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  • in reply to: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016! #939037

    Appy new year!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: SCAMMERS !!! #938871

    He has her soft heart. I’m so sorry.

    Do you have his supposed name? Maybe Google that and add scammer and see if he snows up and show her that? If you can see some of his letters and documents, they can be looked up too.

    Will she look at links you show her? Here are just a few I’ve found.

    There has to be some way to convince her this is a scammer. It will break her heart though and I’m so sorry. I did this with another person, he was falling for a Russian girl who was madly in love with him. He sent me her beautiful letter to show me how true she was. I sent him a link with her letter on a scam site. He got hurt.

    in reply to: SCAMMERS !!! #938684

    I just want to say please be very careful on social sites. My mother was just recently scammed . She lost her husband about 2 yrs ago and i know shes lonely but this guy got her for 16,000.00 ! That was her entire savings !
    Very upsetting that someone can take advantage of someone and still be able to sleep at night. I hope he chokes on it ! So this Christmas is not a good one for us. I just want to warn people that if someone asks for money and you have never met them its a HUGE red flag.
    Be safe everyone and Merry Christmas to you all.

    NOOOO! Is there any recourse? Any way to report them?? Any way to stop payment? Oh I’m sure you already looked into all that. I just get frustrated when I hear about this happening to people.

    I am so sorry this happened to her. I wish I had something useful to say to help.

    Thank you for sharing. Hopefully she knows it isn’t her fault. These scammers are good. Very good. They prey on the good-hearted. Just shows your mom is a good one. Give her a hug from me, okay.

    in reply to: Christmas card #938568

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! I picked up my card today at the P.O.Box! PERFECTION and my favorite card ever! THANK YOU!!!!

    in reply to: The Story Telling Game – Nov./Dec. #938530

    No answer.

    Maybe she didn’t hear me? “Hello?”

    Standing there, arms akimbo, she glared at me with an icy unwelcoming stare. “How dare you enter my store!?!” she snarled. “You have nothing I need! LEAVE!!!”

    The music keeps getting louder. But not loud enough to hide the thumps of something attempting to break the door down behind me.

    “I can’t. . .” I start to tell her that I can’t leave, but she had already turned around. Ignoring me, she starts dancing in front of a large mirror.

    Stepping away from the door that is now starting to splinter, i realize there is nowhere to hide. And I have no weapons, just a couple of keys and a note, and bare feet! Now why did that make me laugh? I’m about to die and I’m chuckling over my bare feet?! The dancer turns around. “Didn’t I tell you to leave?!” she screeches. I point to door that is about to be broken down. “Look what you’ve done now!” she yells. What? It’s my fault some monster thing is about to break down the door? She lunges at me just as the door crashes open.

    A huge head, with teeth as long as my forearms reaches in and grabs her! Was that a,a,a, dragon?! My mind is stuttering! “You’re welcome” he purrs, after he swallows.

    “Um, thank you?” I’m talking to a dragon? I’m talking to a dragon! Wait, what if he is still hungry?!

    in reply to: The Story Telling Game – Nov./Dec. #938527

    (Please disregard my comments. It was not my intention to criticize anyone and I apologize to Lysithian as I just happened to post after her but my focus was not on what she said. I just wanted to help move the story forward because not many were contributing and I couldn’t figure out how without backtracking a bit again but I did not ignore her contribution. I also think everything posted has been well written and creative. I actually didn’t think I had a good enough idea to contribute myself but tried anyway. If you want to delete our comments, we can continue on with the story and no more chatter.)

    Fascinating. You admit your focus was not on what I said! That was obvious when you ignored what I added to the story. Which made it obvious who your original comment was about. And again, by what you just wrote above, mentioning my name, it was me you were originally criticizing.

    I was done with the chatter, as my last post did say- let the story go on.

    But you continue the chattering. And here I am chattering back at you! Lol! I feel like a crazy squirrel chattering at an annoying cat!

    in reply to: The Story Telling Game – Nov./Dec. #938480

    ^^ agreed
    I’ll pick up a thread from an earlier post and see what I can weave.

    Why not just continue from the last post by Kim? Bad enough my contribution to the story was ignored. Why make it worse by ignoring her too? Let the story go on!

    in reply to: The Story Telling Game – Nov./Dec. #938479

    (I wasn’t trying to point out anyone or anything in particular with the story. I just noticed some things and ideas seem to be repeating so I just want to get it moving forward so there isn’t too much backtracking. I want to know what happens next as it sounds like it could be a good adventure. On with the story…)

    You obviuosly were pointung me out with your criticism. I’m sorry my contribution was so terrible that you ignored everything I had written. Looks like all I did was backtrack and not move the story forward at all. Thank you for pointing that out. Gee all those English and writing classes i took in college sure went to waste. Like duh, I’m such an idiot, I can’t write good no more.

