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  • in reply to: Will trade black Male Unicorn for … #695130



    PMed you.


    I sooo wished I could paint like that!

    Appropriately colored text for the envy (read admiration) I felt when I saw your Griffins, absolutely stunning. If I had some extra cash flow, I’d soooo throw it in your direction. 😉

    in reply to: First picture post in over a year! (Warning- many photos) #734796

    WHOA MAMMA !!!

    The next time anyone comments that I have a lot of Windstone horses, dragons or candlelamps, I am SOOOO loading this thread for their viewing pleasure.

    “Oh yeah? Just wait til you see what a real Windstone collector has accumulated!”

    in reply to: Windstones' new auctions thread Nov 11, closed #720312

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    The Dun Mother Pegasus is listed in the online database.

    $440.86 Thanks Pegasi! I should have thought to check there

    Dun huh? It looks like a very light Bay to me. Semantics, all horses are pretty, unless they’re trying to stomp you. 😉

    DDVM, I know what you mean. I do that kind of thing myself aaaaallll the time. Especially when I absolutely need the information, my brain freezes as if it’s taunting me.

    What I find rediculous is all the information that I do remember, pure carp and there it is, awaiting regurgitation.

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Windstones' new auctions thread Nov 11, closed #720285

    Adaneth wrote:

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    I agree with Kujacker though, I don’t like those Pegasus painted like that. Straight black wouldn’t be bad, like the white ones, but bleh on those “horse breed” themes. But, that is ok that I don’t like them. I really don’t collect the Pegasus anyway. I have the original family, and at times I debate on getting rid of it in favor of making more room for the others I like more. 😳

    See I like seeing some of the other “horse breeds” represented on the pegasus and unicorns, but the wings are just too plain on the pegasus after seeing all the beautiful griffin wings.

    I’m with you, pegasi. I wanted to like him, but the ‘tacked-on’ white wings put me off. I’ve love to see more variety, like with the wings on the griffins. 🙂

    I think we equine enthusiasts are agreeing on the same point. I know I mentioned it in the other auction thread when Ms. Melody first posted the test paint equines in the Gallery. Here’s my :squeak: for more depth on the wings of the Pegasi sculptures. 😉

    And while I’m here, was it anyone on the forums that won the Blood Bay Baby Pegasus? The EvilBay account name was chadsamb.

    I knowDDVM managed to win the Bay Mother Pegasus. DDVM do you mind PMing me with the price you paid? I created a spreedsheet for the LP equines and am missing that tidbit of information. Muchos gracias 😎

    in reply to: Here he is, the June raffle prize. #733388

    LunarTic2 wrote:

    Congratulations! He is a looker and PURPLE!

    I am not jealous, I just purchased my first OW and I am still glowing over it…

    Old Warriors need loving homes…especially mine…LOL

    I adore your account name and location description!

    Dr. says, “You’re experiencing a bout of insomnia?”

    Hoofer responds flippantly, “Uh, no I’m not, I’m nocturnal by nature and did you not notice that the waxing moon is upon us?”



    in reply to: Jade Momma's on ebay #732664

    emerald212 wrote:

    Thunderwing wrote:

    I have a … nervous twitch about spending that many dollars on a small sculpt. 😛

    I’m right there with you, Thunderwing. I love this one, but I can’t pay that much for something that small.

    Same here. I watched the special Pegasi go out of my league. At the same time though, I was very happy for Windstone.

    I sure wish the dentist doing my root canal agreed with us. $900 dollars later … 😥

    in reply to: Curious and have to ask – ebay negative that WE got #733688

    It’s looking like a lot of us noticed the ‘ding’ to their star and a drop in their 100%.

    I myself do not believe that anyone at Windstone sent the individual a snarkey response; my interpretation of the buyers written feedback that was left for Windstone. Perhaps Windstone’s response to the buyer was short and to the point. Unfortunately, I have learned that some people would indeed translate that into rude. Me, I would interpret a short reply to mean that the person/company was busy, not rude.

