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  • in reply to: Happy Valentines Day Windstone Lovers! #539287

      My mom and dad gave me a box of chocolate and a card. Nature brought us a 2-3 foot snow storm and a day off from work. w00t! Hot, homemade soup for dinner topped it off.

      Best Valentine’s Day ever! 😀

      in reply to: Help please… #537024

        I used to do string art when I was in school. My math class of all things did it in 6th grade and a few of us got pretty elaborate (we were the advanced class and our teacher was a lot of fun and a good teacher!).

        Oh, now I have to see if I can dig up the name of that art with the patterns in the boxes. We had to do something in that style when I was in high school as a project. *goes to wrack brains over name*

        in reply to: PYO SWAP FINISHED PIECES!!! Photos inside! #538306

          OOOOOOOH!!!! All the lovely PYOs! They all look so wonderful! 😀

          Water, I hope everything is ok and it’s nothing serious. *fingers crossed*

          in reply to: KiRin Trades w/Watergazer UPDATED #532050

            Won’t be able to start it until about mid April, but I was looking at doing one of the last three horse colored ones (Vanner, Pinto/paint, or dappled grey/white).

            Eh, I’m being indecisive. I’ll try my hand at the dappled!

            in reply to: Watch out #539048

              Unfortunately, then there is the issue of when a court system is corrupt. We’re dealing with legal issues involving my brother (got in with the wrong crowd and was set up – drug related… stuff was hidden in his car), but now he has to deal with a court group for rehab stuffs. He’s currently at the whim of the person in charge who changes her mind every other day and contradicts herself constantly, even contradicting his contract. It’s incredibly frustrating, but he’s not allowed to say anything. If he does, he gets sanctioned or is being ‘insubordinate’ for even questioning. Dealers and those with violent crimes are getting off with a slap on the hand to go about what they were doing to begin with. I agree that my brother (his middle names are ‘naive’ and ‘sucker) caused his own problems and made his mistakes, but having to go through all the legal stuff is really showing just how starkly lopsided things can be, especially if the people in charge don’t care except for making a name for themselves or for money in their pockets. He just got a sanction for talking to a cop to report seeing a crime happening without filling out a form we were unaware of. It’s downright infuriating.

              I do agree that the punishments should fit the crime. However, for some crimes, you better know for dang sure that the person convicted is without a shadow of a doubt guilty. Some punishments can’t be reversed. I do agree that violent criminals be dealt with harshly. Convicted rapists, molesters and child abusers should be castrated/neutered in my opinion.

              Also, along the same subject, another question comes in to situations (I read an article about this yesterday, so it comes to mind) of cases where children are brought up to be soldiers in war. They have no family and are brought up to be cold blooded killers. What do you do in those situations? Is it right to lock them up forever? How do you rehabiliate someone brought up to be numb? Someone who steals food who is starving and there are no services to help them (generally there are services in the US and in other industrialized nations, though there may be some areas that are exceptions). Do you cut off their hand in that case? Cases of legitimate self-defence. Some situations are far from cut and dry and are in that tricky gray area which can vary greatly.

              Guess I’m feeling a little devil’s advocate today 😉 Still, I feel that some crimes just get a slap on the wrist way too often or people let off the hook for things, but there are some situations that call for more indepth look than a simple black or white answer.

              in reply to: What about you? #538716

                whippetluv wrote:

                I used to have a huge My Little Pony collection…but it has narrowed down. I had about 900 at one point…down to about 100 or so.
                I also collect 80s Bell Charms…see pic. You know you 80s kids remember these! ha!

                I also collect books…mainly Fantasy, although I do have a few rare out of prints and whatnot. I also collect small weird things that appeal to me. Ummm pack rat like no? Oh and I am getting my first tattoo soon and I have a feeling I will be collecting those!!!

                My wife collects He-man toys, CabbagePatchKids from the 80s, and she is also a large book hoarder.
                And togeather we collect animals *oh the shame*. We have 5 dogs, 1 cat, 1 parrot, 3 fancy goldfish, 3 tetras, and one betta.

                OMG! I remember those clips! I’ll have to see if I still have 1 or 2 lying around. I know one I lost due to it falling off a windowsill into a toaster 😯

                There is some ’80s toy that I can’t remember what the heck they were called… They were small, and looked like a gemstone, but if you opened them up, legs and a head would unfolded to form some creature, like a toucan or a panda bear, out of the gem. I loved those!

