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  • in reply to: *SQUEE* More curls!!! #534239

      Whew… Got one! I just managed to get home and find that a few white ones were left. I reeeeeally wanted a russet one (got home half an hour too late), but at least I didn’t miss the auctions completely like I did for the previous curls and the fledglings. I’m more worried I’ll miss the female griffin with the weird schedule I’ll be on next week swapping shifts while I’m training on the new job 😯 I’ll have to get my work email added to the windstone distribution emails (I hope they won’t be blocked 🙁 )

      in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532550

        Digital Dragon, that’s kewl! 🙂 I did that back in college. Cut off 14″ and that still brought it to just below my shoulder blades (the shortest I’ve ever had it). It’s currently to the point that I can almost sit on it again, since I stopped maintaining it at above my waist. Was contemplating donating again this year, but I’m still very undecided (not sure if I just want to keep it that long for a while).

        in reply to: Curious… what are your ideas for PYOs? #532900

          Ideas so far, in no particular order:

          Cheetah griffin (just need to antique and seal)
          Kite griffin (finish wings, antique and seal)
          Koi-rin (for me… maybe do another for a friend)
          Pearly ki-rin (for me)
          tree swallow griffin (for me)
          2 snow leopard griffins (one for an xmas present)
          a dragon (for an xmas present)
          a winged wolf (friend’s grad gift – waiting for color scheme)
          2 tiger griffins at some point (for me)
          dragon of the night sky (for me)
          king cheetah maybe
          PYO for swap (not telling!) 😉

          A few other ideas, but none of those are concrete.

          I don’t see a few of my friends until around spring, or sometimes not until Ren Faire season in the summer, so we tend to exchange gifts late, which can be fun 8)

          in reply to: Secret Keeper is up! #532229

            Holy crap! She’s gorgeous! So serene looking! She’d look great with a gold or ruby emperor as her mate 😀

            in reply to: KiRin Trades w/Watergazer UPDATED #532018

              PMed you. I’d like to, but start a new job and I’m finishing up on some projects this month a a couple of PYOs to boot, but by early-mid March things should have quieted down a bit.

              in reply to: PYO swap? Closed and UPDATED AGAIN! #530073

                Oh man, I can’t wait to order some PYOs so I can start. I have a couple of ideas and walking around Wal*evil*mart to kill some time, I found some metallic model car paint. One of the colors was Candy Apple Red! 😈 I soooooo want to try that on a dragon to see how it will turn out! They also had a blue-purple metallic….

                hehehe… shiny… 8)

                in reply to: SNOW in Tucson, AZ! #530777

                  hehe… I just talked to a friend of mine in Tucson about an hour ago and he mentioned he had snow (but he likes to ski, so he enjoyed it).

                  We’ve finally gotten some snow here in the northeast (though where I’m at, it’s still not enough to cross country ski on). Luckily, the temperature was warm enough the other day so the ice could fall off the trees. My county got hit hard by the ice storm two weeks ago, though not as hard as the midwest. My entire village and the outlying areas lost power, except for about 10 buildings (including my house… hurray for being on a separate line for once!). I did however get to watch the power pole that I had just been standing next to in order to take pictures come crashing down (some large tree branches gave way from the ice – about a quarter of an inch – and cause the pole to snap at the base). Very eerie and kewl to walk around the village with absolutely no lights and almost not cars around. It was so serene and so many stars more stars were visible! Everyone did work together to help each other out though and make sure everyone was warm with generators and what not. I did get some great night pics on time exposure of some of the tree branches too.

                  Lokie, I so understand the thing with old houses. Mine is over 200 years old. Some rooms are a bit frigid and nippy in the morning as of late! Still, I’ll take old construction (if it’s maintained well) over some of the newer construction I’ve been seeing, at least in the stuff around here. Can’t beat having oak support beams bigger than me.

                  in reply to: White curls are up! #530901

                    awww… I am just checking the forum and totally missed the curlies *sigh* 🙁 I will get a curlie yet!

