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just wondering if Miss Melody ever found out anything good on this guy ?
My vote is for the russet, that’s the only one I’ve seen in person though.
To be honest, I wish the color was closer to the one Melody has in her gallery. Maybe it’s just the pic of course, but the color seems so much richer, the transition from the gold to the …maroon ? is a much smoother blend.
Not saying I don’t really like her, just prefer the original 8)
DantheDragon wrote:Haha, it is rather cool. Amazing how our bodies work. Even if it’s just a gap in your memory, it’s an interesting experience. I remember after a bad bike accident my body went into shock. … I was totally calm though; almost detached. Kinda like just watching everything happen. I was in no pain at all, and was actually more concerned about my brother XD
I had a similar experience – was riding my bicycle on the way to school, started to cross a road, heard a screech… next thing I know I’m laying on the road, there’s a crowd of people standing around, the paramedics are checking me out ( so you know I was ‘out’ for a while ) and I saw my brother among the crowd. I was more worried about him and what my mom was going to say…
Had all but one of my wisdom teeth out long ago, IIRC got shot with Novocaine, heard a little crunching and felt some pressure, and they were gone. I didn’t have much pain at all, I think managed just fine on regular Tylenol. Last one is impacted, but my current dentist is ok with leaving it alone for a while yet…
Jump forward to right now… I just had a tooth extracted on Wed night – it had broken down to the bone so they couldn’t ‘restore’ it. Two or three shots of Lidocaine, a lot of crunching, lots of pressure and pain even with all the shots, and finally it was out. I got a prescription for Vicodin, which didn’t seem to make much difference as it didn’t even get rid of my headache on Friday. My jaw and gums were more sore today than Thursday, so I stopped back by the dentist after work. She pulled out the temp, and said it looked like it might be starting to get infected. So, without benefit of any anesthetic, she cleaned out the socket – imagine the sharp little pointy tools jabbing into an open wound, then spraying it with cold water to rinse –aiiiiieee. I’m now on antibiotics and … going on vacation to Vegas in three days. At least the pharmacist said I could still drink alcohol with the Amoxicilin – “go ahead and have fun :)”
my jaw is throbbing right now
awesome Whippet ! I’m adding it now….
thank you ❗
not Batmanish to me, fitting mood for the sculpt. Size is fine. thanks again
oops, you can’t delete once it’s been replied to. Oh well, so I upped my post count a little LOL
aha, you’re using the wrong line of text. That is trying to connect you to the webpage at photobucket.
Copy and paste this text into your sig box on the profile page, remove the spaces after the first IMG and before the last one.
Next to that box, make sure BBCode is On
And make sure you check Yes for Always attach my signature, allow BBCode, HTML, etc
and when you are writing a post, make sure that Attach my signature box is checked
bluepony78 wrote:bluepony78 wrote:testeing to see if i got it..
Ok. I’m doing something wrong. It gave me a link, not a picture…. 😥
In the box where you put that address, just add
at the end of the text you put in. Make sure there are no spaces in between these “tags” and the text.
these sigs are all so cool, Whippet. I’m not new (don’t post a lot since I’m sort of shy), just kinda missed this the first time around.
Would you be willing to do one for me ? You’ve already used my first choice for someone else, so how about something completely different… the Grimalkin ?I’ve used pastels some, also. I don’t crush mine though, if you do that make sure that you thoroughly crush it. No little chunkies. I actually use a cheapo …strainer ? I guess it is. It has a little ‘bowl’ of screen mesh about 1 1/2 inches across – I just rub the pastel stick around inside and it makes a nice fine powder.
I haven’t tried them on a PYO yet, but on model horses people often use Q-tips (cotton swabs) or the eyeshadow applicators that are a little sponge on the end of a plastic stick. They may not work well on PYOs because of the surface texture, though.
I have a few sets of Loew Cornell pastels, probably a little cheaper than the Alphacolors but I have no complaints. I tried Reeves (?) but I didn’t like the feel of them.
Those emperors are rather impressive, aren’t they ? I’d like to see one of the new gold ones, the ones with more shading, live and in person. droool.
Right around retail, I think. $68.75 US plus tax. Dust was included for free 😉 but no original box. I bought it in a near-by touristy town. They don’t seem to have raised their prices yet, had mother dragons at $100, Emperor for $286, etc. That was the place where I got my peacock mother coiled dragon from, too, at $68. No, they didn’t have any more of the coiled – I’d have bought for resale 8)
jealous of your curl collection. I want an emerald or a white mother coiled…whimper
Greater Basilisk wrote:Nice collection, mikki! And you still have space for more… 😀
😕 For a moment, I thought you meant the horses ? hee Nah, that’s the manufacturer’s website.
You people are sooo bad, trying to corrupt poor innocents like me. I had my two young dragons for so long, and I was satisfied. Then I found that Emperor… then the PYOs came out… and I found the forum…
I did just get a peacock coiled father yesterday 🙂
ladybrooklyn wrote:Autumn Leaf Curl Family… DROOL!!!
oooh, I’ll go with Brooklyn on this one ❗