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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910214

      I really hope they sell out soon because I won’t be able to resist much longer!!! 😉

      Do it, do it, do it.

      Anyway, looks like mine shipped today and is scheduled to arrive Monday.

      in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910119

        Yeah, I was totally going to sit this one out, but then I saw there were some left this evening and resistance faded.

        It’s a good thing I have a tax refund coming.

        in reply to: Hawaii Hoofers #907249

          I wish the Hawaii pieces had some other color eyes – gold, or brown, or red, or maybe even green … anything but teal. (And I wish I would stop reading the title of this thread as “Hawaii Hookers”). :~

          LOL, I’m sorry!

          Sure, they’d be great as LPs, but they aren’t going to be cheap since they do take more time to create. These pieces are unique insights into the creative mind of the artist and I feel very privileged to be able to own the few I have. That said, my preference is for the special colours to stay special. It also keeps the value of the ebay and special section pieces up where it should be.

          Like with all of our test painted pieces, it is possible that we will paint more of these unicorns in a color similar to this as production or limited production in the future.

          They do say in the descriptions of some of these auctions that these items are test paints and could become production or limited production. Had I the funds I’d absolutely be willing to play that risk and go for the one on ebay because they’re always going to be more detailed, but that’s still the risk you take.

          I asked about these because they looked simple enough that perhaps they could be done as production/limited production with some modifications. If Melody says no, then oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained!

          in reply to: Show off some of your Christmas goodies! #906931

            I got several very lovely things from my family. A Bumblebee (the Autobot) themed hoodie from Universal Studios from the aunt, season one of The Legend of Korra, an art book for Avatar The Last Airbender and a really nice set of 36 Faber Castell Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils.

            From the brother I got this awesome print. Now I just need to go get it framed!

            in reply to: Please! Need Kitty Advice! #906654

              This could be any number of problems, from a food allergy to IBS. Doing a food switch like what’s been suggested already is probably the cheapest/easiest way to start looking for a solution, as well as getting her treated for worms.

              Next time she sees the vet, make sure you mention that she’s been having these problems, and it’s fine to also discuss your financial limitations with testing. The vet may be able to suggest some places to start that don’t cost as much as jumping into diagnostics with both feet.

              in reply to: Cute Little Cow Story and How She Saved Her Own Life #906437

                Frankly I don’t think anybody’s response to her was hateful in the least. As a matter of fact I think we were all pretty restrained, considering and it didn’t look to me as though she was personally attacked.

                If you want to be a vegetarian/vegan, that’s awesome for you! Go to town. But I’d appreciate it very much if you’d not wave it under my nose as though I am a terrible decision maker because I like steak. The cute story about the cow would have been just fine without the following sermon.

                As Jennifer said, there are ways to approach a subject, and this isn’t one of them.

                in reply to: Cute Little Cow Story and How She Saved Her Own Life #906393

                  Actually, it’s really annoying. It would be akin to if I came here and started posting about Christianity and I just cared about people’s immortal souls. Regardless of whether or not it’s a concern of mine, I don’t do it because it’s incredibly impolite. Not to mention preachy. And nobody likes preachy; doesn’t matter what the subject is.

                  in reply to: HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2013 #904579

                    I managed to terrorize my nephew (He’s 2) with the squinty eyed one without even trying. Who knew a half hearted ‘rawr’ from a smiling pumpkin would be enough to send the kid screaming to the other end of the kitchen? (He decided they were OK once the candles were lit)

                    in reply to: 9/25 Grab Bag TADPOADtm Picture Thread #903379

                      Got mine today too! Silver cheeks, gold and russet body with touches of green and loopy eyes on the back. He’s absolutely hysterical.

                      in reply to: FOR SALE – ERS 210 Aibo in Black #902815

                        I do still have him, yes.

                        in reply to: fight music #902705

                          I’m a little late to the party, but how about ‘Overcomer’ by Mandissa.

                          in reply to: Divorce – Finally Finished! #902358

                            Yeeaargh about covers it. I’m echoing the sentiment that I’m glad the boys are just shy of 18 and not, say, 8. I swear it’s like some people never grow up past second grade. Yikes.

