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  • in reply to: Picture Thread: Windstone Ebay/Grab Bag 'Families'. #931998

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^Congrats, Lysithian on a stunning little family..
    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    THANK YOU AGGIE83!!!!! Seriously…THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Picture Thread: Windstone Ebay/Grab Bag 'Families'. #931989

    Many thanks to my special forum friends! My collection is a lot smaller, but it was very well worth it! Here is The Fawnz family! Papa Fawnzie with his family! Doezie the mama, Twinzie next to papa and Wunzie nearest to mama! I love them all! Thank you my friends and thank you Melody for painting these amazing Fawnz!!

    in reply to: Creepy red eyed doll… #931479

    Yes, creepy. Not a fan of dolls like that, but I suppose there’s something for everyone! I DO love the BJD Porcelain dolls that Enchanted Dolls creates, they’re so pretty.

    I am NOT a doll person! But I have noticed some that caught my attention and I’ve thought, oh pretty…….but these red eyed creepers?! No no NOOOOO!!!

    in reply to: Creepy red eyed doll… #931478

    I’ll confess – I looked! Eeeek! Creepy is right!

    No offense to any doll collectors- they are definitely not my thing either.

    Told ya NOT to look!!

    in reply to: Creepy red eyed doll… #931469

    The first one isn’t so bad. I didn’t like the eyes on the second one. I personally don’t own any dolls like that nor would I want any in my room. I did when I was a kid but now I just have shelves of cute beanie babies, stuffed animals, Windstones and unicorn and horse figurines. I like to joke with my one guy friend that my beanie babies all watch me in my bed. They aren’t creepy like dolls though.

    The first one is bad. I am telling you, that one is bad!! You don’t want to upset her at all! Just look at the way she is pointing at you!??! YOU are next she seems to be saying! NOOOO!!! And she reminds me this doll I had….

    I had one doll that I remember growing up. When I was pregnant with my first kid, I had her in the baby room. But I was always feeling leery of the room, not wanting to go in there. But I chalked it up to being pregnant. Was fixing up the crib one day and blood started pouring out my nose, and i never get random nose bleeds. I look up and that doll was just creepy eyed staring at me. Took that doll, wrapped her up and threw her in the dumpster! The room didn’t’ feel creepy after that!

    I do NOT like dolls!!! And red eyed dolls?!?! NOT RIGHT I TELL YA!!!!

    in reply to: Want to get in on something fun? #931458

    Email me for info.

    I did and YES!

    in reply to: Creepy red eyed doll… #931451

    Oh great, curiosity got the better of me and I looked at them both – eeee!

    Porcelain dolls are freaky! I’m not sure what it is about them, I think their emotionless, ever staring face, like a serial killer calculating, watching, waiting to strike, pretending to be innocent or looking like lifeless little children or mockery there of. *shudders* No thanks, give me a stuffed animal any day!

    Didn’t I warn you?!?! Did you look at both?!? The first one…THE FIRST ONE!! No no NOOO! She looks too real to me, then again so does the second one, but that first one, the way she points at you..YOU ARE NEXT on her list…okay now I just scared myself even more!!!

    YES stuffed animals! ANYDAY! Or horse figurines! Or Windstones! But you can’t really play with windstones, well you can but then they might chip!

    in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #931263

    This is just the cutest thing, but I didn’t know where to post her, so here she is. I just want to hug her, a little appaloosa mini-horse.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Way cute! Looks like a mini horse baby, maybe a month or less or so? Short mane and tail. And see the other baby in the background with the mama?

    in reply to: 2015 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #930501

    I was the lucky winner on the rainbow,kirin. I dont forsee seling or,trading her in the near future but if i do i will keep you in mind.

    Congrats Betrluk1, and off to delete my ad! Glad it was a forum member who won Sparky! At least I get to see her every so often! Thanks for letting me know and keeping me in mind IF IF IF you ever let her go, and CONGRATS on an awesome new pretty!

    in reply to: 2015 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #930495

    Congrats to anyone who got the sparkle Ki rin. Really stunning that one.
    I also like the Gothic unicorn on there now.

    Yup yup congrats and if you the new owner doesn’t love her, I have this to trade!

    Or….I don’t know…I might have something else! Even though it was a dark one, something about Sparky called to me! Really called!

    So congrats new owner! You got a nice one there!!

    in reply to: What breeds are my dogs? #930202

    The Fluffeh, Fluffiest breed. 😉

    Awww 96037,thank you! My fluffy beebees! Yeah I love them!

    in reply to: What breeds are my dogs? #930201

    No matter what they are they are gorgeous

    Thank you darjeb! I think they are gorgeous too!

    in reply to: What breeds are my dogs? #929974

    This was fun!

    Thank you Melody!

    in reply to: What breeds are my dogs? #929929

    And finally, daddy Koi, a purebred Australian shepherd.

    So full siblings, Calico and Timber are:
    1/2 Australian Shepherd
    1/4 Standard Poodle
    1/4 Golden Retriever

    Thank you all for playing!

    Koda (non relative Boxer) Timber, Calico and Crikey early 2012

    And May 2015. Crikey sitting, Koda standing and Calico and Timber laying down

    in reply to: What breeds are my dogs? #929928

    Another picture of the pups. Clarence the teeny one was touch and go for a while, such a tiny runt! They all were hand fed and supplemented as Crikey did not have enough to feed all twelve!

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