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  • in reply to: Update on Oil Spill from The Frontlines #815654

    I will be getting up at 4:30 tomorrow to go to Venice and work at the Fort Jackson facility run by Tri-state bird rescue. I will try to take some pictures, but BP is running the show and I might not be allowed. I had to take a BP hazmat course and am required tp follow BP instructions and rules while I am there. I even have to have a photo ID. They are keeping media out!

    I should be working directly with oiled and recovering birds. I went to this facility with the Frigate bird on May 7th and it has taken me this long to get to be a volunteer, even though I have 10 years wildlife rehab experience and I am a Nurse Practitioner for the last 13 years and a Nurse for 17 years. I have to be there to take a safety course at 8 am and it is a 3 hour drive for me.

    Here are some interesting links….this is the facility that I will be volunteering at. Tri-state Bird Rescue and IBRCC are both involved.


    And here are the HORRIFIC NUMBERS OF CASUALTIES!!! Pdf break down of the animals rescued and the dead animals……please look at this!!!


    I will keep you updated! But this is MUCH WORSE that they are saying. Hopefully, I will have some pictures tomorrow late. Wish me luck!

    in reply to: Update on Oil Spill from The Frontlines #815644


    Starting Saturday, I am supposed to be scheduled to go to Venice and do 8 to 10 hour shifts at the Oiled Bird Center, run by Tri State Bird Rescue. I am scheduled for every Saturday for the next 5 weeks. It is a 2 1/2 hour drive each way, but I am excited that they are finally letting me do so actual hands on rehab work. Yeah! I will post pictures, if they let me take pictures.

    in reply to: Update on Oil Spill from The Frontlines #815634

    Please call your congresspeople and senators and tell them you want them to make sure this gets taken care of….send them the pictures, they are in my photobucket under keschete / oil


    Compaining to elected officials doesn’t cost anything and it may help us down here if they know that people in other states are upset. I will post more pictures when I get them.

    Thank you all for your support!!!

    Here is a Pelican that is oiled. This was taken on one of the nesting grounds that is a Pelican rookery.

    in reply to: Update on Oil Spill from The Frontlines #815628

    siberakh1 wrote:

    I’m going to post/link to these posts in my facebook and livejournal, if you don’t mind. Maybe by more people knowing about this and getting angry, maybe more noise will make things move faster? People should know what is really going on down there.


    Awesome, the more people who know, the better. That is why I posted the media links and the pictures.

    in reply to: Update on Oil Spill from The Frontlines #815627

    Kyrraven wrote:

    This is terrible… horrifying, really. I just stared at that last picture for about 5 minutes. And it’s already been pushed under the rug by the media? AND the people “fixing” things are just sitting around with their heads up their backsides instead of actually working to contain/clear up the oil? Sickening. :puke:

    For those of us nowhere near the Gulf Coast and with little money, is there anything we can do to help?

    The best thing you can do, call your congressperson or senator. That is free and you can tell them what you have seen. Or give them the links to the news agencies down here. Thanks for wanting to help!

    in reply to: Update on Oil Spill from The Frontlines #815624

    GRAND ISLE, La. – Jefferson Parish Emergency managers say they have commandeered all of BP’s hired boats in Grand Isle.

    A representative for Jefferson Parish Emergency chief Deano Bonano said they requested immediate action after oil moved into the marsh passes and onto the beaches in Grand Isle.

    He said more than 40 boats were sitting idle while he watched the oil rush into the passes.

    At around 5:30 p.m., Jefferson Councilman Chris Roberts confirmed the boats have been commandeered by JP emergency managers

    At this point you are going to see Cajuns taking matters into their own hands….we may end up succeeding from the Union if this gets worse….

    Here are pictures..

    in reply to: Cataracts Gone #815514

    Glad the surgery went well! Glad the tow truck guy was nice to your new baby!!

    in reply to: RIP, baby rabbit. #815572

    Thrippa wrote:

    (Sticking the edit in first, since I forgot to put it in.) Thanks for the links, rusti, that first one in particular is excellent. Got a short list to go shop with, but the cecotrophs will be easy since I have a house rabbit.