                Getting back on topic, as for collections other than windstones… I have a huge book collection (with many thousands invested in white wolf RPG books and novels), sci-fi/fantasy/historical books.
                – My Little Pony (only the older ones… I have almost all of the buildings with boxes. I’m only looking for a few ponies now when I think of it, so this collection is almost put to rest for me).
                – some breyers (a small collection)
                – action figures (dragons, final fantasy and some random anime and gothic ones)
                – Puffkins and some beanie babies… to go with the already large stuffed animal assortment (acquired over my lifetime)
                – Swarovski (small, but added to when I can)
                – Steiff
                – Requiems recordings (I like requiems… I just do :wink:)
                – Swords and armaments (small collection, sort of put on hold due to current housing status – can’t have weapons in the house due to my brother, so what I have has to stay well hidden so he doesn’t get in trouble).
                – Patches. I collect patches from the countries and regions I visit.

                in reply to: Happy Belated Birthday DigitalDragon Feb 8th #537596

                  Happy Birthday Digital Dragon! 😀

                  in reply to: Happy Belated Birthday SilverArrow #537572

                    Happy Birthday Silverarrow! 😀

                    in reply to: PYO swap? Closed and UPDATED AGAIN! #530154

                      I can’t order my PYO until next week (and pay for some of my windstone stuffs at the same time). I have the idea set in my head and I should be able to get it done quickly (probably a day or so). My personal griff took forever to do (cheetah spots take forever and the paint wasn’t blending well). You might not be the last to get yours out GB! 🙂

                      in reply to: Snape – Good or Bad? #536766

                        I can’t wait for the new book. I’ve read mostly the British versions (there really isn’t that big of a difference, just some of the wording I prefer).

                        ddvm, yes, I think the initials are for Regulus Black.

                        Vantid, Snape is indeed delicious! 😈

                        I can’t wait for the last book. I wonder how big it will be! 😯

                        in reply to: Any Anime Convention goers here? #533663

                          drag0nfeathers wrote:

                          Yea, wigs suck. I have a TON of hair so what I did was buy one of those latex skin cap things for professional swimmers. It actually worked really good and the wig stays in place really well, but the thing is so tight it squishes your head!

                          All this costumes are relitively simple. I got my Fuu (from Samurai Champloo) and my Hawkeye uniform (from Fullmetal) from people who make them professionally on ebay. Honestdragon made my Fuu one it was nice, but totally the wrong colors, but my Hawkeye one was KILLER! I forget who made it though. Trying to hide all my black hair under a blonde wig ruined the effect though, BAH! I got a nice schoolgirl uniform from DNAngel once from qq cosplay. They’re pretty good. Shipping was SO EXPENSIVE though.

                          I always stay all 3 days. You should come! You can crash in my hotelroom with me and my b/f. Chances are some other people I know will too. hehe.

                          Kewl! I think I may just have to bite the bullet and check it out this year then 😀 I’ll come up with something. If all else fails, I’ll do Toboe. I will gladly help with room cost if I can crash there Saturday night. Yeah, I’ve run into the stinky roommate thing too. YUCK! Supersoakers filled with detergent and water can help, so I am told 😈 They’re a lot of fun too!

                          in reply to: Any Anime Convention goers here? #533659

                            drag0nfeathers wrote:

                            I was supposed to go to Arisia last year, but I ended up skipping it. Anime Boston is by far the best con I’ve ever been too. You should definately go!!! You can come hang in my hotel room! LOL! SPark is making me a killer costume this year for it =D I don’t know what else I’m going to cosplay as though.

                            Ooh… I would like to go this year. Not sure if I will be able to get a costume in time though. Most of my stuff is all ren garb, other than my gi. It’s also hard to hide my hair (Wigs don’t always fit right.. I’ve got a lot 😉 ). The only characters I can come up with involve costumes I don’t think I can get by April (Rukia from Bleach, Kikyo or Inuyasha from Inuyasha, Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, and a few ideas that will take this year to make). I’d be there Saturday and Sunday if I go. I work until midnight Friday night in the Albany area. Hmm…. maybe I’ll have to go now 😀

                            in reply to: WIP Dragon Koi Hybrid. #534413

                              whippetluv wrote:

                              Only paint it if its damaged! I would hate to think of a good one being painted just cause!
                              Not sure if I will sell yet. I am awfully attached.

                              Keep him! He’s special! 😀

                              in reply to: WIP Dragon Koi Hybrid. #534400

                                Whippet, that dragon is absolutely gorgeous! You’ve done a great job repairing it! I LOVE it! 😀

                                in reply to: Any Anime Convention goers here? #533657

                                  I’m hoping to go to Anime Boston this year if I can. I’ve never been before. I usually go to Arisia (a Sci/Fi/gaming convention in Boston), but I haven’t been able to go the last 2-3 years. Friends of mine go to Otakon, but I have to agree with dragonfeathers. They seem to enjoy themselves, but it’s gotten so big that I’d rather go someplace else.

                                  At anime conventions, people tend want to buy anime and Japanese related stuff. Sci/Fi conventions have a lot of dragon, sword, fantasy art and stuff that I think windstones would do well. People bring lots of money just to spend at these conventions.

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