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  • in reply to: Yummy Chickpea Curry Stir Fry and Coconut Rice #906416

    Oh, that sounds delicious! I will definitely try that 🙂

    in reply to: Stray dogs of romania #906365

    I hope the dogs are all doing well!

    Yes, I think they are well so far. The two girls there are constantly trying to make life for the dogs as good as possible. Renovating the kennels, building new ones and so on whenever they have some spare money. It´s always amazing what they can do with so little material 🙂
    They also managed to send over 50 dogs to german shelters (they have a few they are working very closely with, so whenever a shelter has some space they try to take some of the romanian dogs) or foster homes in the last 2 months.
    I really love reading their blog ( because despite everything they have to fight on a daily basis, it always seems hopeful and you kow that this really is the first step into a better life for most of these dogs.

    in reply to: Cute Little Cow Story and How She Saved Her Own Life #906362

    What a heartwarming story. I´m happy the little cow is now safe and can just live a happy life! The pictures of her running around and being greeted by the other cows are so sweet 🙂
    Thank you for sharing.

    I´m a vegetarian, too, and just wish more people would take the time to actually think about where the meat and eggs they buy super cheap at the supermarket come from. Even if someone really can´t live without meat it´s not that hard to get it at least from somewhere were the animals are treated right.

    in reply to: Stray dogs of romania #906304

    I´m extremely happy to let you know that Slinda, the dog I was able to sponsor with the donation of a forum member, is now on her way to a lovely german animal shelter. This also means she won´t have to face the harsh romanian winter! 🙂
    I´m sure it won´t be long until she will find a family of her own now (as soon as a dog is here in a shelter it normally does not take long for them to get adopted), maybe even before christmas 🙂

    At the moment all dogs at the romanian shelter have sponsors, but as soon as a new one arrives I will try to sponsor it since I still have some money left from my donation sale 🙂

    in reply to: Grab Bag Poads are available now! 11-29-13 #906147

    I´m so torn between getting one or not.
    I really like most of the designs, so the possibility of getting one that I like is very high, but I´m not a fan of the adult poad sculpt >_<

    It´s not helping that there are still some available.

    in reply to: The Winner of the November 2013 rafffle is… #906003

    Congrats! I hope you get something you totally love!

    in reply to: Quest 13 is now open! #905954

    Oh I love this quest!
    Thank you so much for doing this!

    in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #905416

    This morning I passed the practical exam for my drivers licence! I´m so happy. Now I can finally drive my husband around instead of always the other way round 🙂

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, moonbeam! #904969

    Thank you so much!
    I took today off from work so I could be as lazy as I wanted to be 🙂 So far it´s great and even the weather got a lot better than yesterday.

    in reply to: 9/25 Grab Bag TADPOADtm Picture Thread #904220

    Here is my little tadpoad. He looks like he has a mask around his eyes 🙂

    in reply to: 9/25 Grab Bag TADPOADtm Picture Thread #903883

    Lol, what a funny pic 🙂

    in reply to: My "New" Baby–NEW INFO #903877

    There are so many people who get parrots without thinking about how old they can get. So many of them end up in shelters. But I´m glad there are places like this sanctuary where they are looked after.
    And how good for Angel to get you as a sponsor and find a boyfriend, too 🙂 That will surely help her settle in and become happy once again.

    in reply to: Colts question…. #903766

    ohhhh Candycorns! I´d love to have one of those 🙂

    in reply to: Stray dogs of romania #903761

    With the donation of an awesome Forum member I was able to get a sponsorship for 5 months for this girl:

    She was brought to the shelter in a plastic potatosack by her owner. His kids were standing there laughing while she desperately tried to come out of the sack 🙁 The owner wanted to be rid of her because she was chasing hens. When asked what he did to occupy her he just looked blank. She should be a guard dog and do nothing the whole day but guarding the house… What a sad dog life.
    But at least now she has the opportunity to be with other dogs, to play and learn that humans (which she loves very much despite everything) can be caring, too. I very much hope, that she now has a chance to find a forever home. 🙂

    in reply to: 9/25 Grab Bag TADPOADtm Picture Thread #903610

    Oh my, so many cute poads! I can´t wait to see wich one I got. I hope he well arrive soon 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 533 total)