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  • in reply to: PYO Black Wolf (will trade) #549223

    You’re not boring! We all like what we like.

    I have one coming any day now that I think I might do more “real”. I’m not a huge dog fan, so I might try to download a pic somewhere of a nice husky. My dog is a German Shepard, so I don’t think I can use him. I thought a grey husky w/rainbow wings might be cool, but I ordered solid eyes..can husky’s have solid eyes?

    in reply to: Wanting Feedback on my PYO's #549202

    skigod377 wrote:

    Usually a color a shade or two darker than the color you are antiquing. Right, guys?

    So, rainbow antquing, instead of one solid color. challanging, fun…hmmm.

    I custom mixed all of the colros on him, so that makes it even more intresting 😀

    in reply to: Wanting Feedback on my PYO's #549200

    skigod377 wrote:

    Yep. I mix mine with something called Medium. Its clear gellatin type stuff… Just mix it w/ whatever color you want to antique with. 🙂

    I think that’s what I did with my green one basically. What color paint should I use?

    in reply to: Baby's Getting Big *sniff* *smile* #549326

    skigod377 wrote:

    Awwww…your little baby is sooo cute! I was thinking about having another. They do grow up so fast. 🙁 That jade tree is cool, too. I may get one.

    How many do you have(kids). We’re hoping for another one, but I was diagnosed with cysts and some other stuff, so they were shocked I even had her. Our insurance got cancelled when hubby got laid off, so I haven’t been able to trot over to the doc and see what’s up in a while. But, we’d love another one, or we’ll jsut be happy with her. She’s so precious.

    in reply to: Do You Like to Detail Peices….?? #549357

    that end line was supposed to be “better product”, not profit. It’s not all about the money

    in reply to: Do You Like to Detail Peices….?? #549356

    Ok, here’s my question. In the model horse land, a lot of times I will basecoat horses, and then send them to someone else to detail them becasue i hate detailling, and I’m not as good at it as many other folks. Usually it’s one for one, I basecoat one horse in exchange for one horse to be detaile. OR, we sell the combo horse,and split the profect. Works really well, esp if you’re one of the folks who doesn’t have/like airbrushing.

    My question is, would anyone be intrested in doing that here in Windstone land? I can airbrush darn near anything if I have a picture of it. To make shipping and all worthwhile, it’s probably be best to do 2-4 at a time.

    I just thought I’d toss that out there. I paint critters for a living, and always look for ways for me(and you) to make a couple bucks more, and make a better profit.

    in reply to: Wanting Feedback on my PYO's #549197

    Nambroth wrote:

    Will you antique the rainbow dragon? I think that’d make his scales really pop! 🙂

    I have added some more black trim. I’m not sure how to antque yet, honestly. I don’t have any of the stuf to do it, and I keep looking around, but can’t find any 😥

    in reply to: Baby's Getting Big *sniff* *smile* #549324

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    That’s just plain beautiful. It reminds me of all the stonework we saw in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. House deco like that is great.

    there’s actually quite a few on ebay. I’m so excited! none exactly like mine, but plenty that would go with our deco! And, with the colors, if I mix and match just right, they’d go well I think with the dragons. All the horses are leaving the house pretty soon, so I get my whole dinning room back to decorate. It’s purple, wine bottle theme, and I think certian dragons, and grape trees, will look really neat.

    in reply to: Wanted-Coiled Dragons….. #549353

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Oh man. BIG value. The male goes for less than the female, usually. BT just sold a male and a female in white for $300 apiece, if I remember right. Peacock females go past $200; males of any color end between $150-$200. Emeralds have become rare; the last jade male ended close to $200.
    But don’t take my word for Gospel truth… 😕

    I normally do seem to pick out the most pricey ones 🙄

    in reply to: Wanting Feedback on my PYO's #549194

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Your blending is great. The wolf seems a bit random in his coloring, but I can’t give you any suggestions on how to tie him all together, but I really like the little dragon.

    Could you illaborate…gosh, that can’t be how it’s spelled. What do you mean by random? I keep looking at him, thinking perhaps there is something not quite right.

    I love how the rainbow dragon is turning out. I want to do a couple other molds like that too. Wonder if a wolf done in rainbow would look bizarr? that’s what I have coming in the mail next.

    in reply to: Baby's Getting Big *sniff* *smile* #549322

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    A jade tree? Could you post a picture?

    I could just kiss you. Dumb me, i kept thinking “gosh, wish we could go to cananda and get another one of those trees”. DUH. EBAY!!!

    this doesn’t look just like mine, but you’ll get the general idea. Mine has a nicer pot, and is bushier, with more leaves, but this could be a “sister plant”. gosh…just might bid.


    in reply to: Baby's Getting Big *sniff* *smile* #549320

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    A jade tree? Could you post a picture?

    I’ll take a picture of it, and stick it somewhere on my website with a link today, how’s that 😀 It’s really neat. It’s a grape tree, with rock leaves, and grapes, all hand carved I *think*(that’s what the gal told him). It’s small, only aobut a foot tall, but it was only $25(75% off). The WICKED COOL AWSOMENESS one I wanted was $150 75% off($150 AFTER 75% off) it was…gosh, maybe 3 feet tall, at lesat 4 feet wide. It was AWSOME. I wanted two, one for each side of my dinning room window, but i guess the real plants from walmart for $3.99 each will have to suffice 🙄

    in reply to: Baby's Getting Big *sniff* *smile* #549318

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    She does know your Windstones are off-limits, right? 😆

    Locked curio 😀
    Along with all the resins, rare horses, and this really neat tree made out of jade rock my husband bought for me in canada.

    in reply to: Wanted-Coiled Dragons….. #549351

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    You’re only the dozenth person looking for coiled dragons, bluepony. I’ll keep you in mind too. (Sorry I can’t tell you I’m willing to trade.)

    haha. I’m actually watching a couple on ebay, maybe I’ll get lucky and something big will sell.

    What are the *aproximete* values for them? I know there’s a white, blue(peacock?), and emerald one.

    in reply to: Baby's Getting Big *sniff* *smile* #549316

    Lokie wrote:

    Playing with Breyers already! She really is mommy’s little girl 😀

    Heck yeah!! Every time we get an order in, it’s a toss up what’s more fun, making weird squeeky noises by running her hands over the boxes, or playing in the paper wrap they come in. haha.

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