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OMG Apari! You know my X!! His name is Yorik! He’s my X but he’s still my best friend! He said you and Hannah play with him! What a small world!
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Jennifer! That info is so helpful!
Thank you all for the advice!It was hard to convince my honey that the cat didn’t need to be declawed. It got kind of nasty between us. I was about to kick him out for the cat! <.<
But because of all your advice and articles I convinced him otherwise.We are going to get some kitty clippers today and some chicken breast to cook up as a treat.
Oh I love him! You did an amazing job matching him to his parent! Lifebloom is one of my favorites of yours! 🙂
Sorry for the late response. I have had a stomach bug. Ana cat stayed beside me the entire time. I love her so much. She is sitting next to me as I type this.
As silly as it might sound I have read all your responses out loud so Ana cat could listen. I don’t think she fully understands but she is a very smart cat and she knows when I don’t feel good or I am deeply troubled.
As I stated in my first post I find declawing cruel. Like Hannah pointed out it is taking a full joint off. I always consider my animals like people and I put myself in their place. I wouldn’t want to loose a joint. I also realize that furniture is just things but there needs to be a happy medium.
I have catered to Ana. She is very spoiled princess. Maybe that might be one of the problems. When I do not give her enough attention she goes nuts and starts the clawing. I appreciate everyone’s opinions.Daydreamer I am not upset that someone tells me their opinion. I wouldn’t have posted on here if that was the case.
Jennifer you are very wise. Their are so many animals on the streets and in shelters because people didn’t want the trouble of taking care of that animal. I am in it for the long haul. I can not just give Ana away because she claws my furniture or anything else for that matter.
I am going to try and clip her claws short. I would greatly love some links or people’s own experience in this matter. 🙂
Jasmine I am so sorry for your loss. You shouldn’t feel bad. You had a good last visit with your grandma. You are very lucky, try not to feel guilty. We all have those kind of thoughts from time to time.
*Hugs*Much healing love your way! *Hugs*
I agree Wampus! It does look like the opposite of Autumn Leaf, I love it!
I love everyones! Your’s is cute Pegasi! But I am sure they will be someone out there who would like to trade. I really like his little clear crystal!
Syn I want to see pictures of a blue eyed one!
Here is my little guy! I love him! Just like Machineguts said they look like ebay pieces! Thank you Melody! This is an awesome idea ^_^
Oh I love them all but especially the unicorn!
Oh wow! This has to be my favorite muse ever!
We will be making zombie t shirts. It’s a little silly but I was wearing some Abercrombie and Fitch sweat pants and they have a little moose as their icon. As a passing thought I wished their was a clothing brand that had dragon,griffins, unicorn, or zombies as an icon. Well everything has a clothing brand but zombies. I drew up a cute little zombie icon that would look cute on a polo shirts kind of like the alligator or polo pony. Than we made a t shirt that said Arrgrrzombie. My friends went nuts. So we bought the URL name and are trying to find a place to print our stuff. Silly I know but I think it will be fun!
Oh I love him! Looks like he is wearing black gloves
My fiancé and I are starting our own business! I am super excited!
Oh he is gorgeous! I love blue and green together! They are my favorite colors!
The Egyptian keeper arrived at my moms last night, I am going today to pick him up! I can’t wait!!!
Who knew they would go so fast. I was lucky to get one. They were kind of pricy for baby unis but I am sure that’s because they were all hand brushed and all different. Coming up with so many patterns would make my head spin.