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I want on the waiting list for the amythest oriantals!!!! :shout: 😮 pleasepleaseplease
is there a waiting list???? Should I email Susie??? 8D *freaking out and begging husband for money*
How much will they beee???? Over $200? 🙄
Congratz Flamingdragon!!!!!!!!!!
*jumps on the bandwagon*
Dragon plz <3 or if you want to go the cheaper less time consuming way: a dragon 4×5 print? of say, a dragon flying to oregon and making a new nest?
KoishiiKitty wrote:a ziplock lid? i did not steal your only turntable did i???? O_o
the green reminds me of raw copper (i think???? is that the one that has a greenish look to the raw stone?)
to really enhance it I would play with antiquing and drybrushing.( i did not show that when i was painting, bad me o_O)
if you put a darker color(mix a little black with the copper) and brushed it into the crevices of the scales, then just lightly, very lightly, brushed over a lighter..maybe even a will still look copper but it will have this really neet illusion of “glow” to it. like what you get with a pollished mettle. although this is not a technique that you do it ones and it comes out….when i do it i often go over re-layering paint…examples: paint base color…add darker color…add lighter color…add more darker color…add base color again…add darker color…add lighter color..
and all that is done in very small layers of paint. What happens is that because the layers are so thin, you can see through them to a certian point and this is what gives the illusion of “glow” and color play as your turn the object.🙂
I may be able to demonstrate what i mean on ustream for you…must find stomething to paint that technique on….
Nah, I have another lazysusan, but this was already on my desk(from removing a centipede from the bathroom) and it’s the right size for now ^^;
Well, I was thinking clean bright copper in the recessed areas with the patina on the top of the body and some edges of the scales, while the belly is shiny and seems even more so like new copper. I was planning to antique it once I was finnished, but I really do agree in that it doesn’t have much depth to the scales and such right now.
I’ve also been deviating from my original color scheme by adding plum/red/and blue topaz xD (annealed copper has beautiful reds and purples, so I’m playing with that idea in my head= playing too much in jewelry class)
First Windstone PYO!
I’m going for a copper idea…Arizona is the Copper state 😳
Not too sure about the green claws…but got more work done on it…
Advice is always appreciated. The white areas will have more green. A ziploc lid for a turntable 😆
please nobody hurt me if “copper” has been done before >_< I looked through some of the gallery and saw two that had a similar concept, but didn't look the way I planned this one out in PS. Also, I got the PYO through a private deal. I'm not going to name the seller ^^; no offence
For my first one…I guess it’s ok? Will update with pictures as I continue painting <3~Nakase
April 27, 2009 at 4:10 am in reply to: A Master's Thesis? Surely you jest! EDIT: Pictures added! #761547omgosh it looks like pictures from across the road here o_0
lovely pic of pronghorns <3
I always wished to snatch a pic of them laying down and taking a rest for a painting, camera sucks though. I hope you post more pictures <
good luck to all who put there names in!! <3
(I think the general rule is, you win, you’re banned)
there’s such a thing as a swap?!?!?
omgosh do want to participate when it does happen ^^
if I only had monies D: ;_;
She’s lovely Koishi <3333 blue topaz! ohnoez!!! that interference paint really looks nice on them stripes ^^
😛 relax, and take a load of your mind <3 long hot bath sounds good 😆
LOL! At my mother-in-law’s advice, I checked craigslist for windstones. Lo and behold, I found a hatching peacock for $20 😆 It now graces my computer desk next to the Lovely Lady <3 (it is missing a hang tag, did the peacocks have them to begin with?)
I would totally suggest checking Craigslist o_o Most of them have no clue what they have 😮 The lady I got this little one from, has two Fraklinmint dragons for $100 each (omgosh, if I knew anyone who collected them I’d so contact them)
Congratz!!! *boogie* May he give you many smiles ^^
pegasi1978 wrote:Nakase is not the owner operater. She’s not TJ. She is a spriter and has been working on new concepts for dragon sprites.
thanks for clearing that up ^^ omgosh, I could never do coding like TJ xDDD
I’m just a spriter ^^; tis all <3
I tend to use the Dragoncavefansite, but I’ll add my eggs to my siggy in just a moment <
thanks ^^ now to try and catch the store owner xD and talk my Hubby into bringing them to show them off xD
thank you
lol thanks ^^
people still want me to sprite my Ascended concepts for my golds. So at the moment I have to finnish the male gold, the other two concepts, the Ascended green, and the dark dragon concepts. xD