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  • in reply to: Grey cats or flap cats? #917258

    I like the etsy store idea. Then people could just wait till one they like shows up. Just kinda announce around when they are going in so poeple can watch to nab the one they want.

    just gotta remember with etsy, it isn’t jut having it in you cart, it is whoever pays for it first. Multiple people can have it in the cart, it is first paid first served.

    Sorry – I hate the idea of putting “Special” OOAK pieces in the etsy store as well as (presumably) the “Special” section in the Windstone store and on ebay. The three-day bid window on ebay is pretty stress free, but having both etsy and the “Special” section would make two “Grab It or It’s Gone” locations to watch. ACK!!@!#%!

    I agree, I’ve tried to acquire OOAK things from Etsy only to be left empty handed and very upset. I can understand and respect that Melody wants to broaden the store, but Etsy isn’t a place for OOAK/Special pieces.

    in reply to: Grey cats or flap cats? #917238

    I prefer the GB Pebble Cat idea. When it comes to Pebble Cats, I’d be happy just owning one. If I absolutely hated the color I got (doubtful), I can always trade. Plus I love the excitement waiting for my newest GB “purr”-chase to arrive…:3

    Oh yeah … Fuzzies go way back. 😉

    I’d love to have a Fuzzy like that…:D

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #917209

    Yup. Sure can

     photo C557D511-A36D-4D24-83CA-BDE6D00F7900_zps7zufbfnz.jpg

    This is another GB Colt that I could stare at all day and never tire…:D

    I was wondering if Griselda has been shipped yet? I’m not sure where she is coming from? I just don’t want her to get lost on the way here…

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #917167

    Oh wow! I didn’t like him much in the live feed but he’s actually pretty dang awesome! congrats!!


    There were many I liked in the feed, but when people posted pics I changed my mind. I had not seen pics of my #1 fav, only the live feed. Well, there is the class pic, but you don’t get a feel for each Colt. I was a tad worried that I may not like Nightmare in person. Obviously, that wasn’t the case. He looks right at home on my shelf…:D

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #917166

    What a lovely Nightmare PhoenixxFox! It looks sorta old Greek pottery to me in styler. Very different and unique.

    Now that you mention it, yes he does have look of Geek pottery…:)

    in reply to: refurbishing ideas #917147

    Then there is this artist:
    There are many many artists that use scrap stuff to make creatures, but this artist has an exceptional understanding of form and anatomy.The fish are the best.

    Love the Wild Boar and the Cobra is pretty awesome too…:)

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #917143

    Today was a “Nightmare” come true:

     photo Nightmare-6_zpse6184a3a.jpg

    Thanks to Pixie-dust, I now own my #1 fav GB Colt…:D

     photo Nightmare-2_zps0255c48c.jpg

     photo Nightmare-4_zpsf28077b5.jpg

     photo Nightmare_zps0285f381.jpg

    After seeing Nightmare in person, he truly is my favorite piece out of the group!

     photo Nightmare-5_zpsb2242a39.jpg

     photo Nightmare-3_zpsfc4fd500.jpg

    Pixie-dust even included a lovely thank you card, which I’ll proudly hang on my fridge.

     photo Card_zps3745ce81.jpg

    in reply to: Show your Fuzzy Collection! #917134

    I got my 1st Fuzzy with the GB Colt I ordered and it was downhill from there:

     photo FuzzyPickles_zpsd61d8898.jpg

    Not only did they climb all over my Giratina Origin Form PokeDoll, Pickles but afterwards they made themselves right at home with some of my Windstone statues:

     photo IMG_7414_zpsf73228b5.jpg

    Of course, two of those Fuzzies belong to Rodney…:)

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #917087

    He actually bought one and just so happened to get it. He says technically it is his (even though I know he doesn’t give a crap about Windstones, it’s just to torment me and tease me with it when he wants something) but it’s still in my house and I get to look at it whenever I want ^_^

    If I get mad he’s like “Maybe I ought to go break my Windstone” to make me give up and say he wins. Horrible… awesome… mean… loving boyfriend. LOL

    Wow, he really did get lucky then! Maybe he should play the lottery…:)

    Rodney admitted to me that he only wanted to buy the Windstone GB pieces he did to make me happy. Though, they sit at his place where I get to admire them every time I visit.

    My #1 fav GB Colt should be here tomorrow, I can’t wait. Though I am a tad worried for I used money that I should of to purchase him and there has been no interest in the GB Colts I have for sale…:(

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #917080

    BEST BOYFRIEND EVER! Totally makes up for all the times he has completely screwed up! Clean slate baby! Clean slate! LOL!

     photo 100_0256_zpsf725f33_edit_1407242542645_zpsclerdu7z.jpg photo 100_0257_zps0a5a386_edit_1407242683158_zpshjaqhfl4.jpg photo 100_0253_zps95b0b74_edit_1407242404272_zpsd5cw8zs5.jpg photo 100_0258_zpsd59a1a1_edit_1407242370066_zps0getkyhw.jpg photo 100_0255_zps6cb80d5_edit_1407242330513_zpsuzl3l7bz.jpg


    Did he buy a GB Colt too or did he track down whoever the lucky person was that got the Colt with the Koi?

    in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #917053

    I’ve already seen just about all my favorites posted I think, but mine should be waiting for me when I get home tonight.

    Oh no, I hope you luck out and get one you want…:)

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #916993

    Mine are still available for trade as well. So far I have had like 3 good trade opportunities fall though and at this point it doesn’t look like I will be able to get a favourite so I figure if I can’t find a trade by next week, I will just list mine for sale.

    Sorry the trades fell through…:(

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #916991


    Yes, it is the black and orange one with the green-eyed Dragon shadows.

    Who knows, maybe you will get the one with the lovely Koi tattoo? I know a lot of people like that one.

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