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Yeah, that would definately make me anxious too.
That kinda sucks, but you can order a PYO Wolf direct from Windstone now.
I hope Quill’s OK, and that you get your PYO critter to paint soon.
Most definately! College ain’t cheap, and thanks to my design process instructor’s stories, I know quite well how much things are worth. 😛
Greater Basilisk wrote:I like those quilts, ruff. That’s a really neat idea.
Rusti – I only just saw your answer. Can I say I’m shocked at how little you’d sell them for? That’s a steal. One fine month when my CC isn’t prebooked to the full with OWs and griffins I just might commission one from you. But not until after the griffins are out, so it’ll be a while.I know, my afghans I’d sell dirt cheap, it’s my artwork I’m not so generous with. 😉
Yeah, I haven’t heard from the guy I won the regular emerald oriental from, even though I’ve sent him/her a couple messages now, it makes me vaguely nervous.
If everything comes through OK, I’ll still give ’em a positive feedback, but mayhaps a mention of lack of communication!
It does make me wonder whether or not they’ve actually got the item in question.
Or they could be like me and can’t be bothered to set the time on the VCR/DVD player, since the power will eventually go out and I’ll have to do it all over again anyway. 🙂
I’ve a Paasche airbrush I’ve used on a few t-shirts, but never on a 3D piece. Is yours dual-action? (meaning you can control the paintflow by pushing down on the trigger first, then slowly pulling back to start paint flow). But I haven’t busted that thing out in…god…years…
Grab an el-cheapwad drawing pad, or some pieces of felt or an old t-shirt/sheet to get the hang of things on. And be sure to clean it thoroughly. As in, take it apart, clean the needle and interior nozzle, after you’ve run a whole jar of cleaner through it and make sure there’s no paint left hanging about in there.
You can get fine, smaller lines by keeping the tip of the brush closer to your piece, and broader strokes of color by backing off.
Practice, of course, makes perfect.
Edit: And as far as mixing, a milky consistency always seemed to work best. Make sure you get all the chunks out.
I got my peacock oriental sun today, and she’s quite pretty, with her greens, purples blues and oranges. I’m still waiting on the regular emerald oriental I bought.
I laughed my butt off. Guess that means I need some sleep.
good luck!
Holy moly… Someone’s gone a tad overboard. I’ll bet the seller is absolutely thrilled…
Well, perhaps not intentionally exploiting (though some of them will, and do), but definately coming out on the winning end, if two people get into a bidding war and don’t have enough sense to bow out before it gets obscene.
Seller wins, either way, if it goes for way more than it’s really worth.
Nambroth wrote:I got both of those. I seem to remember needing fire, bloom, and water to catch the thief. It’s been over 2 months since I did that part. x_x
So is he hiding in a tree somewhere that you need to get all those set, light the lamps and fill the canal to get him to even come out? I get that he’s ‘under cover somewhere nearby’, but I’m too dim to get beyond that.
What about the dude on the beach? What on earth is he looking for?
I suppose that’s true, some people *do* think that way. Although I rarely buy from ebay unless it’s a good deal or something I can’t find anywhere else (cuz 90% of the time has it, it’s cheaper, and they protect you!).
More power to the sellers though, for being able to exploit people’s inability to research a purchase.