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Oh gosh Jennifer, that’s horrible, I really hope things improve for you soon. 🙁
Update: Casper is going to be kept over the weekend at the vet and the catheter has been put back in. He’s being treated with valium to keep him calm. If the blockage isn’t out by Monday, he will require surgery. Relief though; so far the bill is manageable. It will double though if the surgery happens. D: (Gosh cat, get better, please!) I’m going to take the bus and visit him this weekend at the vet since the doc very nicely said that I could. Hopefully that’ll cheer the poor little guy up. Otherwise he’s doing well, so I guess he’s no longer in imminent danger of dying. It was a huge relief to hear the vet say that! Still super worried though of course.
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Ooo he looks fantastic Drag0n, nice work! 😀
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So, update; the catheter is coming out tonight and they are going to start him on some medication. He’s still a little blocked and he hasn’t been eating much, probably because he’s scared or is just feeling icky. They’re hoping to send him home tomorrow though if he doesn’t pee on his own they’ll be back to square one. It’s the weirdest thing ever to have to pray that your cat will pee of all things but that’s how things are. Poor baby. 🙁
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I hope so! (Oh my gosh yes he is, I squee over how cute he is daily when he is home!) When I called yesterday afternoon (sorry I didn’t update you guys immediately D: I was distracted with keeping my mind occupied) the vet said that he’s surviving so far and that they are going to try to take the catheter out today. If all goes well with that and he proves that he can pee on his own he will be coming home tomorrow or the next day… crossing my fingers. I am uncertain whether he is out of the danger zone yet. Apparently there was a surprising amount of debris inside of his bladder (they didn’t operate, that’s just what came out,) salts and crystals and whatnot, so no wonder he had his issue. Casper is probably going to be stuck taking medicine for a while, if not indefinitely to keep his urinary tract working properly. The vet said that because this happened before and because I feed Casper wet food, it seems likely that the little guy may be prone to urinary tract issues. Today I am going to try to get a hold of my cousin to see if she can give me a ride when it comes time to pick up Casper and bring him home – it would be better than the bus or a taxi which are horrid expensive here. Apparently Casper was giving all the vet staff his trademark squirrelly I’m-afraid-of-every-human-but-my-mommy look so the vet was considering putting him in the isolation ward so that he could have some peace and quiet. Hearing that made me laugh – I did tell them that he’s a scaredy kitty! He is an ex-feral kitty after all.
So, I don’t actually know if I can say he has escaped the issue yet but I am very grateful that this happened before I was due to leave (actually my parents just left, that sucked, but they said they were proud of me) or else I am pretty sure that I would have lost him. I guess the universe was operating in my favour after all so I am grateful. <3 Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and thank you guys so much for helping so far. I'm fearing the bill right now but I am dearly hoping that my $1,000 credit limit will cover it. 🙁 It's nothing to him living and being alive and well though of course!
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I will guys, I really appreciate the prayers and hearing that your kitty got through this Setsuna. It gives me hope. I’m praying like mad that when the vet finally calls, it will be with good news; I’m dearly hoping for the line that he is ‘responding well to treatment.’ Right now I’m running on only five hours of sleep, feeling burned out and I only just realized what ‘catheter’ meant. I’m going to do my best to occupy myself today and keep positive.
Do you think it could maybe be his other end like a bowl problem or constipation? Do you ever leave some of his food out in the air or refrigerate any leftovers? Maybe something in the food could have been bad. Does he go outside? Hopefully he didn’t eat something else that could have been poisonous outside or a mouse or something with diease. Or maybe your cat could have kidney or gall stones or a bladder or kidney infection. If you can get some bladder infection medicine or pills you can make the cat swallow that might help but if he was panting as well that could mean something is seriously wrong and you should try and get into the vet as soon as possible if you can put it on a credit card. Hopefully he is okay before you have to leave. Is there someone to look after him while you are gone?
Sorry I didn’t get back to you on this last night Kim! When I got back I was wiped out physically and emotionally – I kind of still am though I am functioning a little better now since I slept for five hours. There’s no longer any debate of what’s wrong with him – his urethra is blocked. I specifically only give him enough that he can eat in one sitting. He’s an indoor kitty, so his exposure to things which could hurt him are very limited and we keep the things that can hurt him well away from him. The only human food we ever give him is the odd, rare, teensy bit of cheese as a treat.
It’s definitely going on my credit card and I am thanking my lucky stars that I just got the thing. I will be taking the bus or the taxi to go see him and get him while my parents are gone. I gotta be here for him – he needs me.
Again, please, I beg everyone to keep Casper in your thoughts and prayers. He needs all the positive energy that he can get to help him heal!
This is what he’s like when he’s feeling himself (absolutely adorable) ->
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Well, we just took Casper in. It couldn’t wait. I checked under the couch about an hour after he hid there and he was laying on his side with a teensy puddle of red fluid under his rear end so I called the emergency vet. He is now hospitalized and he will be at the vet for at least two days – he is being treated for a urinary tract blockage.
