

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 845 total)
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  • in reply to: WHINE is served #865691

      So, have had a really bad couple weeks. Between family troubles, and the first holiday season without my father in law who died in April, I had to take my son 3years old, to the ER 2weeks ago for tummy pain. He was crying hysterically from when the pain started at 2am, until we left the hospital at 9 am, only to find out he was constipated. Oh yeah, to the tune of a couple grand. Now at the ER again right now, this time hubby is having severe abdominal pains. It,s 4am now. And since he had gastric bypass earlier this year, they’re worried it’s some complication as a result of that. Sigh. So if I start selling off wind stones again, youll know why.

      Keeper of the Fledgings

      in reply to: Quest #2 Twelve Days of Windstone #865690

        Are all the answers to the trivia questions found on the website? I’ve been looking for the answer for question 1 on the website for like 2 hours and the best I can find is a couple threads linking to a thread that may have the answer but the forum change broke the link and all the threads from 2006(which is when I think the thread if from) are not viewable.

        This! I looked for over 2 hours and onyly found broken links. And if its only the sculpts, not the prints, then I found no answers.

        Keeper of the Fledgings

        in reply to: Quest #2 Twelve Days of Windstone #865689

          Are all the answers to the trivia questions found on the website? I’ve been looking for the answer for question 1 on the website for like 2 hours and the best I can find is a couple threads linking to a thread that may have the answer but the forum change broke the link and all the threads from 2006(which is when I think the thread if from) are not viewable.

          This! I looked for over 2 hours and onyly found broken links. And if its only the sculpts, not the prints, then I found no answers.

          Keeper of the Fledgings

          in reply to: Quest #2 Twelve Days of Windstone #865688

            Are all the answers to the trivia questions found on the website? I’ve been looking for the answer for question 1 on the website for like 2 hours and the best I can find is a couple threads linking to a thread that may have the answer but the forum change broke the link and all the threads from 2006(which is when I think the thread if from) are not viewable.

            This! I looked for over 2 hours and onyly found broken links. And if its only the sculpts, not the prints, then I found no answers.

            Keeper of the Fledgings

            in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #865635

              Still hoping for the old Green fledges. Once upon a time it was said there would be at least one more batch. And they were never technically retired, since they were LP. So, maybe?

              Keeper of the Fledgings

              in reply to: My PYO's, Added New Keeper 8/16 #865629

                Here’s my newest one, “Flamingdragon” which was my swap piece for Flamingdragon. He was supposed to look like flames rising out of a bed of embers. Not sure I really captured what I wanted, though.




                Keeper of the Fledgings

                in reply to: The Show off your PYO swap thread! #865627

                  Here’s the picture i took of Flamingdragon, which I painted for Flamingdragon.


                  Keeper of the Fledgings

                  in reply to: The Show off your PYO swap thread! #865371

                    My tracking number says my piece was delivered on the 10th to my recipient, but they’ve not posted anything yet.

                    That would be me. I’ve been working crazy hours the past few weeks and didn’t get a chance to get to the P.O. this weekend to pick it up. But today is my day off so I have it now! He’s Beautiful! He’s a flaming keeper who looks like he’s sitting in a bed of embers. I’ll try and take some pictures of him today or tomorrow. If you want you can post pictures of him.


                    To my recipient I’d like to say sorry you haven’t received yours yet. Between work and things coming up I was late shipping but it should be there soon. I’m really sorry about that and that I haven’t said anything sooner.

                    Oh! I’m just glad you got him allright! I hoped you would like him!

                    Keeper of the Fledgings

                    in reply to: The Show off your PYO swap thread! #865292

                      My tracking number says my piece was delivered on the 10th to my recipient, but they’ve not posted anything yet.

                      Keeper of the Fledgings

                      in reply to: Forum Rules #864943

                        I’m pretty good at various searches and narrowing them down. Simply saying that while I am not too bad, casual forum users are going to have a hard time. And 2700+ threads, most of which are dead or redundant is ridiculous. Period. Not really asking a lot here. Just a little organzation, some common sense, and common courtesy. all of which are pretty basic for just about every other forum with a marketplace.

                        Keeper of the Fledgings

                        in reply to: Forum Rules #864916

                          That’s the problem with the marketplace though. You search Emerald Male dragon, you get posts going back years! This is NOT helpful if you’re looking fos something that may actually still be for Sale. And the Flea market has like 2700+ threads in it. It has more threads than ANY other part of the forum! Again not useful if you’re actually looking for something to buy. This is why an archive would be helpful because other than maybe a reference or reminder, we don’t need threads for items that were sold in 2007!

