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This has been a really lousy last few days. My computer fried, and we don’t know if all of my stuff can be retireved until we get the new computer in. Baby’s been grumpy. And, the little dragon that I want the most of them all last time I looked was at $160, which is about $100 more than I can talk my husband into letting me spend since we’re buying a whole new computer. SO, at the suggestion of someone here, I called the factory, and ordered my dream dragon!! I am getting a tiny white curled dragon, and two more PYO’s. SOOOOO excited!! And, since they take paypal, hubby will never know 🙄 I’ll just hide him under a model horse for a couple weeks, til the sting of buying the laptop wears off.
I’ll be posting a picture when he gets here. I know everyone knows what he looks like ,but I just gotta post, I’m so excited. Thanks everyone who suggested I call the facotry. 😀
Griffiness wrote:How much are airbrushes if anyone knows?
If you want one that’s any good, bank on $85 or more. The Iwtata eclipse is really nice, that’s what I started with. I use an HP-C now, and was going to buy a Micron until my comptuer died. Now I”m buying a new computer instead 😡 I’d suggest buying new, simply because replacing parts can get pricey. But, sometimes you get decent deals if you buy them used on eBay. They also need a compressor, special paint(or watered down cheap stuff) and I’d recommend air brush cleaner.
Thanks everyone! I’m sure I’ll have more questions once I find the antique stuff. And I’ll post them where they ought to be 😆
Greater Basilisk wrote:Have you checked the tutorial? I’d give you the link, but it’d not working for me… Anyway, if that’s not available, drag0n, Ski, and most other painters use a special antiquing medium. I paint with acrylics and “antique” before doing details by putting down a base coat, but basically antiquing is putting a layer of paint and then sponging it off again.
I’m on my husbands computer, and it’s a booge to work with, but tomorrow hopefully my computer will be “un crashed” and I’ll try the tutorial. I do remember I opened it once, but had a really hard time to get it to open. Had to mouseover just right.
Is teh antquing something I can get at the craft section at a walmart?
Greater Basilisk wrote:I like your choice of colors, bluepony. And like drag0n said – antiquing can work wonders.
I am hoping somewhere around there’s info about anquiting, I have no idea how to do it. What parts get antqued? the whole dragon, or just certian parts?
I’d love to see them too!!
drag0nfeathers wrote:Hmm, he has alot of solids and not alot of depth, I’d try giving him an antique job with a walnut brown when he’s done maybe. Looking pretty cool so far though.
If you paint a PYO someone wants bad enough I dont see why you cant trade for a production piece. I’ve done it before.
I’m sure it’s on here somewhere, but is there some info about antquing a finish? i agree, he’s missing depth. Man he’s fun though!!Obviously, he’s not finished yet, but I keep looking at him and think he’s flat. Lacking something. THoughts?
This is as good as I can do 🙂
Nirvanacat13 wrote:Post your pics along with the pieces you are hoping to trade your PYO for and see if you have any takers. Other than that, it’s put him on evilbay and save up the cash for the piece you want. =P
I suppose that makes the most sense 😀
Another question. How do I ad pix? I just took a picture of his head, I’d like feedback on my color scheme and all that, but I don’t see anywhere to add a pic. I’m sure it’s right under my nose 🙄
I just got my little PYO yesterday(LOVE LOVE LOVE). I’m hooked. The detail is just insain. They are gorgious.ANYWAY, I’m wondering, for future reference, does anyone ever trade PYO’s for discontinued peices? This little guy is fun, but I’d love to trade him for something else. Also, how do you guage a value on PYO’s since they are all different? I know detail, ect.
Will be posting pix once there’s enough to see, and get feedback. Too fun!
My husband laughed at me last night. I have been thinking really hard about what color to paint this guy. Then, it just HIT me the color combo I wanted. So, I grabbed the paints, and suddenly, I looked at my husband and said “Gosh, this isn’t very realistic is this??” He laughed and said most dragons he sees aren’t. 😆
At any rate, it’s a nice break from painting model horses 😀
Greater Basilisk wrote:Okay, I just read the other thread. Your on the lookout for the new ones, released BIN for $60.
I do like the other one, the coiled dragons(donno if I want the mare or female) too, but they cost a little more than I can pay, but I am loving that new one. There’s one on eBay for $80 plus $15 shipping. Love the white color, so pretty 😀Seeking curled dragons(not the coiled ones). I’d really prefer pix, still kinda new to these guys, but I love this little guy. Thanks
(ps. can trade for model horses 😆 )
Dragon Master wrote:they have been put out in VERY small numbers so far and seem to sell very quickly. You can call or e-mail Karen and see if she can help in anyway. I think the largest number I have seen so far on the curls was 30 and they sold out with in an hour
Karen…I should call the factory I assume? Still learning everyone’s names, thanks 😀Dragon Master wrote:so far the curl dragons have only come out in very small quatiities, they have sold in the Russett, White and EmPea colors. I wonder if they are ever goning to finally get to regular production?? So far they have only sold on e-bay for $60 each. They are the ones with their noses under their wing and one eye open with the the other eye closed
Oh, $60? I can afford that. I love him. I think he’s my fav. dragon mold that they have.
He must be small then, since he’s faily cheap?
Glad I asked, instead of bidding on that white one 😀 -