    Whether the person in question read the description in full or not, it probably doesn’t matter. The very idea that they might not have read the description in full would indicates quite a bit about their general personality, assuming that is what happened. We all know what is said when a person assumes something. We really don’t know what transpired. What we do know is that Windstone is a great company and that they will go above and beyond the call of duty to please us. That in itself allows us a little bit of leeway when we look at the facts that we do have at hand.

    Also, some people, and I really believe that this might be what happened, expect way to much with any given situation. Considering their excellent feedback, it was bound to happen. Someone, somewhere just wasn’t going to be pleased. Any honest seller on Ebay will tell you to expect, from time to time, a buyer that no matter what is done, just can’t/won’t be pleased with their efforts.

    Is it important for Windstone to pursue correcting this maybe unfair rating? Considering the new Ebay rules and their already stellar ratings, I’d wager, probably not.

    ~Hoofers .02

    in reply to: Now what?? – Announcement #733548

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Yes, we love you lots and so appreciate everything you do for us! 😀

    twindragonsmum 😀


    Also, it wouldn’t have been done without the efforts of the organizers.

    Thank you too! 😎

    in reply to: You MUST look at this auction…. #728498

    Rusti wrote:

    Really? WWJD was a huge jewelry fad back in 97-98? I had a bracelet that I wore for years until I finally lost it.

    Ahhh, that explains it.

    1) I’m not much of a jewelry person.

    2) I’m even moreso not a fad person.

    3) In 97-98, I was living under a very dismal rock contemplating a divorce. 😥


    Tell me to suck it up, put my big girl panties on, shake the dirt off my feet and move on, which I did. 🙂

    in reply to: 6am visitor – Sad News 🙁 #732787

    purplecat wrote:

    Did you know that I read that statistically, each person swallows 8 spiders in their lifetime? while sleeping? 😯 😯 ….My only question is…how did they get that statistic?

    I always wondered why some days my morning breath seemed a bit more toxic than average. 😆

    The below shots are at Moms place, the slang name for these ladies are Bananna spiders and yes, they’re everywhere! I have fond memories of hauling arse through the various woods on horseback and getting plastered everywhere with their webs.

    My sister saw me taking these shots, wandered over to ooh and aah at the sight and excitedly, in her sick and demented way, ran in to bring Mom out to view her many, many buddies.

    Mom no likey spidey, let alone what you are about to see below. She promptly ran into the house to grab her spray. 😮

    How many can YOU count?

    Because of their smaller size, there are a lot of males in there that you’re not seeing.

    in reply to: Kittens! #732879

    lamortefille wrote:

    The one to the far right of the planter picture was adopted by my sister’s friend. She named him Puma. When she’s sends pictures, I’ll update the album. The other three were delivered to a cat rescue last night and will be placed in a foster home until they are ready to be adopted. She thinks she has a solid lead on a home for two of them already. 😀

    Brandy has been calling and searching for her kittens all morning, poor thing:( I feel bad for her, but it’s for the best. We miss them, too. We’re going to call the vet and see if we can get Brandy taken in sooner. We made the appt. thinking we would have the kittens here another week. I want to get her taken care of asap.

    I bet you do!

    I’d love to have a female orange tabby. She’d so compliment the common grey tabby male that I have.

    in reply to: Wrinkled gloss coat?! #731285

    Is there any chance that this thread could be ‘stickied’ so that it doesn’t go away? Perhaps the title to the thread could also be changed to something more appropriate say, “Bubble-wrap can be harmful for long term Windstone Storage – Read here!”

    This really is an important tidbit of information about how NOT to wrap/store a Windstone long term.

    Who would have thought, given enough time and the right circumstances, that bubble-wrap could cause that kind of damage to the clear coat finish of a Windstone?

    in reply to: Ski's Sales On Hold For a Bit. #728174

    Correction …

    Kyrins, Kyrins, KYRINS 😛

    in reply to: Sept. Raffle #732504

    Jasmine wrote:

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Melody wrote:

    I can’t find the eyeballs for the one I’d like to use.

    That statement has to become a classic…

    I hate it when I can’t find my eyeballs… 😛

    Those of us that require the use of eye glasses can definately relate to the above statement.

    We really do hate it when we can’t find our eyeballs. 😎

    Imagine our horror when we accidently sit or step on our eyeballs. 😯

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