    In seriousness, this was supposed to be a fun game. Everone was to add their two cents worth and we were to build on that.

    in reply to: The Story Telling Game – Nov./Dec. #938436

    (Note, not in the story but so far this seems to be going in circles and just as something is about to, something stops the story from progressing. I wanted to contribute but before but felt like it was not moving forward so sorry to jump in but I think we need to get the story moving to a point where more people can contribute. We have already determined the character is awake so what happens next besides waking up out of a dream again, which has already happened.)

    (And this is why I was hesitant to contribute. Sorry I did. Please disregard my previous post. I’m sorry I stopped the story from progressing)

    in reply to: The Story Telling Game – Nov./Dec. #938423

    . . . . and climb. And climb. The bottle with the note starts getting heavy in your hand. Each step takes more effort than the last. You look up, and the stair case never seems to end. Looking down you can’t even see the beach anymore. And you realize, you just can’t do it. Slowly you sink down on the step you were standing on, the bottle falling out of your hand and you watch it slowly fall as if in slow motion, down the never ending staircase. Of course it didn’t break on the way down. And now you will never know what that note said. Was there even a note? Does it matter? Where are you anyway? You can’t seem to keep your eyes open anymore. As you drift away, your last thought is of that slowly falling bottle, wondering . . .

    in reply to: Trucker says hi #938389

    Welcome! That is so awesome you two found each other again! I hope to meet my true love one day!

    Thank you! Just goes to show, never give up!

    Funny. Last Christmas I went with friends to see Santa and they made me sit on his lap for a picture. He asked me what I wanted and I told him a boyfriend, no, a husband! He said he would do his best! Um, I think that was the real santa!

    in reply to: Trucker says hi #938368

    Thanks everyone for the welcome to the forum I love Dragons you all know my love Lysithian I’ve known her since I was 12yrs old

    12? Or 13? I was 14 when we met. We used to go to rabbit shows together. Trucker and his sister went to Knotts Berry Farm with me for my sixteenth birthday. And then, don’t know what happened, something between the parents, but we didn’t seem each other til this year, a bazillion years later! No really, it’s been a bazillion years! 36 years is it? Close enough to a bazillion years!

    Anyway, this is my guy! He has two Windstones, (SO FAR!!!). A dark eyed grab bag tadpoad and a blue morpho baby dragon. He loves dragons. And he is okay with, (shudder), red eyes. Oh well, I still love him! He has my heart. And he has my trust, something I never thought I would admit about anyone.

    Oh, the in person pics of that arab……….yum. You could email Myla and she could put him out on her yahoo/email group. That way you can reach lots of Myla fans. I’m sure there has to be SOMEONE for whom this guy is a Grail and has the funds for him. I would for sure put all these guys up on MH$P.

    I attempted to sign up with the Myla yahoo group, but the questions to join, well, no thank you. I’m a pretty private person, rarely use my real name anywhere, and for sure wont be putting my real address out there. There were some other intrusive questions, and, well, told them thanks but no thanks, all I want to do is sell Wampanoag. Might just go for the MH$P. Now to see if I can remember my log in info for there! Thanks!

    Wow, you have some darn fine horses, I hope you can find them some great homes!

    Thank you! I used to have sooooo much more! Life gets in the way, and pretties have to go. These three I will have to let go for the right prices. My other two, well, I might post pix but I doubt they can be taken from me, but I learned to say years ago…never say never!

    You own this guy?! Oh, DROOL. Myla’s work is awesome! She did my Polaris resin and he is my only traditional sized resin. A never sell for me! I also have one of her Artisan Hall Sandstones. I hope you find someone to sell him too. Did you put an ad up on MH$P too?

    Um . . . yes? Yes he is mine! If I can get what I paid, I will have to sell him. Thanks for the hint about MH$P. I never sold there yet. I used to be a big name back before internet when we sent out sales lists! I miss the dark ages, LOL! Back then I had so many Breyers and others. My collection is rather small now, many basics that just can’t leave and my few precious ones, that can leave for the right price.

    Congrats on your Polaris resin! Isn’t her work amazing?!?! There is so much depth!

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