reply to: Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14 #920039

                        I’m super happy with my arctics! I was worried that I was going to get two mostly white ones, but I got a darling little pair!
                         photo arcticpair_zps2ebd0365.jpg

                        in reply to: The winner of the September raffle is… #919923

                          WOO HOO!! After all these years!! Congrats!! :party:

                          in reply to: Pegasus PYO? #919710

                            I’m not really familiar with this pegasus sculpt’s history, was it intended to be made for production or just a personal piece Melody sculpted?

                            If I remember reading correctly that since it’s so big, and she’s not a fan of painting Pegasus wings that she was contemplating making that one a PYO since it might be difficult to paint in production.

                            in reply to: Maleficent #919709

                              Hubby took me to see it when the boys were at school one day, just to screen it first. We thought it was GREAT and there wasn’t anything too bad in it, we’ll be letting two 6-year-olds watch it when the DVD comes out!
                              We’re pretty strict with what we let the boys watch, there are just some things I don’t want to have to explain yet! They too watch a lot of super hero violence though!

                              in reply to: Pegasus PYO? #919680

                                I can’t remember where I saw him before, but I remember an unfinished big Pegasus. What ever happened to that guy?
                                 photo 70077092b393cbb5004fec705e1977f4_zps8c1178ab.jpg

                                in reply to: I'm on a Ninja Turtle Kick #919677

                                  Hmmm…there’s something else to ponder… (P.S. sorry for taking your thread on a tangent!)
                                  WOULD it be interspecies romance? Both are PART human. Donnie was a turtle with some human thrown in, April mainly human with some Kraang experimentation going on. In the world of mutants everyone has a little of something in common. I always liked Casey in all the other versions, he was big and kind of creepy. This Casey is sort of a doofus. And if April is part Kraang, wouldn’t her and Casey be of different species, too? Just another one of those things I am putting WAY too much thought in!
                                  Poor brave *sniffle sniffle** I was so excited when Leatherhead came in and grabbed Shredder, that was brutal! You think if someone got thrown around like a rag doll by a massive alligator they would sustain a little more injury than that! I couldn’t believe how much happened in just one hour! How are they ever going to recover from all of this?? Must have MORE turtles….
                                  Right now you can watch next week’s episode on Nick’s website, but I’m trying to resist and wait until next Friday! The past couple weeks we’ve been popping some popcorn and sitting all together on the couch, I’m enjoying it immensely!

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