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Oooh, you can tell she’s got heart in that pic! What a sweetie! Do you have any more pics of her? I’d love to see them! 🙂 I can’t wait until Scott and I can get two horses. I’ve grew up around them off and on, but never actually had one. Then my mom got one several years ago, and Scott and I became very attached to her. She was sooo pretty! She was a paint with icy blue eyes. And such sweetheart! Sadly, mom couldn’t do much with her because of her fibro. So she ended up giving her away. We would have taken her in a hearbeat but currently have no land to keep her on. We’re planning on the move to Estes Park this spring and won’t be getting land anytime soon as we get settled there. I’m sure she would have loved it there! I hope she loves her new home. 🙂
But yes, if you have more pics of this girl please share! 😀
Sway wrote:Thanks about the Av 😀 Any horse that can smile while heading warp speed towards a 5 foot fence- gotta love ’em! No, she’s not mine. It’s my cousin’s photo of our friend’s horse. I love her because, for the classes she’s in, she’s relatively small but so speedy, and full of heart. She kicks tail! I wish she were mine!
You’re welcome! I just read where Lucy has a tumor growing… that is sad! 🙁 *Hugs*
Lokie wrote:machineguts wrote:Awww, ratties! I love ratties! 😀 Cute animals, Lokie! 🙂
Thanks! 😀
Thanks Lokie! 🙂
Okay, those are DEFINITELY my favorite breed of Fuzzy! 😀
I can’t wait to see mine! 😀 And yes, the wolf and dragon are amazing! I love your metal work!
I love your avatar btw, it’s sooo cute! 😀 Is she/he one of your furkids?
Holy mackerel! Who shot the dragon couch?
That’s a neat idea! 🙂
Eeee thanks ghost! 😀
🙁 I’m sorry to hear that, Twin! *Hugs tight* Hang in there, Ethan!!! <3
Wow Lady, that’s awesome that it came much earlier than expected! And that is a nice digital camera you got! Congrats! 😀
Good luck to you! We are all here for you! 🙂 <3
WOWzers, talk about a good deal!! I’ve been wanting a Red Fire Emperor for a long time. Well I stumbled across one at this independently owned shop in the mall, and he was already marked down from $344.00 to $244.00. I asked if he would by chance be interested in trades for the Emperor, and he said “No, I’ve been trying to sell him for a long time but nobody seems to want him. But I tell you what, I’ll mark him down even more for you if you’re interested in buying him.” I said sure, what would your price be? And he marked this freakin’ thing down to $180.00! Mint In Box condition, with his hang tag and original packaging! Oh man, I’m so stoked about this find! He now has a nice warm home in my curio. 😀 Pics soon!!
Yes he was! He reminded me of my favorite QT fountain drink. Diet Pepsi with not diet cherry flavoring. LOL! Man it’s yummy!
Woo, I know that’s right! I don’t think I’ve ever bid on anything that didn’t end up with a crazy price. Especially when I’m outbid and have to bid again. 😛