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Oh oh I LOVE this thread! I started collecting the shiny mares and foals when I was a kid. Gave them all away to various nieces when I was a teenager, but then started collecting as an adult and have a nice collection. Love seeing them displayed IN the bookshelves. I have mine on top of shelves, on top of bookcases, etc, etc My favorite are some of my oldest. Not sure what they are called. A running Arabian mare and foal, in a matte dapple gray smoke color with white mane and tail. Love them all!
Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!
Love the Wild Troll Unicorns! Wow – sure wish you would do a few extra of these.
Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!
Hmmm – never collected “My Little Ponies”, but tend to remember them as being bright pink or turquoise, or some gaudy color. An iridescent pegasus is so traditional, but most figurines or ceramics I’ve seen are not classy (unlike all the wonderful Windstone versions). This Pastel Rainbow test paint tends to look very much like an opal! I think it would be very beauteous on pegasii!
Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!
Ooooooo – Pastel Rainbow Pegasii or Unicorns! ! That would be awesome!
Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!
I love the Pegasus family, especially the Mother Pegasus. Melody, I would love to see a new Pegasus, like the Young Unicorn, sitting with the wings unfurled. Think how much fun to paint that would be! ! While I’m at it, I would love to see a Mother Pegasus, Mother Unicorn, or Male Unicorn done in this lovely new Black Pastel! ! !
Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!
I believe it was a Summer Leaf Pegasus Mother that had the pearly white finish. Beautiful! Also the Tigerheart unicorns!
Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!
Will there be any more Pegasus with that lovely pearly white finish? It is so beautiful!
Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!
Has a Raffle for September 2017 been announced? Did I miss it?
Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!