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  • in reply to: Scary moment…. #786594

      PRETTY KITTY!!!! I’m sure she’ll be fine, it’s when you leave them in for an hour on high heat that you tend to get some brain damaged issues….though I will maintain that most cats have some sort of brain damage anyway…Just keep an eye on her for the next day or so, but I doubt she will have any long lasting issues other than maybe a little more caution for the dryer. 😀

      in reply to: Thinning the herd #786068

        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        Of course, the names to be deleted could be presented to the community first, just to make sure they’re unknown by all and really not participating anywhere, even by PM. :shrug:
        Just an idea.

        I’d be hesitant to point people out by name to the community, I really think if there are going to be any cuts, any communication needs to be handled internaly by a moderator via private e-mail communication. Maybe if it was a once or twice thing, like hey, anyone know what happend to so and so, like I made a thread becuase I was curious as to where some people dissapeared to, but picking them out like “Have you seen XXXX? No? Ok, they’re deleted.” seems a little…I dunno…public humiliation comes to mind, and I don’t think people should be forced to post in public (not that you suggested this, but some may feel *obligated* to speak up should they be called out by name) if they don’t want to. Anyway, just my thoughts, I could be wrong! =P

        P.S. Love you too GB!

        in reply to: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished #786279

          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          (And if she would actually look for the flour she would probably find it! 😈 )

          My usualy response when someone asks where something obvious is: “Up your @**? 🙂 ” Cus you ALWAYS give service with a smile, even if it’s lip service 😉

          in reply to: Bored waiting for auctions & y'all have me looking on Utube #786570

            LadyFirebird wrote:

            Should we create the ‘Bored Corner?’ 😈

            We just did

            in reply to: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished #786275

              LadyFirebird wrote:

              Get money for my help? Oh gosh heaven forbid! What a gross, gross sin that would be–why I’d die and go straight to hell! 😮 Oh no, no, no–I have to do this for free because they are needy and they’re needy because they’re f**ked up but that’s besides the point–I should be available 24/7 because they can’t seem to get things done without my help. Reminds me of a comment I made to someone who was caring for a demanding and ungrateful elderly relative–you could be there 23/7 for them and they’d b*t*h about the one hour you weren’t there and therefore, you would be considered selfish because you had an hour to yourself!

              No pleasing these types of people so I don’t bother–that’s what is getting to them! XD

              My motto, be selective about who you give favors out to….and make sure they’re the type to grovel at your feet in thanks and bring you sacraficial gifts! 😀

              in reply to: Bored waiting for auctions & y'all have me looking on Utube #786568
                in reply to: Ferret help? – He's gone. #786527

                  Has the weight loss come on all of a sudden? or has he slowly been losing it over months? Can you feel any unusual lumps or masses anywhere? Check all the organs and compare size/firmness with any reference you can find. Has he been vomiting, having diarhea? If you’re going to take him in tomorrow, you might want to have a stool sample ready to take in for the vet, just put it in a plastic bag, they should ask for it. He may have worms or a parasite or something, so check his stool for any indication of worms (like little granuals that look like grains of rice *tapeworm*) stuff like that, I know tapeworms in critters that small can make them lose quite a bit of weight that they don’t have to begin with.

                  Hope he’s ok!

                  in reply to: Ever had a song or video plague you? #786141


                    And along those lines for WoW fans: Even subtitled so you can actualy see what he’s saying, hope you’re up on your acronyms! LoL Let me know if there’s any you don’t get. BRD, UBRS, ZG, MC, and those in that sequence are high level dungeons in WoW.

                    My physics teacher showed this to us in class one day my Jr. year of HS and it always stuck, well he showed us the last minute wherein they have a BIG long block of sculpted clay and for each shot they just slice a small slice off and it presents a “video” as the entirety is cut. REALLY COOL!:

                    in reply to: I want to buy or trade for… #785475

                      purpleturtle wrote:

                      jackid55 wrote:

                      Thank you! Me too, but is only 3 months. 😀

                      True. And and they say ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’.

                      Of course some say it’s ‘absynthe that makes the heart grow fonder’ 😈 .

                      makes the heart grow fermented is more like it >.<

                      Sending safe vibes for your new hubby in the sandbox. What branch is he in?

                      in reply to: Black "rescue" PYO's #785953

                        JellyFish wrote:

                        I am sorry that I made this sound bad. In my last post I thought I was making light of it. I was not aiming any insults to anyone here. I was upset because a inlaw of mine who also buys Windstone is stock piling pyo and limited pieces for resale and personal use and finds it funny when she “beats ” me to them (we dont get along very well) She thankfully is not on the forum and even if she is without me knowing I dont care if she sees this. I was just letting off steam and obviously some took it as a personal attack which I really did not mean.I found this forum to be friendly and enjoyable but will now watch what I post and hope not to upset anyone again. I have obviously made some enemies which was the last thing I wanted to do and feel sick about it. I really dont know what else to say and hope that I will still be accepted here and if not I will miss this forum.

                        Just a note from being here a long time and seeing lots of misunderstandings….I don’t think anyone here will not accept you just because of a coment that you made that pissed some people off and then explained yourself. I don’t think you should “watch what you post” every time, people are entitled to their opinions, but maybe fully explain yourself if you think that the comment might be taken the wrong way (such as you did in your above post). Sometimes it comes down to that you just didn’t know the forum etiquite and slipped up, now you know better and can be a little more….tactful…composed…in what you say in the future. I do know this from personal experience with some stuff that I’ve said and had said to me in the past. IMHO take it as a lesson learned and make yourself a better person for having learned it. Sometimes putting the comment “I’m letting off steam, this isn’t personal” goes a LOOOOONNNGG way, and using the Community forum for steam letting is a good place to start too.

