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  • in reply to: So, Nirvana… #557675

    Wow, that does sound interesting… and despite Zack’s behaviour, it sounds like things may turn out very well in your favour. Good for you!

    Getting a commendation from a customer is always a great way to ensure your position with an employer stays on good footing. Feels good to hear, too! It’ll lend a lot of credence to your cause.

    Well, good luck with the rest! And thanks for the update!

    in reply to: ANy good finger food recipies? #558181

    2 – 3 tbsp. butter
    2 large garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
    ~2 cups finely chopped mushrooms (brown or portobello, preferably)
    1/2 tsp. dried thyme (or basil), or 1 tsp. fresh herb
    1/4 c. dry white wine
    dash of lemon juice
    salt and pepper to taste

    french bread sliced into 1/4″ thick rounds and toasted in the oven
    parmesean cheese

    In saucepan over medium heat, melt butter, and sauté garlic for 1 minute. Add mushrooms and sauté until just softened. Add herbs and white wine, and stir occasionally until liquid in pan is reduced to ~1/4 the original volume. Remove from heat; add salt, pepper and lemon juice, stir, and spoon on top of toasted french bread rounds (top with parmesean cheese if desired).

    Enjoy! 🙂

    in reply to: Teeny Tiny Dragon #557083

    That’s positively adorable.

    in reply to: Abalone Dragon #557143

    Ah, I see! Your digital medium handling looks very authentic to the real thing. Very organic. Do you use Painter, Open Canvas, Photoshop or…? I use Painter and Photoshop myself.

    in reply to: Abalone Dragon #557141

    I love your art style. Your colour choices are superb. I might have missed it, but do you colour your dragons digitally or with watercolour/markers, etc?

    EDIT: ah, just checked your DA profile, and see real media usage there. *G* Very nice.

    in reply to: A Fake??? #557547

    Yeah, I’ve seen that mold too, plus a number of others in the same dragon style. Whoever the artist is has a whole line of those dragons for ceramic painting, and none of them look much like Windstones (no similar styles or poses). The big bulbous eyes, scale texture and stout features are quite different in person.

    in reply to: So, Nirvana… #557664

    … whatever became of the situation at your workplace? I was just thinking of it recently and wondered what might have come of any discussion. I might have missed any recent updates about the issue…

    in reply to: Planet Earth on Discovery channel #555757

    Yeah it will almost certainly be on the internet already as it’s been airing in Canada for well over a year now (we’re seeing the second season up here). Surprised it’s not on DVD already…

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to you. (Today) #555760

    Happy Birthday, most talented Melody!

    in reply to: Will OW's ever be put back in regular production? #553219

    skigod377 wrote:

    It was OOAK for the prototype version, so it may come out on the regular OW. The problem is that the color is so hard to paint! 😆

    Ahhhh sooooo… I was correct and not confused! (for once 😆 ) Well, that leaves some hope anyway. ^_^

    in reply to: Windstone colours #553347

    Hmmm, yeah, purple… I have to say I like Black Violet Peacock better than Black Emerald Peacock. And all the Flame-y colours are pretty awesome overall. Something about the red, purple and rusty hues mixed with gold in gradients looks great on these figures.

    in reply to: Will OW's ever be put back in regular production? #553215

    Ah ok. I thought maybe it was OOAK for the prototype version or something, my mistake. 🙂

    in reply to: Will OW's ever be put back in regular production? #553213

    Despite how I can never afford anything beyond a single PYO a couple times a year, I would absolutely find a way to buy (at retail, not eBay prices) an Autumn Leaf Old Warrior. If that colour scheme never came out on any other sculpt but that one (ignoring the pending SKs), it wouldn’t matter a lot to me. I must have an Old Warrior in the ‘autumn’ of his life.

    However, I know the other colours are much easier to produce, so for the sake of others who want one, I’d suggest going with the new Gold (with lots of shading, and lavender accents) first. He’d look pretty darn regal I think. Even more handsome than the Emperor turned out to be.

    in reply to: Anyone here have Lupus? #551140

    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

    I got turned into a newt once……


    ……It got better…… 😆


    Who are you, who is so WISE in the ways of science??

    in reply to: Anyone here have Lupus? #551138

    I thought so too… regarding a cure for lyme disease that is. You have to treat it quickly before permanent damage is done though, I think. Perhaps that’s what Nam meant by having it? It can be tricky to treat though too, I think.

    Exhaustion and pain are just some of the symptoms. It’s a real nasty too from what I’ve read. I don’t ever recall having the telltale bullseye mark from any infected deer tick bites, so I don’t really think it’s my issue. I should get tested though, I guess; spent years in places with a heavy deer tick population. That is, to answer your question, pretty much the main way of contracting Lyme disease.

    All I can say is, having a body that attacks itself really sucks! Doesn’t it know that’s not good for it?? Honestly…

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