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  • in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1606701

      What’s the back story on badabobtcb?

      Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

      in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1606524

        Yeah well… that’s what happened big-time in Italy – people weren’t taking it seriously and just doing things normally. And look what has happened to them: more deaths than in China and more people infected, on top of a lock-down of the entire Country. Seriously folks… it’s not just a little *sniffles* that goes away in a day or two.

        People in general are Total Idiots —- Me Me Me Me Me!
        Now if it was like Bubonic Plague and you got open sores maybe then people would pay more attention….

        Have faith in your fellow human being. People are also emptying animal shelters by offering to foster a dog or cat (or 2) as shelter staff are at bare minimum levels.

        Hobby seamstresses are sewing masks by the millions.

        Hobby 3D Printing enthusiasts are printing intubation valves, respirator face masks, ventilator pieces and more.

        Local farms are putting together boxes of produce for people and making them available for free.

        Neighbors are helping each other with care of children, seniors and pets.

        There is far more goodness than bad in the world. I know right now we are seeing both, but I am giving my head space to the good.

        Ok, back to 3D printing and sewing. We are doing our part ♥


        Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

        in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1606503

          WHAT? Military? Talk to me. What is going on. Sent you an email.

          Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

          in reply to: The Kickstarter for the Bantam dragon launch date! #1606325

            I have a very serious life-threatening allergy to cigarette residue. Even a Windstone in a house that is old and contaminated that someone hasn’t smoked in for 30 years can put me at risk.


            Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

            in reply to: The Kickstarter for the Bantam dragon launch date! #1606312

              I’m back to work now and am all better… now the question is, should I launch the Kickstarter soon? Or should I continue to postpone it a couple of weeks?
              What do you think?

              I am just going to throw everything at the wall and maybe something helpful will stick.

              The #1 most important thing is that we take care of each other. This means you all at Windstone as well. You have bills, families to feed, pets, more pets… So whatever we can do to help in any way, please let us know.

              On to specific ideas. Please forgive any that are asked before, not doable or just plain dumb.

              Re-awaken an old retired line. There are those of us that would gobble up dinosaurs, those darling mini flap cats could be done in some unique signed paints and more. I have no idea if smaller size means more profit or if they are just as much work, but less profit.

              Do some production runs on models you already have. Hippocampus? Winged wolves? The PYO long haired flap cats? The winged bookends in a production run in a great color scheme or 2 or 7? Do the Horned Rebel wolf Sir Garlen in some other colors? Personally I think bookends are a great idea as we are all stocking up on books to read during our quarantines and self-isolation.

              Maybe there is a “Master” or 2 that you have been holding back that can go into production? (Again, not sure how much work there is still do to on this).

              Run a 100% online paint class where we can sign up and pay, then do some sort of Skype portal log on for a live class or even just do a comprehensive paint instruction video and then we pay to get access to watch and learn. I would so do that.

              Do a Gofundme with rewards, this could even be the Bantam Dragon. We need Windstone to survive this. I have done a Gofundme before and can help you if you need it. It’s like Kickstarter but without the need to reach a certain goal before you are funded. There are fees to use the service but only payment processing fees of 2.9% plus $0.30 fee per donation. They don’t charge platform fees like Kickstarter does of the 5% fee, and payment processing fees (between 3% and 5%).

              For me personally, I don’t do the grab bags. I am too picky about my Windstones and am unable to trade with other folks.

              Ok, my brain is empty.

              Loving Purell Hugs to you and yours,
              Kimberlee (Dr. Brassy)

              Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

              in reply to: The Kickstarter for the Bantam dragon launch date! #1606247

                I’m back to work now and am all better… now the question is, should I launch the Kickstarter soon? Or should I continue to postpone it a couple of weeks?
                What do you think?

                I think there are arguments both ways. Hear me out…

                1) People are off work and home with lots of free time on their hands. People are looking for things to buy and entertain themselves. People with disposable income anyways. So this could be a good time to do a Kickstarter and also get good exposure as many Kickstarter Campaigns are shutting down or postponing, so less competition. Every Renn Fair has been canceled, every fantasy fair has been cancelled. Our people are without an outlet for magic.

                That said…

                2) People who are off work and whose children are also home and who don’t have disposable income are in panic mode. They are desperate for baby formula, toilet paper, chocolate, wine. You know, Staples. The LAST thing on their minds is a Kickstarter. They aren’t even getting on the computer as it’s all apocalyptic doom and gloom. They are playing board games, putting together puzzles and looking for that left over old prescription of Valium from their oral surgery in 2014 that they never took. In other words, surviving.

