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  • in reply to: Photo Competition VOTING TIME! #813831

    Yay! There’s supposed to be a storm over here on the weekend and the deadline lets me get some good grad shots. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #678764

    OMGGGG!!! Thanks everyone!!! I just got on from being in Vegas and found out I now have 2 DRAGONS!! It made my day!!! πŸ˜†

    in reply to: You know you're a Windstone Addict when… #811382

    I had to add this after the latest thread trend:

    You are a Windstone Addict when you get a Windstone themed tattoo! *Hoping to get on this title…* 8)

    Or when you almost explode on your friends for NOT knowing what a Windstone is!!

    in reply to: omg… #814791

    We’re just happy you can come home. πŸ˜€

    Just put ski in a box full of MRE’s. Nobody goes to look for one of those… πŸ˜›

    in reply to: omg… #814784

    It is SO not your fault. It is good you are leaving, and about the ‘feeling like you let people down’, don’t worry about it. If your brother & sister comrades know that its for your health and for you to get better, they will understand and want you to go because they feel that they want what’s best for you. They haven’t lost a comrade, they gained a friend and partner-in-arms. If they won’t, they weren’t really your friends anyway.

    Besides, if luck is amazing and the world wants to pay you back, your packages will get there before you leave. I wish it upon you. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Other PYO Options #813444

    Omg!! I LOVE those pythons!! πŸ˜€ So CUTE!!

    I don’t have any suggestions, other than maybe combing through Michael’s or JoAnn’s for those little kid sculptures, but hey, it might help with small space details and textures (tiny kitten anyone??)

    in reply to: New tattoo #814644

    AWESOME!!! πŸ˜€ Love it!!

    in reply to: Spam on the forum #814128

    *sighs* immature people man… :nea: Must mean they’re pretty desperate. πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809668

    Oy! 0_o So much to think over and so much to try and find…

    I also apologize if whomever has me and its either not clear or too hard to buy stuff. I’m an easygoing person I swear!! 😳

    in reply to: Photo Competition VOTING TIME! #813805

    I could, if I can find my grandma’s camera cord… πŸ˜€ I have about 6 little cousins who hang out at her house.
    A competition sounds cool.

    in reply to: Only a few days and I missed a LOT! #813973

    Funny thing is that I have a general idea of what I want to do with my life (video games or a form of art), how to get there is another story…. :scratch:

    And it IS the real world that scares the crap out of me. It’s just going to take a lot of thinking and soul searching..

    in reply to: Summer 2010 Swap Complete! #809659

    All right!! *runs to nearest shops for ideas* πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Only a few days and I missed a LOT! #813966

    Wow, people won the raffles (no home for Opoponax?? πŸ˜₯ ) CONGRATS to both btw… πŸ˜€
    And the Summer Swap is open?? I missed like a week of events. πŸ™

    I’M SO STRESSED!! I have high school senior checkout and I was almost off the graduation list for a messed-up absence list and an Independant Study credit make-up that didn’t clear. And I HAVE NO IDEA what to do with my life, and I have FINALS in 2 weeks, and I’m LEAVING PUBLIC SCHOOL…. :shout: πŸ™„ I feel like i’m going to crash!!! πŸ˜₯

    Anyway, that is the last of my rant. I feel a little better now. Thank you. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Windstone Tattoos! #812413

    Jennifer wrote:

    You and anyone are welcome to use my work for personal tattoos– quite honestly I am flattered and honored! All I ask is the same that Melody asks– that the flash is destroyed (or, taken home with you). All I am wanting to prevent is the tattoo artist keeping it as ‘house flash’ or worse yet (and YES people do this!) .. sell it as flash to other tattoo shops. So, as long as the art is going on you and the tattoo shop/artist does not keep it, it’s cool with me!

    Hey Jennifer, where can I find yours and Melody’s art? I would like a dragon for my 18th in October and it would be twice as cool if it came from a great artist and incorporated a love of mine. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Dragon Sculpting #811512

    0_0 I think i’m going to try both methods. No one should be alone right?? πŸ˜€

    I actually appreciate all the ideas, everyone. Everything helps! πŸ™‚

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