Please, please, if you can, please keep Casper in your thoughts and prayers. He’s only three years old and he has a lot more life left to live.
This is him.
The first time he ever sat on my lap. He was a feral kitten in my backyard before me and his big brother Copernicus tamed him. It took him two years to go anywhere near my lap and he is the sweetest little shy ex-feral kitty in the world. (Of course I am bias.) His favourite things are being petted (at least 55 times a day, I joke,) his big brother Copernicus and catnip, which he adores. He is an extremely loving little guy who deserves many more years of being cute and frisky!
Please, please keep him in your thoughts. I’m staying home to take care of him now. He needs me.
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I hope you’re okay 96037 haha.
So, I think the Law of Attraction has been played against me or something. My three year old cat Casper who is fed wet food containing cranberries daily to prevent urinary tract troubles seems to have come down with a urinary tract infection on the eve of when I am supposed to go on vacation with my parents. Tomorrow is our day for packing up and we’re supposed to leave Wednesday. I was really excited about going – we were going to go to Elk Island National Park, the Rockies – it was going to be a really fun road trip and I was going to see my maternal grandparents, which considering I just lost the last of my paternal ones is a big deal. I was also going to go to a funeral for my favourite great uncle (paternal side) which I was looking forwards to, simply because my grandparents never got a funeral and I was really thinking it would be my chance to at least pay tribute in my heart to all three of them, my favourite old people on my dad’s side.
This morning Casper was acting completely normal – romping around, jumping, playing, washing his brother’s face and laying beside me on the bed where I was working on applying for EI (did I mention that I’m out of work at the moment?), purring like a lunatic, so full of love. In terms of cat longevity, he’s just a baby still. Come late afternoon he ate his supper perfectly normal, asking with mews as he always does, as I taught him to. (You’d understand why if you heard his meow – it’s literally the cutest thing ever.) The only thing that was possibly odd was that he meowed once or twice in parts of the house where he doesn’t usually meow, but I figured that he was just complaining about his litter box as he sometimes does when it isn’t up to his adorable standards. I was going to leave it until tomorrow so that he would have a nice fresh litter box while we’re away but then he started meowing more. I followed him to my bed in my room where he mewed at me when I touched him and right then I knew that he’s not feeling well. I found some puke too – a hairball and half digested supper. Hmmm. I cleaned the litterbox early, setting up the other ones as well – no change, in fact he started acting worse – hiding now and scurrying away from me. I made him take some hairball medication but then I saw him squat, struggling to pee so a hairball can’t be the issue though I think that he does have an upset belly from the vomit. I’ve seen him squat three or four times now and he’s currently hiding under the couch which is very unlike him. He should be sitting on his cat tree, spying on the neighbourhood or horsing around with his big brother Copernicus at this time of night. I also caught him panting earlier, his fluffy little sides just a-heaving. I tried to give him one of my eldest cat Smoky’s urinary tract medicine treats and in a completely weird turn for him, he didn’t eat them. (He has before, happily when I let him – the things taste good to cats.)
I am bewildered. I’m feeding him the best diet that I can buy him; he’s properly hydrated from it as he has wet food every single day and from the cranberries in his diet which should acidify his urinary tract enough that he should not be able to have urinary tract issues at all. I’m also scared, because cats that are sick and start to hide are generally ones who are feeling really terrible.
I don’t really have the funds to take him to the vet though I do have a credit card now which I will use if he’s still being iffy tomorrow morning. I don’t know if when I wake up, I will still have a cat that I can call the vet over. I don’t think my parents will delay the trip over this even though it was originally scheduled to be later on because there’s that funeral that they want to get to. I feel horrible. I hate not having a diagnosis already; I’ve already scanned the internet and found nothing. His straining to pee and meowing can be explained off as a urinary tract infection but I have no explanation for the panting, lack of appetite or the hiding. It also came on so incredibly suddenly. He hasn’t come out from under the couch yet and I have not yet seen him manage to make even a puddle when he strains to pee. It’s too late to call a vet tonight and I wish this hadn’t happened. 🙁 I’m praying that he’s still alive and that he feels better tomorrow.
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Pack hunting sweet-natured bitey thing that naps a lot and loves cats. (The character/species of dragon that I created that is in my avatar.)
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I’m so sorry Setsuna, I hope your shepherd starts feeling better soon. 🙁 I’ll keep you in my thoughts.
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August 18, 2014 at 9:43 pm in reply to: 96037's Art Thread : Tigers and Wolves and Hummingbirds! Oh my! #917635It’s looking great, I love the fur detail so far. 😀
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Congratulations winners!! 😀
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What? Oh my gosh. I’m in shock, Robin Williams had such a big personality. Wow. 🙁
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I vote for GB Pebble Cats! It would be cool to get a random kitty! 😀
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Supremely lovely work Hannah! 😀 Gorgeous blending and palette!
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Oh, I think silver koi is my favourite koi pattern on a windstone now! Very pretty!
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