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  • in reply to: I got my swap! #739616

      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      Yay!! I can’t wait to see Nova!! Do you see any irony here? I painted KoshiiKitty’s, Koshiikitty painted yours, and you painted mine!! lol!!

      It’s a very cool coincidence. πŸ™‚

      So… here’s two photos of Nova that really don’t do him justice. The flash highlights some things and drowns out others. There should be a picture of this guy in the dictionary under the word ‘Subtle’. Soft points of starlight on his scales, gold antiquing in the wings, bands of blue interference on the horns that look like growth rings (I think, anyway) red/purple interference on his forefeet and hindquarters… This guy rewards those that stare at him. So here he is.

      in reply to: The TRAVELLING Ki-Rin…Next Stop…HOME SWEET HOME. #703130

        Holy Flying Mackerel. That is an awesome collaborative effort and result!

        in reply to: Maplecarver's PYOs Wolfey Page 2 #732962

          And Griffykins was on a temporary leave of absence (where he sulked on my shelf next to the White Unicorn Family, devouring chocolate and complaining that I don’t take him seriously enough) while I worked on this girl. Miss Tilden Lascaux, Eaglefeather’s swap piece.

          Here’s her first two coats. A primer coat of fine gold interference thinned with GAC 100 and 200 and a secondary coat of thinned out red, gold, and yellow oxide. GAC 100 and 200 have become my buddies. At this stage, she looked like she came out of a pink popcorn package, or got skunked and bathed in tomato soup. I was a wee bit mortified. 😯

          And here’s her third coat where she recieved a bit of thinned out fine silver. Which made me think of Neapolitan Ice Cream.

          Here’s her fourth coat with more red, gold and of brown, which gave me heart as it resembled horsey colors at least as much as fair ground candy.

          I fess up, I skipped taking photos for a few steps, so this is the result of a bit of thinned down brown and gold on the body and nose (with no red), a few coats of really thinned down black with interference gold mixed in. The mane and tail got a different treatment with a more concentrated black and iridescent rather than interference gold.

          Lastly, were her beads and hair wraps. (I’m guessing those are hair wraps anyway) Since she’s a slightly primitive critter, I wanted her jewelry to be simple technologically, nothing that looked like it would have come from a synthetic dye vat or modern factory. So the wrap-resembling hairpieces were done with Yellow Oxide which could be seen as plant fibers or deerskin (mixing in some Gold of course because I like the shinies). And the beads were done with Phthalo blue, Phthalo green, and Interference Blue which stood out against the base coat and could be interpreted as turquoise (which is reasonably soft I’ve heard) or as some sort of glazed ceramic.

          Hope you guys enjoyed my presentation. πŸ˜€ And now I’m off to have a photo shoot with Koishii’s little Nova. And to convince Griffykins that I still love him and that his ‘rival’ has been shipped to Iowa.

          in reply to: I got my swap! #739610

            Eeeeeee! He came today! He’s a sweet deep purple and dark silverish little dragon by Koishii Kitty! He has very handsome and subtle markings. Came with a cute little sketch and a very fancy shipping box. His name’s Nova. Thank you Koishii he’s awesome!!! πŸ˜€

            My Photobucket account is acting like evil incarnate so I can’t upload a darn thing at the moment, but I’ll try to somehow get pictures up.

            Eeeeeeee!!!! *scampers about while squeaking*

            in reply to: I got my swap! #739584

              I’m so happy that you like her!

              It’s the second time I’ve ever shipped a Windstone so I was biting my nails the entire time she was in transit. πŸ˜†

              I have some in-progress pictures of Tilden so I’ll add those to my PYO thread soon.

              Currently am typing with a big goofy grin on my face. πŸ˜€

              in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730925

                Shipped! Whew! πŸ™‚

                in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730859

                  Whew! Picture sent. πŸ™‚ Thank goodness it’s now out of the ‘pink popcorn’ phase

                  in reply to: AND OBAMA WINS!!! #738757

                    2Huberts wrote:

                    dark_zorse wrote:

                    (This isn’t condoning bad behavior by the way. This board has been very, very tame compared to some of the other political discussions I have seen elseware concerning the presidential race.)