                        On a side note, is your in-law a poster here on the forum? Don’t have to say, just curious. 😀 *gets pitchfork and torch for storming the castle* hehehe j/k

                        in reply to: It is lung cancer #786217

                          Oh lord no!!! Seriously, this pisses me the f off. 😡 😡 Man I am so angry and sad and hurt that this is happening to you guys…..To have gone through SOOO much with the transplant and then develop CANCER??? Of all bleedin’ things?? Louis and I are sending all sorts of love and healing thoughts and prayers and warm fuzzies and anything else helpfull we can think of your guys’ way. Tell Danny to kick this crap in the jimmy!! LOVE YOU GUYS LOTS! Hope that they can get it all out with surgery and it doesn’t spread!!!

                          in reply to: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished #786270

                            eaglefeather831 wrote:

                            lol, I’ll take your number too! j/k XD
                            Seriously though, they need to stop expecting your help, and just be grateful for when you do help. I hate it when people expect “gifts” or expect “assistance,” and then they get mad at them. It’s suppost to be a random act of kindness, not scheduled kindness.

                            Amen sista!

                            scheduled kindness = a form of slavery imho

                            in reply to: Thinning the herd #786065

                              LadyFirebird wrote:

                              is there anyone who really, really thinks they know a person.

                              Well, Louis and I know GB, she came and stayed with us in our cramped little corner of the house for 2 weeks and we had all sorts of fun! Took her to the factory, out shooting various rifles and hand guns in the dessert, took her to the beach, and took her to a Rennaisance faire among other things! =P

                              We also know DDVM (Pam), we got to meet up with her last December when she came out for the Wyland dinner gala and we got to spend an awesome day at Disneyland with her and her friend, and we keep in contact about life and stuff (though not as often as I should.. 😳 ).

                              When Melody and Co. were down here in N. Hollywood, we went to visit them a number of times and they were kind enough to invite us over for dinner and we helped them cook and had a blast!

                              I think I know Drag0nfeathers pretty well too, we kind of got off to a rought start, but we’ve since reconciled and as much as we post about our personal lives on here have a pretty good feel for eachother. I mean we’re going on a 2.5+ year online relationship LoL!

                              Those are just to name a few. There are MANY others on here that I would be more than happy to put up if they ever came to visit (though I’d be a bit embarased about it untill Louis and I got our own place), but I trust them, and hope that they trust me in return.

                              While I know this forum can get kind of catty at times, and has in the past, I really enjoy reading everyone’s opinions and thoughts about controversial topics. Even if I whole heartedly dissagree with what a person says, I still respect their opinion and I think it makes me a better person having listened to it and trying to understand it from their point of view and others points of views. In a lot of cases, I find myself doing a LOT of google searching to see if what a person says is indeed fact, or if there is another truth behind it. Just because someone quotes you and contradicts what you were saying doesn’t neccessarily mean they are flaming you, but maybe they have a better understanding of similar situations, or they’re just using your thoughts to illustrate their own conjectures. I know this is not always the case, and honestly if you think someone has intentionaly flamed you, just send them a PM asking if that was their intent or not. Or if the case is REALLY obvious (like when Mmloda first got here for one instance) call us out. We are human and tend to say stupid crap that when we are forced to think about it a little bit, will realize that it was uncalled for.

                              That being said, I don’t know that I can adventure an opinion on “culling the herd” but I do agree with many things people here have said. I don’t think just deleting accounts is a good idea, but maybe sending an e-mail out tho those that haven’t even logged on in over a certain period of time as a “warning” that if they don’t contact us or log in within the next say 2 weeks, their account will be deleted for inactivity and clenliness of the forum. I also agree that there are a LOT of people who have real life issues that come up (i.e. active duty, family issues, etc.) and need to at least be given the chance to respond before their account is just deleted.

                              As to the lurking lovers of Windstones, I cannot stress enough how really good natured the people here are, some more than others and some just need to see your “face” a few times before they can open up to you, but over all this is the BEST group of people that I’ve met online. EVER. I can understand if you’d like to remain anonymous and that is perfectly fine! Just know that even though we don’t know you, we’d like to know you and welcome you openly to our little corner of the web.

                              in reply to: /sigh @ NASA #786160

                                WindstoneCollector wrote:

                                I had a big long rant going on, but then I decided, I honestly don’t feel like getting flamed aobut my opinion anymore. 😕

                                Awww I like your rants….give me something to read at 3am when I’m doped up on vicodin and can’t sleep! 😈 <3

                                I don’t know that I’ve seen anyone “flaming” you out right, I mean some well posed arguments and opinions countering yours I can understand, think of it as a different way of looking at things and you can take it or leave it. If it’s happening consistantly in PMs and such that’s not really cool imho, you’re entitled to your thoughts and opinions and people should see the end of the last sentace if they don’t agree.

                                And I’m sorry if you’ve felt I’ve ever flamed you in the past =P, never my intention!

                                in reply to: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished #786268

                                  Hahaha, well good luck with the co-worker! Big hugs!

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