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I am pretty sure that that is the pic that made the poor dog hate cameras, that and after my hubby got his digi cam he went nuts taking pics of that poor animal. He got to the point that he would hear the camera turn on and run 😆 . Now you put the camera in his face you get this because he hates the flash.
are trying to hock meds to people and they are selling from Canada, WHY?
LMAO post whoreing, omfg that is so funny.
again i submit that we need more smileys
I finally bought a peacock OW, one cam up as a BIN for 210.00 so I took him, I dont care if that is too much it seems average for me, I am sooo happy. Now to pay for him, and the shipping to me in Canada 😯 .
good luck with the move
starbreeze wrote:dragonessjade wrote:Why do so many people read the book and then watch the movie? I would think that it would ruin the movie because a lot of times ppl say things are left out.
I couldn’t help reading the book first. The book came out several years ago. 😆
Yep me too, I already have eldest read before the movie was out.
Thanks guy I really like the way these last two turned out, now I am going to get another one and redo my Mom and Dads Shiba Bear, he is just too blingy to me now.
This one I did to look like my male Shiba Inu, Can Ch. Cintaras Tonka Toy, we call him Tonka, he is 9 years old, and my little stink butt.
So ya thats him, I really cant wait for the large dragon, and the small one with green eyes, and then the large one with green eyes 😀 .
Well I’m working soooo no sleep for me, not that they care if I sleep, but I bought a 360 tonight and I want to go home and play it. I was going to play it here, but the fracking tv wont change to the other input (*&&%$^#$$##^&. But alas I ahve been here since 7 last night, and am here until 7 am, so 12 hours to sit and stare–at the box for the xbox, LMAO.
I never said I was never drunk like that, the best one we did was to take those magnet truck signs off of trucks and put them on other vehicles. Or we would take house for sale signs and put them in different yards too, LOL, harmless kids stuff.
He reminds me of the one Dalmatian puppy in the 102 Dalmatian movie, her name was two-tone, because she only had spots on one side, very nice.
You see that is what happens when books get made into movies, so much gets left out, and some big parts were left out of Eragon, the same with harry potter 4 I too wonder how they will handle HP5, but want to see it reguardless. As for Dumbledoor, I wonder if they have him more edgy in the movies on purpose, because I cant see JKR allowing them to do that with out her consent.
I have started my new year but working 3 12 hour shifts each day the 30th the 31st and today, but tonight I am makeing 40 bucks for 8 hours then 48 for 4 hours, not to bad I must say 😀 .
Melody wrote:I’d walk in the living room and tell you but I am too lazy.
awww a mothers love, LMAO, you guys are so funny.
In one city i lived in some people stole one of those giant gumball machines, out of a restarunt, while it was open, in a town I lived in some tree planters stole one of those giant machines filled with little keychains and stuff. I have heard of 50 lb horse statues stolen, a calf one was stolen as well. Some people just get right foolish when drunk.