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  • in reply to: YAY my peacock old warrior is HERE!!!! #568791

      Awesome! Congrats! πŸ˜€

      in reply to: The squeel heard round the world! #568394

        See, I told you one would turn up! Hurray! Congrats and enjoy him πŸ˜€

        in reply to: Poads? #568139

          Melody wrote:

          Dragon Master wrote:

          what if some here like the bitching and moaning?

          That’s why you are here, right?

          πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

          We love you DM! πŸ™‚


            I waited over 5 years to get my emerald OW and ended up getting a prototype Emerald for about the same price as I saw many going on ebay for. There are a good number of Peacock colored ones around (since the color was in production for so long), that I’m sure you will manage to get one. Just be patient. Things tend to come in spurts on ebay, but things do tend to pop up now and again. I’ll keep my eyes open for one in my travels this summer. If I find one and you haven’t gotten one, I’ll snag it if it isn’t ungodly priced πŸ˜€

            in reply to: Got Stiffed on Darcia Wolf #566524

              I PMed you.

              in reply to: Anime Cons & MOVING FINALLY! #564771

                I was trying to look all serious (and stay in character), but was starting to crack a smirky smile πŸ˜›

                in reply to: Anime Cons & MOVING FINALLY! #564766

                  Yes! The con was loads of fun! It was fun meeting you too! Your fursuit rocked! 8)

                  Good luck on the moving! πŸ˜€

                  in reply to: GUITAR! #565763

                    Congrats on the guitar! πŸ˜€

                    I have played flute for over 15 years (not counting the last few years on hiatus). Some of it was competitively. At college, I focused mainly on voice though, because I got sick of the competition on flute – and many flute teachers (at least at the college) will teach you in a method that nothing you do is right, so that you will work harder, but not give a lot of encouragement (theory being that it weeds out the weak). I tended to run in to those a lot and just got tired of it (too stressful and I could have more fun with voice… I hate scales πŸ˜› ) I’ve sung with my state’s youth chorale, with a regional festival chorus with the Philedelphia Orchestra and did some big premiere at college that was broadcast. Definitely more fun than flute competitions!

                    I was a music education major, so I also picked up clarinet, sax, and oboe before I changed my major for health reasons, though I haven’t touched them in a few years and they would not be at the same level as the flute playing. I’m working on improving my piano skills (they need work), as well as recorder (not the cheap plastic ones… the old wooden ones) – I have a soprano and an alto. I really would love a tenor recorder out of rosewood, but they are a bit pricey. I like flute type instruments a lot (because when you can play one… the others come easily and they all have a different sound and style).

                    When I have more time and space, I’d like to pick up:
                    1) a french horn
                    2) a bassoon
                    3) a shakuhachi or shakuhachi headjoint for my flute (cheaper option than the shakuhachi itself)
                    4) an alpine horn (so much fun to play!!!) 😈 and there is picture proof of this
                    5) one or two obscure medieval instruments 8)

                    **Note: A shakuhachi is a Japanese bamboo flute.

                    in reply to: A Vantid birthday #565545

                      Happy Birthday! πŸ˜€

                      in reply to: I got my blue wolf! #564800

                        Awwww, that’s so cute on the boxes! The wolf looks great! πŸ˜€

                        in reply to: Bumper Sticker Ideas (was griffins on stuff) #561680

                          I love my “Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.” one. I also have a Jesus fish that looks like Cthulhu that I got when I worked at a gaming store! Gotta love HP Lovecraft! 😈

                          I have an “ISIS! ISIS! RA! RA! RA!” one and one that says “The weather is here. Wish you were beautiful.” from Margaritaville, but I don’t know if I’ll put those on my car (at least I don’t think I will… yet).

                          in reply to: More Poads??? #564733

                            whippetluv wrote:

                            1 white SK was boxed up and sent to whippet

                            That’s not a hint is it? πŸ˜‰

                            πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                            in reply to: Hello! #564578

                              Welcome! Pull up a chair/poad/windstone πŸ˜†

                              in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540734

                                I’ve read some of the Elfquest stuff when I was in college (a friend of mine had the comics, so I borrowed), so I never ended up buying them (probably should do that at some point. I’ve been meaning to track down some of the old ral partha Elfquest miniatures.

                                in reply to: Finding the Easter Egg (or, hidden things in Windstones) #564492

                                  Oh geez! I saw the faces and thought I was just seeing things and was just trying to see something that wasn’t really there, so I started looking for shapes or words hidden. Silly me πŸ˜†

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