                            in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899819

                              All of you who are defending Windstone’s right to make a profit, I really don’t see anyone disagreeing with you on that. We’re all good. 🙂

                              If the Unis need to be $500 for Windstone to call them a success, then they should charge just that. (Though at that point I think all but the bravest collectors might be spooked…) But saying, well the aftermarket is what it is, so Windstone should get more of that profit, that’s hard to jive with for the collectors who’ve always been priced out of the aftermarket.

                              A store Uni and an aftermarket Uni are sold completely different ways, with different factors affecting the final price. For Windstone, it’s the time and effort that increase costs. The aftermarket is driven by 100% unbridled competition and demand for specific pieces. Certain factors seem to influence why Youngs from past batches sell for what they do:

                              – Few collectors have Youngs: First batches had fewer/no limitations on quantity, before that was sorted out. So more Unis ended up with fewer collectors, who tend to hold on to them.

                              – Market uncertainty: 2 years of uncertainty regarding if any more could be produced, drove a healthy aftermarket.

                              – Knowing what you get: Many collectors who can pay more than store price are happy to, when they know they are getting their #1 pick in the batch.

                              – Multiple bidders: The most-desired Unis that were put up for sale, drew lots of offers that often went above the asking price. Some of the bidding wars got downright intense, when several collectors were bidding against each other knowing this was probably their only chance at their dream piece. How often do you see the top-ten most desired Unis go back up in the Classifieds? They do not surface often.

                              But these factors that make an aftermarket price what it is, don’t play in the same way when you’re buying an unknown item from the store, where:

                              – You don’t know what you get.
                              – You’re not competing for an particular, specific piece that you’ve seen already.
                              – You can’t be outbid. Everyone who places an order in time gets to have one.

                              So while it’s fair to justify the increase based on time and labor, it doesn’t seem fair to justify such a huge price increase, based on the aftermarket alone.

                              I think everyone was shocked at the prices some collectors were willing to pay for their favorites, and no one could have expected that these Unis would be such a hit, or so profitable on the aftermarket. The factory staff have have never complained about this unexpected twist. I’ve only ever seen it shrugged off in a good-natured way. And I would certainly hope, despite what’s been implied, that the previous prices set by the store have accommodated feeding the staff and meeting their expenses in exchange for the effort.

                              If the people who missed out on the last batches could have afforded a $350 purchase, they would probably have purchased one in the two years they were waiting for this batch. The people who lost out the hardest in this situation, were the very people the GB items were invented for.

                              There’s ZERO debate about whether or not Windstone should take a hit on their work. That’s freaking silly. Of course not. A specific demographic was marketed to, and became VERY devoted; yesterday a huge portion of that demographic felt very left out by the company that created the market in the first place. THAT’S what stung, no matter how unintended/unforeseen it was. And it’s what I see reflected in the posts of others. Not because anyone thinks Windstone should operate at a loss.

                              You’re speaking my mind very well! As an artist myself, I hate sounding like I’m begrudging Windstone profit on their work. I’m not. And I don’t expect them to take a loss.

                              I’m also perfectly aware that as a business owner you just can’t win sometimes. No matter what you do, if you have a large enough following, you’re going to honk someone off or disappoint someone eventually. I just wish it hadn’t been me this time!! ;P

                              in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899641

                                Would have made more sense to me to put these on Ebay or special items. That price doesn’t speak ‘Grab bag fun’ to me and it excluded those with lower-budgets that went for grab bags to begin with.
                                Hopefully people like what they get, but that’s one massive gamble that seems completely illogical to me, if it weren’t for resale prices (which I think is a risk in itself).
                                To me it seems this has generated a load of unhappy campers, and the surprise unis haven’t even arrived yet.

                                I don’t want to sound a grump, and I *really* don’t want to start drama, and frankly I’m pleased Windstone can get that price for them, but it’s about $100 out of my reach. I’ll have to enjoy people’s pictures of all of Melody’s wonderful effort.

                                Obviously I’ll live without one and be just peachy, none the worse for wear, but I can’t help but be a little bit sad, since I did plan on splurging a bit for one.

                                in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899631

                                  Yow! I respect Windstone’s need to price things accordingly, but I was thinking something closer to $250. These are out of my reach even if I knew what I was getting. More power to y’all, both Windstone and the folks who decide to go for it!

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