Forum Replies Created
I will add my squeak for these as well. The more natural-looking, the better! 🙂
Links are fixed. 🙂
Kaytana, I actually use 4mm (pp32) for both the small dragon and the griffon’s tail. There should be some wiggle room either way. Sorry I didn’t see your question sooner. I’ve been away for a while. >.<
Not yet, but I do have a pair. I need to catch up on pieces I owe others first. 🙂
5. Maltese tiger griffin #4 – Yep. Another one. *cries* LOL.
I’m torn between laughing, asking if I can be first in line for #5, and telling you to run while you can. LOL I HATE doing the same thing over and over again, especially art-wise, so I can completely relate! (but I absolutely love that piece, it was one of the first PYOs I came across that I just craved…!)
LOL. Um, actually… you would be #6. I had someone else inquire about a maltese before I had actually closed my waiting list. I really have created a monster. 😛
Well, it’s been quite a while since I posted on this thread (or even the forum, really). I figured it’s time I give an update. First off, 2012 has been the worst year for me. Period. Everything’s a mess. Actually, everything has been a mess since about mid last year. I have been trying to move since November, but it just isn’t happening. My current place has some kind of grip on my soul. All my stuff is scattered in 4 different places. My AC is broken (again), and apparently I need a plumber to fix it. We now have other financial issues that have popped up besides the renovating. My grandmother’s health had been steadily declining, and she passed away last month. Even though we were expecting it, she was my last grandparent, and it hit me harder than I thought it would. 🙁
I can write forever about why my job sucks. After 14 years, I’m throwing in the towel. I put in my resignation. My last day in a full-time capacity is May 25th. This was the hardest decision I think I ever made. I always complained and wanted to leave, but I never did (my job was the money-maker for my husband and I). This was my first full-time job, and I came on board one month after the site opened. It has always been a part of my life, and I have a massive feeling of ownership for the place. Even so, my mental, emotional, and lately my physical health has suffered. Depression was becoming chronic. It has taken me over a year to really have the guts to cut the cord. I may stay on part-time just to get them through the insanity of the summer, but my responsibilities will be greatly reduced. We’ll see how that goes. LOL.
I also want to give a big shout of appreciation to everyone I owe commissions to. You have been most understanding while I try to get my life together. Thank you! Here is where my commission list stands since I closed it. The first three are pictured (sorry I forgot to put in the eyes!)
1. Small dragon – Mine! This is “Blue”. He is my first airbrushed piece. :bigsmile:
2. Liger phoenix – I need to work out the striping pattern.
3. Kimono uni #2 – I need to add luster to the mane and tail and add the patterns.
4. Interference wolf (warm colors) – He will be primed soon.
5. Maltese tiger griffin #4 – Yep. Another one. *cries* LOL.
6. Kirin – Theme not determined yet.
With my soon-to-be reduced hours I’m hoping to make some progress on these(even with renovations).
– Angela 🙂
OMG! He is stunning! O.O
oooh… that kirin would look really nice next to her unicorn sister over here. 😉
Beautiful as always! 🙂
WOW!!!! This is freaking AMAZING!!!! 0.o
If you created a “series” of creatures like this I would totally collect them!!! LOL!
Thanks all! 🙂
I’ve been away for a while. Wow! I’ve missed a lot of changes. o.O
February 13, 2012 at 11:10 pm in reply to: Kitty playground pretty much finished. New pics added. #873537Wow! That is totally awesome! :party:
King cake season is almost over! NOOOOOooooooo! *pouts*
OK, totally addicted to this now. Cutest little baby dragons ever! :bigsmile:
If anyone wants to jump in, my username is Ang_Evans.
My co-workers simply think I check my email… a lot! LOL.
February 12, 2012 at 2:01 am in reply to: January Grab Bag Baby Unicorn – Post them as you get them! #873358I’m not fond of pink, but that is one gorgeous uni! 🙂
I have an image of a dragon guarding its little hoard of monies… in something shaped like a caldron or chest (yah, I know, way too many geek hours of D&D. LOL). :bigsmile:
OK, I’m in! :bigsmile: Like I need another game… Im already hooked on Dream Zoo. 😛
I will need to send you my email address (which is totally fine, I just wasn’t going to post it out there for the world to see).
Anyone else? Just let me know! 🙂