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  • in reply to: My PYO's, Added New Keeper 8/16 #884961

      Been a while. Here’s my newest PYO, a pink and green keeper. I called it “Pink 5” since I’ve got a bad habit of painting things pink and green, according to my husband. But my 4 year old, who’s currently obssesed with an old rankin and bass movied called “Flight of the Dragons”, decided that it was acutally “Lunarian.” So the is is Lunarian, the Pink 5 Dragon. 🙂 She’s hard to photograph well, as she’s actually a pal pink on the top, and darker pink towards the bottom, with lots of pink and green intereference, and a coat of the magic invisible paint to top.




      Keeper of the Fledgings

      in reply to: List your collection! #849904


        Old Warrior
        Coiled Mother

        Hatching Emperor
        Hatching Empress
        Hatching Kinglet

        Lavender Pearl
        Toasted Pearl
        Emerald Color Shift

        Violet Flame
        Red Flame
        Emerald Peacock
        Copper Patina w/Red
        Copper Patina w/Teal
        Black Gold
        Black Violet Peacock

        Random Dragons
        Champagne Pink-raffle Lap Dragon
        Dragon Bookendsx2

        Simon Keeper by Hannah
        Linka Unicorn by Hannah
        Opal Keeper by me
        Amethyst Keeper by me
        Nebula Keeper by Machine Guts
        Mika Wolf by me
        Brown Griffin by Kujacker
        Siamese Griffin by?

        Siamese Flap Cat
        Bird wing small Siamese Flap cat
        Bird wing Birman small Flap Cat
        Bat Wing Small Siamese Flap cat
        Bat wing Small Black Flap cat
        Bengal Puffin Cat
        Bengal Tiger Cat
        Siamese Puffin Cat
        Small Happy Cat Gargoyle
        Wizard Cat Candle Lamp
        Leaf Cat Sconce
        “Tiger” Closed Eyed Flap Cat
        Lady Cat-Black Rainbow Sparkle
        Lady Cat-Silver Rainbow Sparkle
        Fat Cat Black Rainbow Sparkle
        Circle of Siamese Cats

        E-bay TP Siamese Griffy Chick-sitting
        LP Siamese-crouching
        Augustus-raffle Bengal Male Griffin
        Siamese Male Griffin
        Siamese Female Griffin

        Young Black unicorn
        Young White Unicorn
        Hatching White Pegasus
        Safari Grab Bag Unicorn Baby “Jaguar”

        GB Young Poad-“Siamese”
        GB Young Poad-“Rainbow Sprite”
        Blue Eyed Zeppard Poad

        Repaints (due to damaged sculpts)
        “Siamese” Lap Dragon
        “Siamese” Fledgeling
        “Pastel Prism” Fledgeling

        Always longing/looking for an Old Green Fledge, a rainbow lap, and rainbow curl…and dreaming of more fledgies…

        Keeper of the Fledgings

        in reply to: "How to Train Your Dragon" show! #883623

          Okay, we saw the show this week-end in DC. drive=5+ hours. Overnight stay for show=lots of money. Dragon toys from the show-more money yet. Food at the the show-still more money. My four year old son getting to see life sized dragons walk and fly=priceless!

          The show was really good. The story basically follows the movie plot, so if you’ve seen the movie then you know what the show is about. The way they do it however, is what makes it worth the cost of the ticket. The dragons are huge, and move amazingly realistically, especially the 4 biggest ground dragons. (toothless, nader, deadly nightmare, and gronkle). The flying ones are pretty awesome too. The actors and actresses were all very good. Lots of acrobatics, flying, etc. And the way the do the scenerau is really neat. (don;t want to give too much away though.) We had excellent seats, but I tihnk even the less expensize seats still had a good view.

          We also paid extra for the VIP stuff. There are 3? VIP packages. We got the cheaper one, which got the great seats, parking, free tote bag with some show stuff, and get a picture of your family dressed up like Vikings. In retrospect, probably would’ve gne the next one up where you actually get to go see the dragons up close, though. Ah well. Next time.

