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  • in reply to: Windstone Tattoos! #812403

    I think I actually wouldn’t mind the Bad Cat candlelamp or a peacock Secret Keeper. 😀 Not to mention I would like to get a good detailed tat. My family is paying for one on my 18th b-day. 🙂

    in reply to: Dragon Sculpting #811510

    Kyrraven wrote:

    I’ve noticed one thing that hasn’t been mentioned about clay sculpting yet. If you need to do something utilizing both thick and thin areas, such as a horse, you would make the thin areas out of solid clay, but for thick areas like the body, you tightly crumple newspaper and coat it with clay, leaving a small hole or two in a discreet location for air to escape. That way you can have a thicker body but not have the piece blow up. The main reason pieces blow up is that air pockets in the clay expand as it heats, so if you have holes the extra air has a place to escape. This is one reason why ceramic sculptures often have a large hole in the bottom (the other main reason is a lot of them are made in bulk via slip-casting). And the newspaper? The heat of the kiln burns it to ash, leaving your sculpture hollow.

    Huh. Never thought of that… squeek* That’s such a good idea, I might actually try it. It would probably make the inside a cool-looking black. 🙂 Thanks!!

    in reply to: Vampire Bat available now! 4/20/10 #811655

    WHAT??!! AN AWESOME BAT??? 😮
    *runs to dig out change from couches*

    It’s so CUTE!!! Hope there’s more in the future… leopard-bat?? 😀

    in reply to: RANT … Seriously? WTF #811191

    Actually that was a good comeback! I couldn’t think of that one if I tried. 😀

    Well, maybe she will get fired and then she’ll be twice as miserable. And stuffing her isn’t a good idea!! No one would keep her in their house. 😀

    in reply to: Who Have U Met And…. #811284

    oooh… which direction? north?

    Actually, yeah. Palmdale area. 🙁 Nothing out here but desert. Going to Poppy Festival on Sunday! 😀

    in reply to: Dragon Sculpting #811508

    Thanks so much! 😀 That’s a pretty long time to make one and I like the ball scale method. Its like wow…. 😮

    And we work with the generic, from Michael’s art supply low-fire. Kind of grey-ish… and normally it keeps for a week in a plastic bag unless there’s a hole or you forget to water it a little. I forsee a lot of work… but its worth it.

    in reply to: Dragon Sculpting #811507

    NicoleH wrote:

    I made a dragon in my high school ceramics class a few years back. I spent around two weeks on him I believe only to have him explode in the kiln 🙁 . Despite the tragedy he was still fun to make and it gave me more appreciation for Melody’s work. I think I tried sculpting him when i was about to start seriously collecting. I would recommend keeping it simple, doing layers of clay when you have to fire it can be a disaster when you have to deal with air bubbles. You could always try an air drying media like apoxie sculpt or an oven baking clay like sculpey. Those are at least less temperamental. I know this was a question for Melody but I hope this helps, figured I would put my two cents in since I attempted the same thing you are about to 🙂

    Actually, its the kind of advice I was actually hoping to get. 🙂 Stuff like this actually helps, because we get about 50 minutes in class and some stuff likes to blow up (not mine… knock on wood…) and its great there’s a whole bunch of people here who understand its WORTH days and weeks of work. 😀

    Sorry about your dragon though…. 😥

    in reply to: Who Have U Met And…. #811264

    I would like to meet everyone! Even the ones I haven’t met on here yet! 😀

    Hey, I’m about an hour away from L.A.!!!! You’re not that alone. 🙂

    in reply to: Dragon Sculpting #811504

    As far as my knowledge goes, all the windstones cast came from a single “master copy” sculpture right? Because i’m in high school ceramics and I LOVE dragons, I was going to try making my own original special-to-me dragon. So I wanted to ask:
    1. What is the longest it has taken you to make a single sculpture?
    2. What do you think is the best way to make scales, by hand or tool?
    3. How do you come up with these ideas anyway? 😀 (you don’t really have to answer that one.)

    Any other bits of wisdom with sculpting is cool too…. 😳

    in reply to: RANT … Seriously? WTF #811170

    I’ve wanted to tell you how cool your icon is btw. I keep forgeting.
    Naru-fan forever! 😀

    in reply to: RANT … Seriously? WTF #811169

    👿 BANG!! Now, maybe she’ll understand…. 😈
    See, some people just can’t handle being responsible pet owners. I would be RUNNING, let me repeat, RUNNING!!!!!!! to the nearest vet. At least maybe it would have had a chance and if not, a peaceful passing. I suggest if you can deep, deep (seriously, dig drill or otherwise to get there) deep down able to forgive her for being so ignorantly annoying and EVIL, then I guess a continuation of friendship (partnership) is okay. If you want to run her out of town with a few friends (cough) or more with pitchforks & torches, I suggest you walk the other way for fear of us having to write you Jail Mail. We could start an animal (pet) thread if you want to 🙂 and we’ll start it for your honor.

    in reply to: Got Pena? #810777

    I LM_O!!!! I want one!!! 😆

    in reply to: About the new metallic eyes #810790

    WOW!!! These eyes make the sculptures that much more detailed, realistic and magical! I can’t WAIT for them to be on dragons!
    LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

    in reply to: …. >_> #809202

    Good job!!! 🙂

    I am, of course, an avid reader, but I get stuck if I try writing… 😛
    Beta Sign up for me too!!!! I LOVE reading new work and it would be cool if you made it awesome so I can say, I KNOW THIS PERSON!!! 😀

    Hiiiii… by the way.

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809610

    Sent E-mail. Hopefully you finally got it, because it took a lot of thinking to answer. 8)

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