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  • in reply to: Muhahaha!! My VERY FIRST PYO- Wolf #529135

      You could scatter some of those little candy hearts around her for decoration. 😉

      in reply to: Is It Me? #529236

        There’s a leafcat sconce on there too, that I think retails for $62 that I wanted (and am now kicking myself for not BIN at $50) that is now, oh, $66 last time I checked, with a day or so left on it.

        Saw a spirit wolf somebody paid well over $35 for a little while back. People are incredibly retarded, not researching before bidding, or just way too lazy to look anywhere besides ebay.

        in reply to: Crochet? #528587

          I know, what I may ask is probably way too cheap, but it’s sort of just something I do while I watch or read LJ or the forums I visit, or in between posts when I RP. I put a lot more thought and pain into my artwork than I ever will crocheting.

          I don’t really have an outlet to sell them here in town, unless I paid out the nose $125 for a booth at HerrinFesta when I’m not absolutely certain I could make that back, and I’ve checked ebay, nobody’s buying them there.

          Ah well, nobody pays for nice things anymore, it’s hard even to get commissions sometimes. Poor is the word around here lately.

          I would trade for Windstones, though, if someone offered the right ones, but other’n that, they go for what I can get for ’em.

          in reply to: Muhahaha!! My VERY FIRST PYO- Wolf #529132

            She sort of looks like Valentine’s Day…

            I’m not crazy about pink, but she’s cute in that girly sort of way. She’d be at home on top of an 8 year old’s dresser.

            in reply to: Crochet? #528584

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Just curious, Rusti, but how much is an Afghan worth if you were to sell it?

              Oh, depends, I usually pay out about $20-$25, give or take just for the yarn, so it depends on how much of a pain the thing was to make. I’d love to get $100 for one, but that’s hardly ideal. For a full sized granny square type thing you can wrap up in? Probably $80 or so. $60 if I stopped now and you just got a ‘lapghan’ or something to drape over the back of the couch.

              It’s cheaper than what I ask for the hours I spend on artwork, since it doesn’t hurt quite as much. 😉

              Or, ya know, I could be talked into trading… 😀

              in reply to: Crochet? #528580

                Heh, I’ve had the problem of forgetting to count when I do things before, and ended up with a ‘scarf’ that was sort of…wavy…on the edges.

                Took it apart and started again, so it was more or less even. At least with this stuff, you can pull things to pieces without much trouble at all!

                in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526547

                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  The ruby one is starting out a tad steep, though – all the ones from that seller are.

                  Yeah, I kinda thought that when I saw them all go up, they’re starting them at retail instead of below. They won’t go for much more then they’re at now, if people bid at all. Not to mention that yah, the ruby oriental sun *can* stlll be ordered, but they’ve listed in their auction that it can’t.

                  But, I don’t desparately want any of them, so, more power to the seller if he gets what he wants for them.

                  in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526544

                    There’s a ruby babe up too. just search ‘windstone’ and it’ll bring up a couple pages for you to browse through.

                    in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526542

                      dragonmedley wrote:

                      I was going for the young oriental, but dragonessjade got it. 😥

                      Hey, Dragonmedley, did you see this one?


                      in reply to: Be honest, what do you think? #528802

                        My cats don’t do anything they don’t want to, mind, they aren’t obedience trained, but they respond well to negative stimuli, as opposed to praise for being on the floor instead of the counter. O.o

                        I can’t count the number of “How *dare* you!!” looks I’ve gotten for correcting a behavior, but they eventually stop doing the undesireable!

                        I need a picture of that offended look…

                        in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526540

                          I don’t suppose I’m sure what I mean. Maybe the designer in me prefers all the curvy bits as opposed to the compact nature of the others.

                          It’s been a while since I’ve seen one of the western-style ones up close, so I may decide I like them both once the mum Ruffian is sending me gets here.

                          How about I reserve judgement ’til then?

                          in reply to: Be honest, what do you think? #528799

                            I’m a resolute disciplinarian. My dog does what I say, when I say (though, there is of course, occasional room for amusing misbehavior, so long as it’s contained. ;)) but is allowed on the couch and the bed.

                            My cats are a little harder to contain, but they *are* containable. Kitchen counters, shelves, desks, etc. are taboo resting places, and scratching and biting the hand that feeds is also Not Allowed. Let it never be said that negative reinforcement via a squirt bottle or a sharp, brief tap with the tip of an index finger on top of the head for transgressions like biting doesn’t deter cats. I think it offends more than anything else but it is effective!

                            Threats to make a tabby skin welcome mat, however, usually go ignored. 🙂

                            in reply to: Be honest, what do you think? #528794

                              This would be why my cats get in deep trouble for going up any higher than the couch or a chair…

                              Good luck, hun, it looks like you’re going to need it!

                              in reply to: Crochet? #528572

                                Granny squares and rows and rows of single crotchet stitches are all I really know right now, but I’m making the attempt to learn how to read patterns so I can do more.

                                My sister does all sorts of cool things, like flowers and such, but she’s got someone to show her, I’ve been more or less learning on my own. but I can sure fly around that granny square! 🙂

                                I’m tempted to see if I can sell them, but they’re a lot of work for what people will pay for them, unfortunately.

                                If you know of any easy patterns, point me in that direction, I need to branch out. 🙂

                                in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526538

                                  Thanks, that’ll be four pieces now, and I think, for the time being, I’m going to lay off unless I see a deal I can’t pass up, since I’m spending money I shouldn’t be. 😉

                                  I guess I’d be one of the few that prefers the orientals to the western dragons, more to look at, I suppose, I dunno. Maybe I’m just weird.

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