                    I’d like to think it’s because we have more sense than others. πŸ˜‰

                    And because we have pretty shinies to coo over and admire. πŸ˜€

                    in reply to: AND OBAMA WINS!!! #738731

                      I for one, am happy and relieved about this result.

                      And for those displeased, there is a silver lining for everyone in the end to political ads.

                      I would reply to multiple things, but I’ve found online debate to be as productive as nailing 2″x4″s together with Jello.

                      I have also noticed (in multiple areas and fields) that the nastier a statement is, the more grains of salt need to be taken with it.

                      in reply to: Time change #738474

                        Eh, wish they could keep it on Summer time all the time. Don’t like how it accentuates how dark it gets in the winter, and don’t like getting up earlier in the summer.

                        Though I’m trying an experiment, shifting my schedule an hour earlier by keeping on biological clock/instinctive summer time.

                        The disadvantage to my scheme…
                        “Early to rise, early to bed. Makes someone well, but socially dead.” πŸ˜†

                        in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730788

                          Well, mine’s in the ‘Technicolor heresy’ stage, but I’m 98% sure its going exactly how it needs to. Odd how alarm and optimism can mingle so freely…

                          I’ll take some pictures as to share the in-progress terror after the swap. πŸ™‚

                          in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596723

                            Well, I thought I’d toss my Wishlist in. I’ll list it in sections to make it a little more accessible.

                            Budget: Paltry, especially now. Depending on various factors, I may need to pass up even excellent deals on pieces I like very much. And my shelf space is running low. So please, please please, I don’t want anyone scrambling for me. But if you incidentally see something, think ‘Oh yeah, that odd person on the forum was looking for that’ or are selling something on this list and have time, than that’s totally cool and welcome. πŸ˜€

                            Windstone Condition: I like mint critters with tag and box, but will take non-mint or even beaten up critters if the damage is clearly described and the price fairly reflects it. But for larger items (warrior, emperor, scratcher etc) I’ll need either the box with insert, or to know that the seller is an absolutely incredible packer.

                            High Priority Items: (Critters I really like but can wait for the right one)

                            Gargolingus (Deep blue/purple hatching critter sticking his tongue out)

                            Big Rock Dragon

                            Little Rock Dragon

                            Medium Priority Items: (Critters I am eyeing but am willing to wait for)

                            Peacock Old Warrior Prototype or other OW Prototype (I can dream, right? πŸ˜† )

                            Black Sunset Male Griffin

                            Black Sunset sitting Griffin Chick

                            Hatching Emperor, Peacock

                            Hatching Kinglet, Peacock

                            Low Priority Items: (I like all of these, but this is mostly a footnote for possible swap possibilities in the vague future. )

                            Lap Dragon, Silver or Rainbow

                            Grand Unicorn (white)

                            Baby Pegasus (white and lying down, necklace or not)

                            Gothic Unicorn (white lying down Goat-like critter like in the old tapestries)

                            Wolf Council Candlelamp (Stone finish Wolves looking at a candle)

                            Dinosaurs in general

                            Random stuff in general.

                            Many thanks. πŸ˜€

                            6/6/09 Added and deleted some stuff.

                            in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730674

                              Whee! I got a fun one. πŸ˜€

                              I think I can make it work nicely.

                              in reply to: LAST CALL!!! Are you ready for the swap? #730625

                                Hmm, as everyone paints one, and everyone receives one from a different person (rather than a pair swap) I don’t think an odd number would hurt anything.

                                Anyway, *timid wave* The newbie’s in. πŸ™‚

                                in reply to: Wrinkled gloss coat?! #731280

                                  Me too…

                                Viewing 15 posts - 466 through 480 (of 517 total)