Forum Replies Created
I should like some adult Poads, with the main color being either red or green, with lace patterning on them. >.>; Lace, lace, lace. I haven’t got any red or green-based Poads. =( BOOHOO.
Or, let me paint some Poads, and I’ll do it for you. 😀 😀
Also :
Black Emerald Dragons
Barn Swallow DragonsAfter puzzling over what happened between the time I looked at the forum before leaving for work this morning, and getting home, I have determined that the guy who thought he was giving us such a good price on his Peacock Emp ($450, was it?) started some sort of hububble. >.>; Correct?
Personally, I took one look at his post, laughed, and promptly forgot about it. Also, I could never have a problem with someone who got me one of my most favorite pieces! @ Wolfen <3 *snuggles orange-eyed Emerald Emp* XD XD
Eeep! I got a pair!
Careful what you wish for. I got a pair in the last batch; and they really were a pair, TWO palominos. Identical except for the tail/mane colors.
Geh, don’t curse us by saying that. XD It already happened to me once!
Score! XD I sure hope I like what I get, haha. I was pretty sad I missed the fantasy babies…they were so cute. =
I am determined to have one this time. o_o;
Hmm…I have no interest in selling my repaints, so I don’t what to make of all this…
Sharon Shinn and Robin McKinley, to name some no one else has mentioned yet! I also really like the book Threshold, by Sara Douglass. I haven’t read any of her other books, though. e.e Hmm, and ‘Song in the Silence’ by Elizabeth Kerner.
Huh, someone bought him anyways. For $600! He looked faded to me, too…I hope whoever got him doesn’t care. I really like my faded RF scratcher, but it’s probably not as nice if you aren’t expecting it…>.>;
I just realized that Poad was a normal-sized one. >.> Plz paint some more lacey (not Nettuce, lace!) normal-sized Poads if you guys are going to paint those again. <3 I don't have any mostly red or mostly green Poads, so those colors would be of interest. 😀
I also said artist’s choice, because I’m more curious to know what they’d come up with on their own than what they’d come up with my guidance. This is one of the few instances where I prefer to be surprised. It doesn’t matter what the person chooses to do, or if it is my usual ‘taste’ – I like the swap pieces because they are little representations of YOU. I keep all my swap pieces on my desk anyways, so there’s no chance of anything clashing with my ‘regular’ collection. XD
I still like Black Emerald, but I’ll get behind Barn Swallow too. =D
Got mine. 😀 Wow, it’s kind of challenging this time. >.> *rubs chin* HMMM….
I did not mean that the seller was the person who did the repaint; in the scenario I intended to describe, they were selling a repaint done by someone else – who had no idea they were ever going to try to pass it off as something ‘official’. Obviously I agree with your scenario as well – where the person who did the repaint is also the seller.
Edit : I intended to quote Jennifer, sorry. Dunno how to fix it now.
….. if I BUY something, I OWN it, and if I want to repaint it, or throw it off a cliff, or glue hair all over it, I will. The company that made the thing may own the rights to what it looks like or how it works, but they don’t own the object itself once I purchase it. If a company doesn’t want its products altered, they should rent the products out, not sell them….
This is what I feel to in a nutshell.
Sorry, but I’ll ditto that. I’ve never posted my repaints here and I probably never will, but I do not see how Windstone could legally force any of us to stop doing what we want with our own property unless we are deliberately misrepresenting it in a re-sale. If you think about it, people who repair pieces and then paint them are also technically ‘repainting’…and THEIR goal IS to make it look exactly like the production paint job! And yet there is no whinging about that? Psh.
Also, if a seller sells something without mentioning it’s a repaint, or the buyer doesn’t ask/examine the auction/what-have-you closely enough, that’s on them…not the person who did the repaint.