                          Keeper of the Fledgings

                          in reply to: The Show off your PYO swap thread! #864832

                            That’s funny! I have a siamese keeper named Simon, but mine was painted by Hannah!

                            I got mine last night. I absolutly LOVE it!!!! Pegasus painted a beautiful siamese keeper for me! I hope she can post pictures for me, I still don’t have a camera that works with my computer. 🙂

                            Oooo, goody. I tried to do a little more than just a typical kitty siamese. Had a good time painting him. So here’s Simon:

                            Hope y’all like him. 🙂

                            Keeper of the Fledgings

                            in reply to: Forum Rules #864826

                              Honestly, the most reasonable suggestion I’ve seen was adding a separate “buying” and “selling” section. This would not require much additional moderation, and I could ignore the “buying” since I’m not selling… :).

                              I think rules put in place asking sellers to keep one thread aren’t unreasonable. If that thread is more than 10 days old, maybe they have the option to bump OR create a new thread with items still for sale and any new items they have added.

                              If someone is in violation and it REALLY bothers you, then you could report it to John. Also, as someone else mentioned, if you have problems editing your thread, you should be able to get it resolved fairly quickly.

                              So, my proposal would be:

                              1.) Archive all the older content currently in the marketplace
                              2.) Create a separate “buying” area
                              3.) Ask sellers to restrict themselves to one selling thread or bump every 10 days (also, if everyone is doing this – your thread shouldn’t drop off the front page so quickly)
                              4.) Ask buyers to restrict themselves to one WTB thread or bump every 10 days
                              5.) Require sellers and buyers to update their threads when an item sells or is located WITHOUT bumping it (edit, not reply)
                              6.) Ask that the good luck or “wish I could buy” or “wish I could find one” replies be left out – but messages about PMs or requests for information about a piece can be left.
                              7.) Until such a time as a new moderator comes on board, any true issues should be escalated to John – but maybe for new people we just point them to the rules once before we escalate

                              I don’t see any reason to limit the number of pictures or items in any given sell post. It’s less clutter to have them in one thread so you just have to open that one than have someone selling 20 items make 5 threads.


                              I basically agree with all of this. Honestly none of it seems too difficult for the forum mods to do and for us to live with.

                              Keeper of the Fledgings

                              in reply to: Forum Rules #864793

                                As I stated in an earlier thread, I don’t bump my FS thread very often, so it sometimes goes back 4, 5,6 pages or more before I go looking for it again. And about a month ago, I was looking for a specific item, and wanted to see if anyone had one for sale. The search function returned 4+ pages of threads with the search parameters, and after searching all those threads for over an hour, it was only to discover that most of the threads were either repeats, dead, threads, or the item was already sold but not marked as such. It is not the first time I’ve had that problem, and it makes for a very disorganized marketplace. The changes I’m asking for are really not that difficult to make. And if we make them now, rather than in a few years when we have even more forum members selling even more items, and hundreds of pages of dead threads, some dating back YEARS, we are saving time and effort. I’m sorry, I just don’t believe that if we leave everything alone, it will be fine. Forums don’t get smaller. Only bigger. We learned that the hard way on my doll forum, and changing things after the fact is a bigger hassle.

                                Keeper of the Fledgings

                                in reply to: Forum Rules #864790

                                  I’m not so much for the idea of sub-forums for different kinds of Windstones. It works for people selling one piece at a time, but for sellers with a lot of pieces being sold at once, you’re asking them to create and keep tabs on multiple threads in multiple forums where there would have been only one before. Just putting in two more cents…

                                  What’s simple to me is this:

                                  1) Check the forum. Read the topics that interest you.

                                  2) Click the “Mark topics as Read” button when you’re done. It’s right there at the top of every forum page.

                                  3) Come back in a few days, there are only a few threads that have ANY new activity. They are marked in big red letters. They are easy to see.

                                  Isn’t this a bit easier than the other proposals, which require:

                                  A) increased moderation
                                  b) a complete restructuring
                                  c) more sub-forums
                                  d) changes to the visual layout
                                  e) changes to the forum coding
                                  f) some or all of the above


                                  This is what I currently do, and the problem, which was my original statement, is that it doesn’t help with all the clutter when you are trying to find something in the marketplace that might be more than 3 pages back. Even trying to find my own threads, which I rarely bump is extremelly difficult because of the multitude or redundant, or basically dead, or uneeded threads.

                                  This forum has gotten a lot bigger than it was when I first joined it, and as much as no one really likes change, there comes a time when there is no choice. Unfortunetly, doing nothing really doesn’t seem like a good option anymore.

                                  Keeper of the Fledgings

                                Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 845 total)