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  • in reply to: Special Items category in store. #886272

    Even though they are out of stock…we can make bids? Are these offers binding? A lot can happen in a month! LOL! Like…Another windstone catches my eye that I must have!

    What does this mean……

    This item will remain for sale at the asking price until October 12, after which we will consider the highest offers until an acceptable amount is reached

    Referring to the part where it says we will consider the highest offer until an acceptable amount is reached? Isn’t the minimum bid of $190 an acceptable amount? I think the wording is throwing me off!

    Maybe ..just a suggestion….just have the new goodies for sale at first, say for two weeks, with no bidding offered, then have them up for bid for another week? This way we can’t bid on something out of stock?

    Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Special Items category in store. #886264

    Add to cart button still up on buckskin, but when I clicked on it…Says out of inventory…..just wanted to report this bug!

    in reply to: What's being painted for the store? #886168

    This week we are painting.. uh, more curlies in glacier (I think), ocelot griffin chicks, and Lavender young orientals.
    I am painting Pegasus stallions in buckskin Przewalski’s and palomino.

    We are going to try something new…I am painting some special, individually painted things, to be sold, not on ebay, but directly from the store.
    We know there are people who might be interested in one-of-a-kind things, but that just don’t want to mess with ebay.
    I don’t know the details about how this will work yet.

    Are any of these special painted things pebble wolfies or unicorns or pegasuses?!?! I hope I hope!!

    Pebble wolves are off production for what I know. She’s not in the mood to deal with the rollyness of any pebbles… this is discussed someplace, but hell if I know where now XD haha.

    I like the store idea Melody! Looking forward to seeing what is done for it 🙂 and if I’m fortunate enough to be around for any of those releases, lol

    I read about the rolly polly wolfies, but I can still hope!!!

    in reply to: What's being painted for the store? #886081

    This week we are painting.. uh, more curlies in glacier (I think), ocelot griffin chicks, and Lavender young orientals.
    I am painting Pegasus stallions in buckskin Przewalski’s and palomino.

    We are going to try something new…I am painting some special, individually painted things, to be sold, not on ebay, but directly from the store.
    We know there are people who might be interested in one-of-a-kind things, but that just don’t want to mess with ebay.
    I don’t know the details about how this will work yet.

    Are any of these special painted things pebble wolfies or unicorns or pegasuses?!?! I hope I hope!!

    Ohmygosh, they fixed my order and went above and beyond to help me! The order that disappeared because of that back button glitch is back…they found it! Thank you Susie and everyone else who worked on this!!! I can’t believe it! Now I feel like crying in happiness! Windstone is a wonderful company! I’m going to do my best to support them as much as I can! I really am beyond silly happy! Just wanted to let everyone know. Broken heart no more…I love this company!

    Thanks Pixie-dust. I did get a buckskin baby later after I lost my three due to a glitch.

    Congrats Pony-up on the palomino baby. Hope I can still get mine.

    I would have cried too. :'( I’m glad you were able to still get one and didn’t lose the entire order.

    Thank you. It was heart wrenching to see my entire order just……disappear! My heart actually hurt! Still does, sigh. But yes, I did manage to get a BUCKSKIN (wrote bay originly) baby Pegasus! But I dont think I added Love Fuzzy to that order either.

    I had a palomino mama, palomino baby and a bay baby in my cart. Hit checkout and realized I forgot to add LOVE FUZZY. Hit the back button and my cart emptied….WHAT?!?! Called windstone and it showed items in my cart but they weren’t there. I was so excited about getting these and…. gone! Yes I did cry! Sigh.

    I did get a bay baby after they came back. I really wanted a przwalski baby too, but figured the palomino pair would make up for it but….but…..but…..I lost them to a computer glitch!!!

    If they had sold out before I could have gotten any in my cart…I would have been fine with that. Okay I would have whined a little then gotten over it. But I got three in my cart and was checking out right away and they were snatched away! The little kid in me is throwing a major fit! The adult in me is saying get over it.

    Anyway….love fuzzy….even if they did make me lose my order!

    No, now I’m worried….. 🙁

    Just got an email from her and told her to check the forums. She should be posting soon with update.

    in reply to: New Sculpts – Old Colors? #885717

    Hi Melody,

    I saw the blog pictures of the new sculpts you’ve got going. Let me start by telling you how excited I am to see new sculpts coming out. I love to be able to admire your work. And My Ki-Rin family is definitely in need of a new addition 😉

    So, this brings me to my question (which I think has been asked in different ways and about different colors).

    Will the new baby ki-rin come out in the original ki-rin colors? (the brown and white/pearl)

    And will the new unicorn colt come out in white?

    The unicorn colt will eventually be painted in the family unicorn colors, though his main purpose is for grab bag colors!
    Oh yeah, I guess the standing baby kirin will need to be painted to match the kirin family… yuck. Those were so hard to paint!
    Don’t get your hopes up too much though; we really don’t know if we will be able to cast this one.
    The gypsum will need to fill the mold by pouring down through those narrow leg holes …nobody knows if that will work or not.
    The unicorn color is supposed to be the creamier color. The babies are sometimes born lighter and turn dark when they grow up.

    Unicorn colt grab bag!!!!!!! Yay!!!

    in reply to: Grab bag baby Poads #885588

    I apologize if this question has already come up in another thread, but I was wondering if there might be more Grab Bag baby Poads coming up someday. I love the ones that you painted in all of those bright and brave colors, with designs like feathers and wing shapes on them! (And had the worst luck on the planet, missing them like clockwork each time they were in the Store.) I know that they were a lot of work for you to paint, though, and you’re doing so much on so many projects. Just … if the bug to paint more of those kids happened to nip you someday, I would sure be glad!

    What Barrdwing said!

    in reply to: Lladro centaur girl for sale or trade(Update 04-19-2013) #885553

    If you really need to sell them, is a good place. You might have faster success there, as it’s more specific market for Stones and Breyers than here, and it’s a fairly reputable site.

    Thanks Starhorse! I guess I’m hoping to trade for Windstones here!

    I have mine in a pretty vase with hummingbirds on it.Problem is they keep trying to climb out and play with the birds on the outside.They sit in front of a window and I think they are confused.Guess I need to move them huh? 😉 LOVE FUZZY!

    They really do move!! I just checked mine and Neon is starting to climb out! Good thing the lid is on!! Don’t let the birds eat your fuzzies! Especially those early birds! LOL!

    ❤Love fuzzies! ❤

    A thrift shop is a great place to hunt for good Fuzzy containment! My covered candy/cookie jar is a glass apple. Have to contain them or they raid the lunch room (although I’m pretty certain they can open the lid and get out – they just don’t do it as often)

    Very cute container! I saw it on the Facebook page! It’s what got me to look for a container for mine! And searching around the ouse, I found four critter keepers! Amd since fuzzies ate critters, just seemed a good place to keep them…for now!

    Love them fuzzies!

    My baby unis and wolves keep tabs on them! Mine seem pretty content so long as they have a Windstone to cuddle with 🙂

    That’s where some of my fuzzies were, but my poor uni babies would roll over when they sat on them!

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