                    Oh well. No income tax yet and I have to wait until I have an income in a couple weeks. I just found out my interview Friday was productive and I start a new job next week. w00t! New job = windstones! 😈 I’ll have to figure out how I’m going to be doing ebay though if it’s night or I’m still chauffeuring my brother around. I’ll be working 4-midnight with a 1 hour commute to get home 😕

                    Wow Nam! I totally did not see that thread. Congratulations!!! 😀 😀 😀

                    in reply to: The Koi Tattoo #530632

                      I’ll see if I can find translations for some of the names of the koi if I can. That may help as well. Also, found this website

                      They even say how to pronounce the different types and little tidbits about them. Apparently the Kohaku variety is considered one of the most prized. I do know that the Tancho Kohaku ones (white with a red circle only on the head) is named after the Japanese crane (Tancho in Japanese) and cranes are a symbol of longevity. If nothing else, the website is just neat 8)

                      in reply to: The Koi Tattoo #530627

                        I agree with lamortefille. Also, if the artist isn’t willing to show you pics of their original work, not just stock tattoos, they probably are not very good as an artist and you wouldn’t want them drawing on you with needles.

                        As for the flower, I have several suggestions based on what you’ve mentioned that would go well with the koi theme:

                        1) Lotus: To the Egyptians and in many other cultures, the lotus is a symbol of rebirth. It closes and falls to the water at night, but rises from the murky, muddy waters anew each morning (technically the Egyptians were talking about a waterlily, but…). There are different colors that symbolize different chakras (if you wanted to get into it) further down on this page

                        I did like the analogy on the page though for the lotus’ symbolism in Buddhism –


                        Because they emerge from slime and corruption, then grow up through the purifying water to emerge into the sunlight, they are seen as metaphors for the development of the individual being towards enlightenment. That is, the flower stands for renunciation of the entanglements of samsara, and for the pure aspiration that is the desire for enlightenment for the sake of others.

                        2) Bamboo – it’s a symbol of longevity (it’s always growing new shoots) and is a symbol of strength and grace because it may bend, but does not break very easily. It also can symbolise the path to enlightenment, with each segment being a ‘step’ on that path.

                        3) Chrysanthemum – it’s a symbol of long life and is the national flower of Japan.

                        For the species of koi, wikipedia shows a good picture of different koi species
                        There is also a species called butterfly koi (also known as dragon koi) which have very long, feathery fins and tails, but they are hybrids and not considered true koi.

                        I hope this helps! I have a tattoo idea I’d love to get, but I’d have to wait until after I get to go to Japan in a few years (it’s still VERY taboo and some places, like gyms and onsens, won’t let you in) and I’d have to see if I was allergic to the ink (my skin doesn’t like weird stuffs). Good luck!

                        in reply to: Griffin Chicks Idea? #530301

                          drag0nfeathers wrote:

                          See, I had this funny idea that will probably not happen, but I was going to set up my black male griffin with the white mom (hopefully the auction lasts more then 1 minute and I get one, LOL) To make kind of an odd couple family since I missed out on the White Males.

                          I had the same idea! I just hope my income tax comes in before hand 😯 I should be getting it soon.

                          in reply to: PYO swap? Closed and UPDATED AGAIN! #529989

                            dragonmedley wrote:

                            I think it’s an awesome idea, but I’m also very, very slow. I’m hoping to finish my 2nd dragon today… whereas everyone’s done a whole bunch! Would there be a time limit?

                            I’m slow at getting my stuff done too. I have to work around the schedules of my family and when I can use the kitchen table. I’d work outside or on the porch, but right now it’s way too cold. I have signed on though.

                            in reply to: PYO swap? Closed and UPDATED AGAIN! #529975


                              Really good mead is fantastic! Chaucer’s is unfortunately the only one I can find in stores around here. I had some at a Ren Faire that another patron had that was home made. The best I’ve ever tasted!

                              Whippet, I’d be game to do a PYO exchange. I should be done with two of my griffins this week, minus the clear coat.

                              in reply to: Can I get some prayers, too, please? #518191

                                I totally missed the initial post, but I’m glad that he is doing ok. He’s one tough cookie! 😀

                                in reply to: Anyone on the East Coast? #524885

                                  HAHA! That CSI episode was funny! Trying to tell my parents that no, furry cons aren’t like that and neither are the gaming cons I’ve been to either.

                                  I’d love to go to Anthro-con, but not sure if my schedule and income can handle it this year *sigh* If I get to go I’ll have to look you up SPark!

                                  Yeah… I definitely got some comments and looks from work with my ren garb one time (took the afternoon off to drive almost 3 hours to Syracuse for a friend’s medieval wedding and I needed to change beforehand. They were rather good natured about it though 😉 The people seeing me outside walk the 2 blocks to my car in downtown Saratoga (during the summer racing season) were a bit unsure of how to react (though I did get a few comments from some punk guys about the bodice 😀 )

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