                So arguments both ways, doing it now and waiting. But if you wait, I would wait until A) Those $1,000.00 checks actually go out and are received. People will feel like it is free money and may share that windfall with their favorite Windstone Family Kickstarter, B) We are well beyond the quarantines, but not yet into the dead zone of January 2021. So maybe July-ish 2020?

                Those are my thoughts.
                Kimberlee (Dr. Brassy)

                Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1606013

                  Me too.😊

                  You solved my puns! Yes the Flions. I have a very lonely brother flion here at the manse who has been waiting for the rest of his pride to join him. He’s a patient fellow.

                  Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                  in reply to: The up coming kickstarter for the Bantam dragon #1606012

                    Haha Kimberlee. That’s my name too except mine is spelled Kimberley. Are you new on here? Don’t worry I definitely wouldn’t compete with you for that one. I am hoping for bright or pastel pink or rainbow ones.

                    I am not new on here. Been here for ages. I just don’t say much. I am a full-time caregiver, run a business full-time and am remodeling my house full-time. I basically never sleep…ha ha

                    Flions make me go weak in the knees, I am also partial to Flap Cats. My most beloved Flap is my Custom Delilah orange and white flap that Melody made me in honor of my best friend Delilah who lived to be 19 and I lost in 2015. I miss her to this day.

                    Yup, I am a Kimberlee. My professional name is Dr. Brassy Steamington


                    Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                    in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1605969

                      My grail pieces are still sitting naked at the Windstone Studios. The masters have been made but they are not yet ready for prime time. Let’s just say they have been lion around for a year or so 😉

                      I have faith they will be coming out at some point to be king of the grails.

                      Me loves me some puns.

                      Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                      in reply to: The Kickstarter for the Bantam dragon launch date! #1605968

                        Lysol Hugs. I love it. I can totally 110% attest to the fact that DragOnfeathers can fix anything.

                        Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                        in reply to: The up coming kickstarter for the Bantam dragon #1605958

                          Just so everyone knows, this is the worst color. No one should want it. Nope. Terrible, awful color. ( see attached photo of #50 Bantam). Or maybe it’s the one I want and I don’t want anyone else to buy it…yea that’s probably it;)

                          Get better woman! We need you healthy. I do hope no one else gets sick. By next year the Coronavirus will
                          have mutated and it won’t be as virulent or deadly. A Virus #1 Priority is to survive and not kill the host.


                          Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                          in reply to: The Kickstarter for the Bantam dragon launch date! #1605957

                            Please let it be regular flu… Please let it be regular flu…and repeat…

                            I had no idea about the Kickstarter so that was cool that now I do. That #50 Bantam Dragon is mine! Bwa ha ha ha

                            We are on lock-down here at the house. We have cabin fever and I am running out of puzzles to do.

                            Love Kimberlee

                            Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                            in reply to: Spam PMs – June 18 #1572245

                              I got one too from a Kayla Noyes. Definitely a scammer
                              And not a native English speaker. Syntax is all wrong
                              Probably from overseas.

                              Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                              in reply to: Melody Appreciation Month #1521194

                                Happiest of Belated Birthdays to the Duchess of Dragons, Mistress of Meercats, Princess of Pegasus, Goddess of Griffins, and Wizardess of Wolves.

                                You bring us joy and fill our curios, without you, we’d have nothing to dust 😉

                                In all sincerity, there are times when the world is so bleak and grey, but all I need to do is gaze at the rich color,
                                vibrant artistic talents and imagination come to life of my Windstones and I am happ, (and someday I will find a “Delilah” Flap Cat). =^..^=

                                I hoped you danced on some tables and enjoyed your Birthday (and that no video exists of this in which to blackmail you). ha ha

                                Hope to be able to come by and say hello in person now that we are both Cal-Exiters and neighbors-ish.
                                Loving Oregon so much.

                                Kimberlee (Dr. Brassy)

                                Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

                                in reply to: Possible production color???? #935466

                                  Please make all us Steampunks super happy and make Metaltronic a production color or at least make some available to purchase, even if limited. I failed to win the two Ebay listings on these.

                                  Dr Brassy

                                  “If you can dream it ~ I can steam it!”

                                  Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥

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