    Well, unfortunately, when I got back from the store, the baby had passed on. I admit that I was a bit surprised – not that it died, but that it had done so so quickly. Immediately before I left it was warm, alert and rather feisty, so it was a bit of a shock to find that it was dead and cold when I returned. Had it been weak, or comatose, I’d have expected it.

    So, I’ll go out this afternoon and bury it, and fill in the hole in hopes that mama will go somewhere else next time. But, if a 90# dog isn’t reason enough to stay out of the yard, I don’t think I’ll find anything to convince her. I’m still not sure that Adam actually dug up the nest though. I find it difficult to believe there was only one baby, and if there were more he’d have brought them ALL in. (Believe me, I’ve gone all over the house looking for other ‘guests’!) I thought last night that it might have been brought over by the big owl that sits in my oak tree some nights – s/he’s dropped baby squirrels that ended up being fetched in – and Adam merely ‘rescued’ it, but it really has no external injuries at all except the umbilical scab.

    Bye, baby bunny.

    I am sorry, I know you tried. I rehabbed wildlife for 10 years and was never able to keep rabbits. Hugs!!!!

    They are so stressed, they almost always die, no matter how good you are. I have raised mink, otter, raccoons, squirrels, flying squirrels and even bats and have never had the issues that I experienced with rabbits. So please do not feel like it was anything you did, and your vet would not have been able to save that baby either.

    That is just the nature of rabbits…..they are probably the hardest wild animal to raise. It really takes an expert in wild rabbit care to successfully rehab rabbits. Weird, but true!

    Please don’t beat yourself up…..just the dog being in the house seems to stress them….not your fault!

    in reply to: Update on Oil Spill from The Frontlines #815623

    The oil here is now coating Grand Isle and coating areas of Plaquemines and St. Bernard. They are talking about burning the marsh, which is a natural thing that occurs and that might clean the marsh without destroying it. It will also get rid of the oil.

    The sad thing is that there is oil on the beach at Grand Isle and the Sheriff called wwl today and reported thet NO ONE is out cleaning it up. No Coast Guard, No BP, No National Guard…but they have the beach blocked off, so citizens can not clean it up either.

    People where I live are now getting mad and really upset. People are realizing that a month into this, that the national media is slowing down attention, so they (BP, Coast Guard, Army Corps of Eng) are getting lazy.

    I was called by National Fish and Wildlife today and they want me to go sit on a dock in Cocodrie for 8 hours tomorrow. I told them NO! If they need me to go get a bird, help stabilize a bird, help with cleaning a bird….fine, but they have people from all over the US that are at the command station 5 miles from me. They are getting paid. The have National Guard, US Fish and Wildlife agents at the dock and in boats. I want to help and I don’t need to be paid, but I will be damned if they are going to get me to sit in 90 degree weather in nats and mosquitos for 8 hours while they are sitting on their butts in an air conditioned command center and getting paid.

    I think the whole BP being in charge of everything is not working too well…the bureaucracy is starting to resemble our federal government!!! God help us! Please pray for us.

    The Parish President in Plaquemines said he is going to build berm levees to prevent oil from getting into the marsh. Even if the Federal Government arrests him.

    Here is what he said on the radio..

    Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser says Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen had turned thumbs down on the parish’s portion of a state plan to erect sand berms along barrier islands and wetlands to capture oil from the Deepwater Horizon well accident.

    Nungesser was not pleased with that decision when he talked with WWL First News Saturday morning.

    “They ought to all lose their jobs, because none of them gives a rat’s ass about this marsh,” said Nungesser. “Something stinks here. It was too good of a plan. Everybody was on board and all they did was take four or five days to rip it apart. And, I’m sorry Coast Guard, you got B.S. excuses. There was nothing you told me that’s a reason we don’t have dredges out there pumping today.”

    Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary said the Coast Guard has made no decision on the larger plan, backed by Governor Jindal, to erect the sand barriers.

    Instead, she said, the call was aimed at objecting to Nungesser’s plan to immediately move resources being used by the Louisiana National Guard on Grand Isle to start building a barrier elsewhere.

    “What we talked to President Nungesser about is maybe we should do a little more work in those smaller scale projects that are proving successful…because you’re constantly evaluating the best way to respond to the spill,” said Landry.

