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  • in reply to: Siri's PYO Thread – New Flapcat! #916259

    Painted up a dragon for my mother-in-law’s birthday. She told me she wanted one painted up colorfully, so I used my character Salni, who is about the most colorful dragon i have lol!

    in reply to: July Raffle? #916223

    Ooooh he sounds beautiful! Male dragon is my favorite sculpt too!

    in reply to: PYO Kitty Griffin – Please read before you paint! #915469

    I didn’t notice anything gritty about mine before I painted him, so maybe I got one of the grit-less kitties lol

    in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #915468

    26 down is the only one I’m not 100% sure i got right. I found one quote about it, but I guess it was a joke or something, not a real inspiration, because it didn’t fit lol. So I went with the only other thing I could find =P We’ll see if i got it right

    in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #915380

    I’d love to try some of my color schemes out with an air brush. Probably get such nicer blends than doing them by brush. Ah well, the set up and cost to get it all to start is far too much for me. I’ll stick with my silly little brush heehee

    in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #915357

    Shimmering Embers looks a lot like a more-purple violet flame lol. Neat color, but not sure what I think about it really

    Awww that fledgling dragon one looks yummy!

    in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #915003

    I don’t buy off eBay [even the ‘low’ prices are too much for me], but if I did I think that putting in your max bid amount on a piece you love is a good strategy =) that way, you don’t go over what you can afford ^^

    I’d be bidding on Oriental dragons XD I so want a moon or sun dragon

    in reply to: new pyos: when might we see them? #914982

    oooh i love both of those orientals! So cute!

    in reply to: new pyos: when might we see them? #914928

    I’m quite excited for the PYO Oriental! I’d love to know a estimate time frame of when he might be available, as I’m saving up to afford him and I’d hate to miss the batch! =P

    in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #914834

    Heehee, I’ve got only one ebay piece [a curled dragon] that I got through a trade =P I cannot afford those eBay prices!!

    but gosh they sure are pretty to look at! Gorgeous

    in reply to: June Raffle? #914794

    It’s up!! I”ll be entering this one, she’d look amazing with my Rainbow male ^.^

    in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914793

    Gave a half-educated guess on the last one I was stuck on and sent it in! I was coming up with nothing better, so I’ll just go with it and hope it’s right 😛

    in reply to: Siri's PYO Thread – New Flapcat! #914792

    Thanks everyone, I really am very happy with how he came out 😀

    in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914776

    I’m all for unique prizes over gift certificates or store-pieces, myself =) Makes them seem much more special. Though really, a free Windstone is a good windstone for those of us on a tight budget! *huggles her griffon chick*

    I’m always up for dragons, especially an oriental! Though granted that’d mean the associated quest is difficult XD i just enjoy the quests, so thanks for putting them on for us

    in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914612

    @Sirithiliel I had one like this too, but I think that maybe the person who typed the thing in might have made a typo, because it actually makes more sense with a letter missing.

    Also man super thanks to the person who gave me the tip about searching the forums!! I corrected an answer that was wrong and managed to find two that I was missing. I just have the one left!!! It’s so elusive though. I keep finding references to the topic in forum posts, and outright talk about it, but none of the words people used to describe said thing fit the pattern. Just gotta keep digging I guess!

    I know which one you’re talking about XD and that’s not the one troubling me =P In my situation, I think I found a direct quote with the answer, but can’t get it to match up at all XD So I’m re-searching everything to try and find a different solution

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