          Definetly worth the money, though!

          Keeper of the Fledgings

          in reply to: Thank you! #883438

            Mine too! thank you!

            Keeper of the Fledgings

            in reply to: Happy Birthday, azurielle! #883339

              Thank you!

              Keeper of the Fledgings

              in reply to: The NEW eBay Cart Thread – update Jul 26, pg 4 #882675

                love the rock dragon and OW! thanks for the teaseing Pam! 😉

                Keeper of the Fledgings

                in reply to: We need your help! Urgent! #882367

                  got mine!

                  Keeper of the Fledgings

                  in reply to: "How to Train Your Dragon" show! #882026

                    …Do you have any idea how much money I just spent to buy tickets for this…

                    Unfortunately, tickets range CONSIDERABLY in price. It all depends on what time and day of the week you go, the kind of seating you prefer, and if you would like to be part of their VIP package. It can cost as little as $23 all the way up to about $290 per ticket!

                    If you would like to see the tickets available, just click here! It’s the site’s “Ticket and Tour Dates” page! 🙂

                    Yeah, I know, but we’ve got to go on the week end, due to work constraints, and my son has eye problems, so we had to get fairly close seats to the front…so yeah…ouch. but I hope it’ll be worth it. 🙂

                    Keeper of the Fledgings

                    in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #881965

                      Hmm…Would like to squeak for some blue ice fledgelings. Really liking this color more and more. And some Secret Keepers, please?! I’ll take almost any color at this point, just to have one!

                      Keeper of the Fledgings

                      in reply to: "How to Train Your Dragon" show! #881906

                        Thanks a lot! Do you have any idea how much money I just spent to buy tickets for this so I can drive 5 hours to take my son (….I swear…it’s just for my son… ) to see this show?! (It has nothing to do with my birthday…or obsession with Toothless…really…it’s all for my son…) 😉

                        ….but seriously…I can’t wait to go!

                        Keeper of the Fledgings

                        in reply to: Oh my lovely spine….sigh #880794

                          Just a quick…um…warning? Suggestion? Chiropractors can help a lot of people with a lot of problems…but be very careful! Especially when “adjustments” hurt! I work at a specialty spine clinic where all of my docs are MDs and DOs, and we see a LOT of people who were hurt by having chiroprators “adjust” them. Several of them even had fractures in their spines as a result of their chiropractic treatment. A lot of people think that that adjustments will “fix” a problem, and for some they might. There are many, many options other than surgery to help chronic back problems! Sadly, there is NO quick fix once your spine or any of its components have been damaged. We’ve even had surgeon guest speakers at our office who told us, point blank, surgery does not help some people, but they do it because the people insist it’s what they want. No matter what options you choose, just keep in mind that there is no magic pill no matter how much we wish there was. (And this is coming from someone who has no less that 6 herniated discs in my spine, and have worked for back doctors for five years…believe me, I’ve tried lots!)

                          Keeper of the Fledgings

                          in reply to: Testing the water – Hand painted glass eyes #880742

                            I would totally love a pair or three? Can you make them in different sizes? Custom colors?

                            Keeper of the Fledgings

                            in reply to: Quest # 5 VOTING – VOTING CLOSED #880381

                              Hmm, here were mine. I beieve I read ht fuzzies liked sock drawersand playing with cats, soo…




                              Keeper of the Fledgings

                              in reply to: Any Plans in the Near Future for?? #880351

                                I would totally be willing to preorder one. We could pay up front, so it’s not like they would be sitting in the store. 🙂

                                Keeper of the Fledgings

                                in reply to: More PYO Keepers in Stock! 🙂 #879893

                                  keepers used to always come into stock in small batches. Took me over a year from the time they were released to snag one! Everyone just has to be patient and vigilant, and remember that Windstone, as nice as they are to us, is a company, that has costs and salaries to pay and maybe can’t wait to make large batches sometimes.

                                  Keeper of the Fledgings

                                Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 845 total)