    She said the state plan is still under environmental review and no final decision is made. “They are working to evaluate the barrier island proposal and there has not been a decision made on that yet.”

    “This is an extensive proposal and has to be evaluated thoroughly for the potential environmental impact and any unintended consequences it might have and whether or not it’s really a pollution response mitigation measure,” Landry said.

    It’s been about three weeks since Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal asked the federal government to approve the plan to build sand barriers along the coast to block approaching oil.

    The man in charge of the federal response says they are still looking at the application for an emergency permit
    “What we are trying to do now, we’re pretty much in a fact gathering mode regarding the proposal – clarifying that with the Corps of Engineers and the state of Louisiana. Those discussions are ongoing right now,” Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen said.

    Allen says he is already mapping plans to implement the operation if and when any elements of it are approved.

    “We are fully engaged with both the state and the Corps of Engineers right now,” he said.

    He explained there were outstanding questions about coordianting the proposed project with the efforts to fight the spill.
    “It has to do with how you would deal with oil coming ashore during construction and thing like that,” Allen said..
    Here are some links to some local news stories….

    http://www.wwl.com Radio media

    http://www.wwltv.com/ TV media

    http://www.houmatoday.com/ Newspaper media

    in reply to: Photo Competition VOTING TIME! #813820


    This is silly. If you want to have a competition, you should know what theme, what time frame, etc. Real rules!!!!

    You can not just have this whole fluctuating competition.

    If you want to do this, make rules and THEN advertise.

    😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

    in reply to: Will There Be a May Raffle? #814340

    We love you Melody and we are waiting with baited breath!

    in reply to: What the National News is Not Reporting #815039

    This is an update about what is really happening in South Louisiana.

    What they do not say in the news….

    Well, with the dispersant and the type of oil flowing out of the gulf, the globules of oil are not floating on the surface of the water. So the booms are not stopping anything.

    The globs are hanging out a few inches to a few feet down. So yesterday, tar balls about a nickle size to a quarter size started washing up on one of our few beaches, Port Fourchon.


    Today, in one of the lakes that lead to our marshes, Sister lake, where there was open shrimp season, shrimpers caught oiled shrimp and the boats had tar balls and gooey oil sticking to them. Obviously they closed the lake, but the stuff is in our marsh.


    I have had two calls to retrieve oiled birds, I could not make the 7 hour trip on Monday and I could not go today. This article also mentions the frigate bird that I brought to Venice that had to be euthanized.


    I took my BP oil clean up course and got certified, it was a joke. I sat looking at the slides on my computer and took notes, the slides were detailed.

    The test was a joke….questions like should you leave your life jacket unfastened in the water? true false

    Should you wear PPE (Personal Protective Equip) when exposed to oil?

    I could have taken the test without the course…but now I am certified to fool around with oiled wildlife! I wasn’t certified last week when I picked up the Frigate bird.

    I just wanted the rest of the world to know what is happening, most is not on the national news.

    It has been almost a month and I am actually certified now by BP to help….

    in reply to: Rihana tickets yes I won them too-updated #814697

    Dragon Master wrote:

    keschete wrote:

    Wow! I am WAY JEALOUS! I love Rhiana!

    Hope you have a blast and I hope you win the tickets to the Canada show. You deserved to have something nice happen to youfor a change!!!! 😆
    want the extra set of tickets if I get 2???
    You would have to come here though

    That is soooooo SWEET of you! I wish I could. I actually have a wedding if that is the July 10th weekend. It is my bosses wedding and well, one of those things I am expected to attend. :nea:

    Hugs! You really did deserve thise tickets!!!! I want some pictures!!!!! I wanted to go see Sting in New Orleans, but I want floor tickets and they are $300 each, so, unless I win them, that is a no go.

    Thank you! Hugs! I am so happy for you!!!! 8)

    in reply to: Do Any of You Grow Your Own Food? #814731

    Does it count if I grow dandelion greens and Nasturtiums for my bearded dragons? Hhehehe…. 😆

    in reply to: Rihana tickets yes I won them too-updated #814693

    Wow! I am WAY JEALOUS! I love Rhiana!

    Hope you have a blast and I hope you win the tickets to the Canada show. You deserved to have something nice happen to youfor a change!!!! 😆

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