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Hehe I know, it was sitting at $78 untill the last 5 min, and I was like “Oh that’s not too bad! I think I’ll get it!” and as I was typing in my bid it shot up to $150 then $157 then $202, and I was like “…..uh… 😮 …Or not! LoL”
Get a Cannon. Some of the other top line brands have gone to crap in the last couple years, but Canon has just been getting better and better. Not all of their stuff is great, but for the most part you can’t go wrong with one.
That happens ALL the time here in California….It’s usualy when there’s a lot of crap (smoke/smog/etc.) is in the air, and stuff gets wet, so the “crap” sticks to it and dries, forming kind of like a mineral crust. I ‘ve seen this a lot when it drizzles and gets the plants wet, and there is a smoke vent, or a deisel truck that runs next to them for a few minutes. I’m sure it you chemicaly analized it, it would be mostly carbon emissions. Also see it in places where there are a lot of big trucks that sit and idle, like at the post office, they water their plants, and they park the trucks right on the curb idling while they pick up the mail from the mail boxes and the plants get this black crap on them. So while it’s not a disease or particularly harmful, it is something to worry about and I’d report it to the city. If you have allergies or get migraines from stilly stuff like carbon dust it may be a worry too. Otherwise it’s just a nuisance.
Awww poor bebbeis! Lots of hugs and smooches and healing energies! Ruptured crutiates are not fun =(
Good to see you back BDW!! LOVES!!! And you too Laurie, even though I’ve seen you around =P
Are we there yet? 😳
Congrats Jasmine!!! I can’t wait to hear/see what you get done!
There was a Copper Bengal that was up, but no Brown/Tan Bengals yet. I’d have seen it =P I’ve been looking!
Grats on your first PYOs!! They look great! Just keep plugging along and you’ll keep getting better and better!
WindstoneCollector wrote:Nirvanacat13 wrote:Now THAT’S what I’m talking about! XD
*hugs* 2 Cat! 🙂Luv u! And those two are gorgeous, the antiquing realy does wonders, I know it’s scary and a pain to do, but it looks soooo nice! =P
You’re not lame! ROFLMFAO That was awesome and creative! You’re pretty good at stop-motion animation =P
hehehe <3
*stalk* *stalk* *stalk*……*POUNCE!*
Are we there yet?