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I contacted ebay through their email process and was a bit gruff though professional however, they could ban me for being the gruff I was. I havent heard back yet but it’s too soon.
As for neutrals, ebay told me LONG time ago when I live chatted with them about the new ebay rules when they were first announced. I asked if my 100% score would be affected even if Im not on ebay all the time. We went through this in depth and she said no, your 100% will stay in tact as long as you dont get negatives. She said neutrals will not change the score either way.
Remember I came on here and complained about a seller who sent a Windstone in a shoebox?! I had tried to contact her to ask her why she didnt insure it when I paid for that, why it was sent in such a box and smashed to bits (the box) and fragile not written on it, etc. I sent several of these contacts to her and she ignored me. She never left me feedback UNTIL she saw I left her a Neutral feedback. She left me a retailiatory Neutral for me when I as a buyer, did NOTHING wrong. I paid her within minutes of auctions close and kept in touch- she never did. But darn if she didnt respond after she saw the Neutral (which should have been negative on my part but I feared she would be the way she was and retaliate). I didnt deserve that neutral whatsoever.
Plus, ebay told me that neutrals in the new regime will not change scores at all. We had a long talk about my not losing my 100% status until we were both blue in the face. I was assured that no matter how much or little I use ebay, that having ALL positive FBs for so many years and a simple one retaliatory neutral would not affect my 100% score AT ALL. That was straight from ebay. Now I say they lied, the friggin losers.
I’ll wait to hear back from them but this puts enough of a craw in that Im about to boycott the crap out of ebay in my own little way. I know they wont care but it will appease me. Dammit, Im SO pissed off you have no idea. Im so freakin tired of doing nothing wrong and getting slammed for stupid crap anyway.
Sorry to rant to you guys. Thanks for being there.
Well Im PISSED OFF!!! This new ebay crap just totally SCREWED up my 100% positive feedback, dammit! Whats the deal? I have NEVER EVER received ANY negative feedback (only positive) and now my perfect 100% is reduced to 98.5% ?????????? WTF?! That is SO unfair. My number of feedbacks may have gone from 151 to 193, but Im more concerned with my score losing it’s 100% standing when there isnt a single blemish on the account! Im pissed at ebay now. Thats it.
Nirvanacat13 wrote:PhoenixTears wrote:Brat!!!
Nah, Im just kidding. Ive been there and done that. As long as youve come through it alive and with a sense of humor, I personally welcome you back even if youve ignored/deleted every single one of my emails which have mostly been funny forwards- but it’s OK
Im glad youre back and if I could, I would swat at you playfully while hissing
XOXOXXOXI think I’ve been getting your e-mails? O.o Are you Honeybear? Not nice to confuse me with other names? Actualy if I get a funny e-mail I usualy just share them, I’m not a responder unless someone smacks me and says “HELLOOOOO! RESPOND TO ME!” I know I’m bad about it, I’m sorry =(
I will try to do better! *cower* LoL!
Hee hee hee! Yes, thats me! And no worries- I dont expect ppl to respond to FW emails. If I had addressed you directly that many times, yea, Id have YELLED at you so to speak, in an email out of worry. But the fact you can remember my email off the top of your head like that… hmm, that could be a bad thing! (in that Ive sent out too many FWs)!
xoxoxoxoxoMay 20, 2008 at 7:44 am in reply to: White Dragons I lost the name of the person who wanted them! #704612When I hear white dragons, the very first thing I think of is knowing that GB wants the white Coiled MAMA!
Please meet “Lillith” which is the magical dark gray one. And “Shyla Mint Drops,” the minty green one! Both females. I wanted to spell Lillith with one L in the middle but it wouldnt let me. I assume that means someone else had that name. Still in all, I named them for very specific reasons. I love my new adult dragonies!
Nah, Im just kidding. Ive been there and done that. As long as youve come through it alive and with a sense of humor, I personally welcome you back even if youve ignored/deleted every single one of my emails which have mostly been funny forwards- but it’s OK
Im glad youre back and if I could, I would swat at you playfully while hissing
XOXOXXOXSkitterfly, that sounds awesome. The only problem I possibly foresee is that with those kind of wings, theyd likely have to be outstretched- insect wings are usually such. Melody has always maintained that such outstretched or spread wings would be very hard on casting. I know many ppl have requested that she do some pegasi and dragons with wings in flight but she says they are likely not to hold up. I still love the idea and have faith that if ANYONE can find a way to make it happen, it would be our lovely Melody.
Congrats to you and enjoy!
I just cant justify spending that amount of money for a piece that small. Same would go for the curls that get up there. Maybe… just maybe for those OLD style tabby cats because they are SO very old. But small statues like the baby kirin and such… nope, cant justify more than $150 or so.
Still in all, congrats to you! I hope it brings you great pleasure AND I hope that someone has the equal opportunity to own the very old and original BW Flap Cat. Would be nice to have 2 celebrators… especially an underdog!
kitsunelady wrote:He’s got some other Windstones for sale. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he might have just been copying/pasting his auction titles/descriptions and got confused?
Yes, this is what I think now upon closer inspection. I dont think he is trying to pull a fast one. I mean seriously- he has other legit Windstones up for auction, he must know collectors, even newbies can tell the difference between pieces like Summit (which I think those are) and Windstone running side by side.
Skitterfly wrote:Aww, I was hoping I was the only one who noticed those auctions.
I was closely scrutinizing the shading on the Emerald Mother. If that’s a repaint, that’s one heck of a fine job, but my money’s on these being legitimate.
Sorry ’bout that! If it had been a hidden auction, Id not have made it known in public like this. But since everyone here makes it a daily business to search keyword “Windstone”, I knew theyd run across them. Plus, the subtitle also tells you of the rarity. Hope I didnt screw anything up for you- really.
I know some of you are looking for the elusive Emerald colored dragons with the ORANGE eyes and champagne jewel instead of the red ones. Does this one look real to you or do you think it is repainted to Emerald from Old Green?
Seller also says in auction that she has other dragons with this exact color scheme- emerald and orange, not emerald and red like the mass production.
May 18, 2008 at 5:34 am in reply to: I'm BAAAAAACKKK!!! and…(link to pictures in original post) #703984May 18, 2008 at 5:25 am in reply to: I'm BAAAAAACKKK!!! and…(link to pictures in original post) #703983OK, I vote for Jan 21 or 24 since those are my cousins birthdays. And I will also vote for Jan 19 and Jan 26th since those 2 dates are birthdays of very good friends!
Hmm. I smell a “baby pool”! Whoever wins, we all chip in and buy them say, a curl or something! But if we do that, we have to narrow it down to time of day also so we dont come up with ties! Hey, we did this stuff in work so I thought I bring it up.
Now, only if we played for Windstones instead of game, show or concert tickets at work… ! LOL